Vadim Zeitlin bb44855297 1. wxTreeCtrl::SetBackgroundColour() works (with new comctl32 anyhow)
2. wxToolTip should work with old comctl32

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@5225 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2000-01-03 23:38:57 +00:00

506 lines
20 KiB

// Name: treectrl.h
// Purpose: wxTreeCtrl class
// Author: Julian Smart
// Modified by: Vadim Zeitlin to be less MSW-specific on 10/10/98
// Created: 01/02/97
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart and Markus Holzem
// Licence: wxWindows license
#ifndef _WX_TREECTRL_H_
#define _WX_TREECTRL_H_
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// headers
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface "treectrl.h"
#include "wx/textctrl.h"
#include "wx/dynarray.h"
#ifdef __GNUWIN32__
// Cygwin windows.h defines these identifiers
#undef GetFirstChild
#undef GetNextSibling
#endif // Cygwin
// the type for "untyped" data
typedef long wxDataType;
// fwd decl
class WXDLLEXPORT wxImageList;
struct WXDLLEXPORT wxTreeViewItem;
// a callback function used for sorting tree items, it should return -1 if the
// first item precedes the second, +1 if the second precedes the first or 0 if
// they're equivalent
class wxTreeItemData;
// NB: all the following flags are for compatbility only and will be removed in the
// next versions
// flags for deprecated `Expand(int action)'
// flags for deprecated InsertItem() variant
#define wxTREE_INSERT_FIRST 0xFFFF0001
#define wxTREE_INSERT_LAST 0xFFFF0002
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTreeItemId identifies an element of the tree. In this implementation, it's
// just a trivial wrapper around Win32 HTREEITEM. It's opaque for the
// application.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxTreeItemId
// ctors
// 0 is invalid value for HTREEITEM
wxTreeItemId() { m_itemId = 0; }
// default copy ctor/assignment operator are ok for us
// accessors
// is this a valid tree item?
bool IsOk() const { return m_itemId != 0; }
// conversion to/from either real (system-dependent) tree item id or
// to "long" which used to be the type for tree item ids in previous
// versions of wxWindows
// for wxTreeCtrl usage only
wxTreeItemId(WXHTREEITEM itemId) { m_itemId = (long)itemId; }
operator WXHTREEITEM() const { return (WXHTREEITEM)m_itemId; }
void operator=(WXHTREEITEM item) { m_itemId = (long) item; }
long m_itemId;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTreeItemData is some (arbitrary) user class associated with some item. The
// main advantage of having this class (compared to old untyped interface) is
// that wxTreeItemData's are destroyed automatically by the tree and, as this
// class has virtual dtor, it means that the memory will be automatically
// freed. OTOH, we don't just use wxObject instead of wxTreeItemData because
// the size of this class is critical: in any real application, each tree leaf
// will have wxTreeItemData associated with it and number of leaves may be
// quite big.
// Because the objects of this class are deleted by the tree, they should
// always be allocated on the heap!
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxTreeItemData : private wxTreeItemId
// default ctor/copy ctor/assignment operator are ok
// dtor is virtual and all the items are deleted by the tree control when
// it's deleted, so you normally don't have to care about freeing memory
// allocated in your wxTreeItemData-derived class
virtual ~wxTreeItemData() { }
// accessors: set/get the item associated with this node
void SetId(const wxTreeItemId& id) { m_itemId = id; }
const wxTreeItemId GetId() const { return *this; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTreeCtrl
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT wxTreeCtrl : public wxControl
// creation
// --------
wxTreeCtrl() { Init(); }
wxTreeCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS | wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = "wxTreeCtrl")
Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name);
virtual ~wxTreeCtrl();
bool Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS | wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = "wxTreeCtrl");
// accessors
// ---------
// get the total number of items in the control
size_t GetCount() const;
// indent is the number of pixels the children are indented relative to
// the parents position. SetIndent() also redraws the control
// immediately.
unsigned int GetIndent() const;
void SetIndent(unsigned int indent);
// spacing is the number of pixels between the start and the Text
// not implemented under wxMSW
unsigned int GetSpacing() const { return 18; } // return wxGTK default
void SetSpacing(unsigned int WXUNUSED(spacing)) { }
// image list: these functions allow to associate an image list with
// the control and retrieve it. Note that the control does _not_ delete
// the associated image list when it's deleted in order to allow image
// lists to be shared between different controls.
// The normal image list is for the icons which correspond to the
// normal tree item state (whether it is selected or not).
// Additionally, the application might choose to show a state icon
// which corresponds to an app-defined item state (for example,
// checked/unchecked) which are taken from the state image list.
wxImageList *GetImageList() const;
wxImageList *GetStateImageList() const;
void SetImageList(wxImageList *imageList);
void SetStateImageList(wxImageList *imageList);
// Functions to work with tree ctrl items. Unfortunately, they can _not_ be
// member functions of wxTreeItem because they must know the tree the item
// belongs to for Windows implementation and storing the pointer to
// wxTreeCtrl in each wxTreeItem is just too much waste.
