1998-06-14 12:11:50 +00:00

388 lines
14 KiB

A tree control presents information as a hierarchy, with items that may be expanded
to show further items. Items in a tree control are referenced by long integer handles.
To intercept events from a tree control, use the event table macros described in \helpref{wxTreeEvent}{wxtreeevent}.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Window styles}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTR\_HAS\_BUTTONS}}{Use this style to show + and - buttons to the
left of parent items.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTR\_EDIT\_LABELS}}{Use this style if you wish the user to be
able to edit labels in the tree control.}
See also \helpref{window styles overview}{windowstyles}.
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxTreeCtrl overview}{wxtreectrloverview}, \helpref{wxListBox}{wxlistbox}, \helpref{wxListCtrl}{wxlistctrl},\rtfsp
\helpref{wxImageList}{wximagelist}, \helpref{wxTreeEvent}{wxtreeevent}
Default constructor.
\func{}{wxTreeCtrl}{\param{wxWindow*}{ parent}, \param{wxWindowID}{ id},\rtfsp
\param{const wxPoint\&}{ pos = wxDefaultPosition}, \param{const wxSize\&}{ size = wxDefaultSize},\rtfsp
\param{long}{ style = wxTR\_HAS\_BUTTONS}, \param{const wxValidator\& }{validator = wxDefaultValidator}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = ``listCtrl"}}
Constructor, creating and showing a tree control.
\docparam{parent}{Parent window. Must not be NULL.}
\docparam{id}{Window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value.}
\docparam{pos}{Window position.}
\docparam{size}{Window size. If the default size (-1, -1) is specified then the window is sized
\docparam{style}{Window style. See \helpref{wxTreeCtrl}{wxtreectrl}.}
\docparam{validator}{Window validator.}
\docparam{name}{Window name.}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxTreeCtrl::Create}{wxtreectrlcreate}, \helpref{wxValidator}{wxvalidator}
Destructor, destroying the list control.
\func{bool}{wxTreeCtrl}{\param{wxWindow*}{ parent}, \param{wxWindowID}{ id},\rtfsp
\param{const wxPoint\&}{ pos = wxDefaultPosition}, \param{const wxSize\&}{ size = wxDefaultSize},\rtfsp
\param{long}{ style = wxTR\_HAS\_BUTTONS}, \param{const wxValidator\& }{validator = wxDefaultValidator}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = ``listCtrl"}}
Creates the tree control. See \helpref{wxTreeCtrl::wxTreeCtrl}{wxtreectrlconstr} for further details.
Deletes all the items in the control.
\func{bool}{DeleteItem}{\param{long }{item}}
Deletes the specified item.
\func{wxTextCtrl\&}{Edit}{\param{long }{item}}
Starts editing the label of the given item, returning the text control that the tree control uses for editing.
\func{bool}{EnsureVisible}{\param{long }{item}}
Scrolls and/or expands items to ensure that the given item is visible.
\func{bool}{ExpandItem}{\param{long }{item}, \param{int }{action}}
Expands the given item.
{\it action} may be one of:
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTREE\_EXPAND\_EXPAND}}{Expands the item.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTREE\_EXPAND\_COLLAPSE}}{Collapses the item.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTREE\_EXPAND\_COLLAPSE\_RESET}}{Collapses the item and removes the child items.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxTREE\_EXPAND\_TOGGLE}}{Expands if the item is collapsed, collapses if the item is expanded.}
\constfunc{long}{GetChild}{\param{long }{item}}
Call this function to retrieve the tree view item that is the first child of the item specified by {\it item}.
Returns the number of items in the control.
Returns the edit control used to edit a label.
Returns the first visible item.
\constfunc{wxImageList*}{GetImageList}{\param{int }{which = wxIMAGE\_LIST\_NORMAL}}
Returns the specified image list. {\it which} may be one of:
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxIMAGE\_LIST\_NORMAL}}{The normal (large icon) image list.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxIMAGE\_LIST\_SMALL}}{The small icon image list.}
\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxIMAGE\_LIST\_STATE}}{The user-defined state image list (unimplemented).}
Returns the current tree control indentation.
\constfunc{bool}{GetItem}{\param{wxTreeItem\& }{info}}
Gets information about the item. See \helpref{wxTreeCtrl::SetItem}{wxtreectrlsetitem} for more
\constfunc{long}{GetItemData}{\param{long }{item}}
Returns the client data associated with the item, if any.
\constfunc{bool}{GetItemRect}{\param{long }{item}, \param{wxRect\& }{rect}, \param{bool }{textOnly = FALSE}}
Returns the position and size of the rectangle bounding the item.
\constfunc{int}{GetItemState}{\param{long }{item}, \param{long }{stateMask}}
Gets the item state. For a list of state flags, see \helpref{wxTreeCtrl::SetItem}{wxtreectrlsetitem}.
\constfunc{wxString}{GetItemText}{\param{long }{item}}
Returns the item label.
\constfunc{long}{GetNextItem}{\param{long }{item}, \param{int }{code}}
Searches for an item using the given criterion, starting from {\it item}.
Returns the item or 0 if unsuccessful.