// accessors
// ---------
// retrieve items label
wxString GetItemText(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// get one of the images associated with the item (normal by default)
int GetItemImage(const wxTreeItemId& item,
wxTreeItemIcon which = wxTreeItemIcon_Normal) const;
// get the data associated with the item
wxTreeItemData *GetItemData(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// modifiers
// ---------
// set items label
void SetItemText(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxString& text);
// get one of the images associated with the item (normal by default)
void SetItemImage(const wxTreeItemId& item, int image,
wxTreeItemIcon which = wxTreeItemIcon_Normal);
// associate some data with the item
void SetItemData(const wxTreeItemId& item, wxTreeItemData *data);
// force appearance of [+] button near the item. This is useful to
// allow the user to expand the items which don't have any children now
// - but instead add them only when needed, thus minimizing memory
// usage and loading time.
void SetItemHasChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool has = TRUE);
// the item will be shown in bold
void SetItemBold(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool bold = TRUE);
// the item will be shown with a drop highlight
void SetItemDropHighlight(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool highlight = TRUE);
// set the items text colour
void SetItemTextColour(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxColour& col);
// set the items background colour
void SetItemBackgroundColour(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxColour& col);
// set the items font (should be of the same height for all items)
void SetItemFont(const wxTreeItemId& item, const wxFont& font);
// item status inquiries
// ---------------------
// is the item visible (it might be outside the view or not expanded)?
bool IsVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// does the item has any children?
bool ItemHasChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// is the item expanded (only makes sense if HasChildren())?
bool IsExpanded(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// is this item currently selected (the same as has focus)?
bool IsSelected(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// is item text in bold font?
bool IsBold(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// number of children
// ------------------
// if 'recursively' is FALSE, only immediate children count, otherwise
// the returned number is the number of all items in this branch
size_t GetChildrenCount(const wxTreeItemId& item,
bool recursively = TRUE) const;
// navigation
// ----------
// wxTreeItemId.IsOk() will return FALSE if there is no such item
// get the root tree item
wxTreeItemId GetRootItem() const;
// get the item currently selected (may return NULL if no selection)
wxTreeItemId GetSelection() const;
// get the items currently selected, return the number of such item
// NB: this operation is expensive and can take a long time for a
// control with a lot of items (~ O(number of items)).
size_t GetSelections(wxArrayTreeItemIds& selections) const;
// get the parent of this item (may return NULL if root)
wxTreeItemId GetParent(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// for this enumeration function you must pass in a "cookie" parameter
// which is opaque for the application but is necessary for the library
// to make these functions reentrant (i.e. allow more than one
// enumeration on one and the same object simultaneously). Of course,
// the "cookie" passed to GetFirstChild() and GetNextChild() should be
// the same!
// get the first child of this item
wxTreeItemId GetFirstChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, long& _cookie) const;
// get the next child
wxTreeItemId GetNextChild(const wxTreeItemId& item, long& _cookie) const;
// get the last child of this item - this method doesn't use cookies
wxTreeItemId GetLastChild(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// get the next sibling of this item
wxTreeItemId GetNextSibling(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// get the previous sibling
wxTreeItemId GetPrevSibling(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// get first visible item
wxTreeItemId GetFirstVisibleItem() const;
// get the next visible item: item must be visible itself!
// see IsVisible() and wxTreeCtrl::GetFirstVisibleItem()
wxTreeItemId GetNextVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// get the previous visible item: item must be visible itself!
wxTreeItemId GetPrevVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// operations
// ----------
// add the root node to the tree
wxTreeItemId AddRoot(const wxString& text,
int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1,
wxTreeItemData *data = NULL);
// insert a new item in as the first child of the parent
wxTreeItemId PrependItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent,
const wxString& text,
int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1,
wxTreeItemData *data = NULL);
// insert a new item after a given one
wxTreeItemId InsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent,
const wxTreeItemId& idPrevious,
const wxString& text,
int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1,
wxTreeItemData *data = NULL);
// insert a new item before the one with the given index
wxTreeItemId InsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent,
size_t index,
const wxString& text,
int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1,
wxTreeItemData *data = NULL);
// insert a new item in as the last child of the parent
wxTreeItemId AppendItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent,
const wxString& text,
int image = -1, int selectedImage = -1,
wxTreeItemData *data = NULL);
// delete this item and associated data if any
void Delete(const wxTreeItemId& item);
// delete all children (but don't delete the item itself)
// NB: this won't send wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_DELETED events
void DeleteChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item);
// delete all items from the tree
// NB: this won't send wxEVT_COMMAND_TREE_ITEM_DELETED events
void DeleteAllItems();
// expand this item
void Expand(const wxTreeItemId& item);
// collapse the item without removing its children
void Collapse(const wxTreeItemId& item);
// collapse the item and remove all children
void CollapseAndReset(const wxTreeItemId& item);
// toggles the current state
void Toggle(const wxTreeItemId& item);
// remove the selection from currently selected item (if any)
void Unselect();
// unselect all items (only makes sense for multiple selection control)
void UnselectAll();
// select this item
void SelectItem(const wxTreeItemId& item);
// make sure this item is visible (expanding the parent item and/or
// scrolling to this item if necessary)
void EnsureVisible(const wxTreeItemId& item);
// scroll to this item (but don't expand its parent)
void ScrollTo(const wxTreeItemId& item);
// start editing the item label: this (temporarily) replaces the item
// with a one line edit control. The item will be selected if it hadn't
// been before. textCtrlClass parameter allows you to create an edit
// control of arbitrary user-defined class deriving from wxTextCtrl.