{\it code} can be one of:
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_NEXT\_CARET}{Retrieves the currently selected item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_NEXT\_CHILD}{Retrieves the first child item. The hItem parameter must be NULL.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_NEXT\_DROPHILITE}{Retrieves the item that is the target of a drag-and-drop operation.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_NEXT\_FIRSTVISIBLE}{Retrieves the first visible item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_NEXT\_NEXT}{Retrieves the next sibling item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_NEXT\_NEXTVISIBLE}{Retrieves the next visible item that follows the specified item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_NEXT\_PARENT}{Retrieves the parent of the specified item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_NEXT\_PREVIOUS}{Retrieves the previous sibling item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_NEXT\_PREVIOUSVISIBLE}{Retrieves the first visible item that precedes the specified item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_NEXT\_ROOT}{Retrieves the first child item of the root item of which the specified item is a part.}
\constfunc{long}{GetNextVisibleItem}{\param{long }{item}}
Returns the next visible item.
\constfunc{long}{GetParent}{\param{long }{item}}
Returns the item's parent.
Returns the root item for the tree control.
Returns the selection, or 0 if there is no selection.
\func{long}{HitTest}{\param{const wxPoint\& }{point}, \param{int\& }{flags}}
Calculates which (if any) item is under the given point, returning extra information
in {\it flags}. {\it flags} is a bitlist of the following:
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ABOVE}{Above the client area.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_BELOW}{Below the client area.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_NOWHERE}{In the client area but below the last item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMBUTTON}{On the button associated with an item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMICON}{On the bitmap associated with an item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMINDENT}{In the indentation associated with an item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMLABEL}{On the label (string) associated with an item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMRIGHT}{In the area to the right of an item.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_ONITEMSTATEICON}{On the state icon for a tree view item that is in a user-defined state.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_TOLEFT}{To the right of the client area.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_HITTEST\_TORIGHT}{To the left of the client area.}
\func{long}{InsertItem}{\param{long }{parent}, \param{wxTreeItem\& }{info}, \param{long }{insertAfter = wxTREE\_INSERT\_LAST}}
Inserts an item. For more information on {\it info}, see \helpref{wxTreeCtrl::SetItem}{wxtreectrlsetitem}.
\func{long}{InsertItem}{\param{long }{parent}, \param{const wxString\& }{label}, \param{int }{image = -1}, \param{int }{selImage = -1}, \param{long }{insertAfter = wxTREE\_INSERT\_LAST}}
Inserts an item.
If {\it image} > -1 and {\it selImage} is -1, the same image is used for
both selected and unselected items.
\constfunc{bool}{ItemHasChildren}{\param{long }{item}}
Returns TRUE if the item has children.
\func{bool}{ScrollTo}{\param{long }{item}}
selects the specified item and scrolls the item into view,
\func{bool}{SelectItem}{\param{long }{item}}
Selects the given item.
\func{void}{SetIndent}{\param{int }{indent}}
Sets the indentation for the tree control.
\func{void}{SetImageList}{\param{wxImageList*}{ imageList}, \param{int }{which = wxIMAGE\_LIST\_NORMAL}}
Sets the image list. {\it which} should be one of wxIMAGE\_LIST\_NORMAL, wxIMAGE\_LIST\_SMALL and
\func{bool}{SetItem}{\param{wxTreeItem\& }{info}}
Sets the properties of the item.
The members of wxTreeItem are as follows:
\twocolitem{m\_mask}{A bitlist specifying the valid members. See below for mask flags.}
\twocolitem{m\_itemId}{The item identifier.}
\twocolitem{m\_state}{The item state. See below for state flags.}
\twocolitem{m\_stateMask}{A bitlist specifying the valid contents of {\it m\_state}. These flags
are taken from the same set of symbols as {\it m\_state}.}
\twocolitem{m\_text}{The item label.}
\twocolitem{m\_image}{The item image index (an index into the appropriate image list).}
\twocolitem{m\_selectedImage}{The item selected index (an index into the appropriate image list).}
\twocolitem{m\_children}{The number of child items that this item has.}
\twocolitem{m\_data}{The application-defined data associated with this item.}
Valid mask flags are:
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_MASK\_HANDLE}{The {\it m\_itemId} member is valid.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_MASK\_STATE}{The {\it m\_state} member is valid.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_MASK\_TEXT}{The {\it m\_text} member is valid.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_MASK\_IMAGE}{The {\it m\_image} member is valid.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_MASK\_SELECTED\_IMAGE}{The {\it m\_selectedImage} member is valid.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_MASK\_CHILDREN}{The {\it m\_children} member is valid.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_MASK\_DATA}{The {\it m\_data} member is valid.}
Valid state and state mask flags are:
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_STATE\_BOLD}{The label is emboldened.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_STATE\_DROPHILITED}{The item indicates it is a drop target.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_STATE\_EXPANDED}{The item is expanded.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_STATE\_EXPANDEDONCE}{The item's list of child items has been expanded at least once.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_STATE\_FOCUSED}{The item has the focus, so it is surrounded by a standard focus rectangle.
Only one item can have the focus.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_STATE\_SELECTED}{The item is selected.}
\twocolitem{wxTREE\_STATE\_CUT}{The item is selected as part of a cut and paste operation.}
\func{bool}{SetItemImage}{\param{long }{item}, \param{int }{image}, \param{int }{selImage}}
Sets the item image and selected image. These are indices into the assciated image list.
\func{bool}{SetItemState}{\param{long }{item}, \param{long }{state}, \param{long }{stateMask}}
Sets the item state. See \helpref{wxTreeCtrl::SetItem}{wxtreectrlsetitem} for valid state and state mask flags.
\func{void}{SetItemText}{\param{long }{item}, \param{const wxString\& }{text}}
Sets the item label.
\func{bool}{SetItemData}{\param{long }{item}, \param{long }{data}}
Sets the item client data.
\func{bool}{SortChildren}{\param{long }{item}}
Sorts the children of the given item in ascending alphabetical order.