wxTextCtrl* EditLabel(const wxTreeItemId& item,
wxClassInfo* textCtrlClass = CLASSINFO(wxTextCtrl));
// returns the same pointer as StartEdit() if the item is being edited,
// NULL otherwise (it's assumed that no more than one item may be
// edited simultaneously)
wxTextCtrl* GetEditControl() const;
// end editing and accept or discard the changes to item label
void EndEditLabel(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool discardChanges = FALSE);
// sorting
// this function is called to compare 2 items and should return -1, 0
// or +1 if the first item is less than, equal to or greater than the
// second one. The base class version performs alphabetic comparaison
// of item labels (GetText)
virtual int OnCompareItems(const wxTreeItemId& item1,
const wxTreeItemId& item2);
// sort the children of this item using OnCompareItems
// NB: this function is not reentrant and not MT-safe (FIXME)!
void SortChildren(const wxTreeItemId& item);
// helpers
// -------
// determine to which item (if any) belongs the given point (the
// coordinates specified are relative to the client area of tree ctrl)
// and fill the flags parameter with a bitmask of wxTREE_HITTEST_xxx
// constants.
// The first function is more portable (because easier to implement
// on other platforms), but the second one returns some extra info.
wxTreeItemId HitTest(const wxPoint& point)
{ int dummy; return HitTest(point, dummy); }
wxTreeItemId HitTest(const wxPoint& point, int& flags);
// get the bounding rectangle of the item (or of its label only)
bool GetBoundingRect(const wxTreeItemId& item,
wxRect& rect,
bool textOnly = FALSE) const;
// deprecated
// ----------
// these methods are deprecated and will be removed in future versions of
// wxWindows, they're here for compatibility only, don't use them in new
// code (the comments indicate why these methods are now useless and how to
// replace them)
// use Expand, Collapse, CollapseAndReset or Toggle
void ExpandItem(const wxTreeItemId& item, int action);
// use AddRoot, PrependItem or AppendItem
wxTreeItemId InsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent,
const wxString& text,
int image = -1, int selImage = -1,
long insertAfter = wxTREE_INSERT_LAST);
// use Set/GetImageList and Set/GetStateImageList
wxImageList *GetImageList(int) const
{ return GetImageList(); }
void SetImageList(wxImageList *imageList, int)
{ SetImageList(imageList); }
// use Set/GetItemImage directly
// get the selected item image
int GetItemSelectedImage(const wxTreeItemId& item) const
{ return GetItemImage(item, wxTreeItemIcon_Selected); }
// set the selected item image
void SetItemSelectedImage(const wxTreeItemId& item, int image)
{ SetItemImage(item, image, wxTreeItemIcon_Selected); }
// implementation
// --------------
virtual bool MSWCommand(WXUINT param, WXWORD id);
virtual bool MSWOnNotify(int idCtrl, WXLPARAM lParam, WXLPARAM *result);
// override some base class virtuals
virtual bool SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour &colour);
virtual bool SetForegroundColour(const wxColour &colour);
// get/set the check state for the item (only for wxTR_MULTIPLE)
bool IsItemChecked(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
void SetItemCheck(const wxTreeItemId& item, bool check = TRUE);
// SetImageList helper
void SetAnyImageList(wxImageList *imageList, int which);
wxTextCtrl *m_textCtrl; // used while editing the item label
wxImageList *m_imageListNormal, // images for tree elements
*m_imageListState; // special images for app defined states
// the common part of all ctors
void Init();
// helper functions
inline bool DoGetItem(wxTreeViewItem *tvItem) const;
inline void DoSetItem(wxTreeViewItem *tvItem);
inline void DoExpand(const wxTreeItemId& item, int flag);
wxTreeItemId DoInsertItem(const wxTreeItemId& parent,
wxTreeItemId hInsertAfter,
const wxString& text,
int image, int selectedImage,
wxTreeItemData *data);
int DoGetItemImageFromData(const wxTreeItemId& item,
wxTreeItemIcon which) const;
void DoSetItemImageFromData(const wxTreeItemId& item,
int image,
wxTreeItemIcon which) const;
void DoSetItemImages(const wxTreeItemId& item, int image, int imageSel);
void DeleteTextCtrl();
// support for additional item images
friend class wxTreeItemIndirectData;
void SetIndirectItemData(const wxTreeItemId& item,
wxTreeItemIndirectData *data);
bool HasIndirectData(const wxTreeItemId& item) const;
// the array storing all item ids which have indirect data
wxArrayTreeItemIds m_itemsWithIndirectData;
// the hash storing the items attributes (indexed by items ids)
wxHashTable m_attrs;
// TRUE if the hash above is not empty
bool m_hasAnyAttr;