1999-05-15 23:40:42 +00:00

279 lines
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// Name: dcps.h
// Purpose: wxPostScriptDC class
// Author: Julian Smart and others
// Modified by:
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Julian Smart, Robert Roebling and Markus Holzem
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_DCPSG_H_
#define _WX_DCPSG_H_
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#include "wx/dc.h"
#include "wx/dialog.h"
#include "wx/module.h"
#include "wx/cmndata.h"
#include <fstream.h>
// classes
class wxPostScriptDC;
// wxPostScriptDC
class WXDLLEXPORT wxPostScriptDC: public wxDC
// Deprecated constructor
wxPostScriptDC(const wxString& output, bool interactive = TRUE, wxWindow *parent = (wxWindow *) NULL);
// Recommended constructor
wxPostScriptDC(const wxPrintData& printData);
// Deprecated
bool Create(const wxString& output, bool interactive = TRUE, wxWindow *parent = (wxWindow *) NULL);
virtual bool Ok() const;
// Deprecated: use wxGenericPrintDialog instead
virtual bool PrinterDialog(wxWindow *parent = (wxWindow *) NULL);
virtual void BeginDrawing() {}
virtual void EndDrawing() {}
void DoFloodFill(long x1, long y1, const wxColour &col, int style=wxFLOOD_SURFACE );
bool DoGetPixel(long x1, long y1, wxColour *col) const;
void DoDrawLine(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2);
void DoCrossHair(long x, long y) ;
void DoDrawArc(long x1,long y1,long x2,long y2,long xc,long yc);
void DoDrawEllipticArc(long x,long y,long w,long h,double sa,double ea);
void DoDrawPoint(long x, long y);
void DoDrawLines(int n, wxPoint points[], long xoffset = 0, long yoffset = 0);
void DoDrawPolygon(int n, wxPoint points[], long xoffset = 0, long yoffset = 0, int fillStyle=wxODDEVEN_RULE);
void DoDrawRectangle(long x, long y, long width, long height);
void DoDrawRoundedRectangle(long x, long y, long width, long height, double radius = 20);
void DoDrawEllipse(long x, long y, long width, long height);
void DoDrawSpline(wxList *points);
bool DoBlit(long xdest, long ydest, long width, long height,
wxDC *source, long xsrc, long ysrc, int rop = wxCOPY, bool useMask = FALSE);
inline bool CanDrawBitmap(void) const { return TRUE; }
void DoDrawIcon( const wxIcon& icon, long x, long y );
void DoDrawBitmap( const wxBitmap& bitmap, long x, long y, bool useMask=FALSE );
void DoDrawText(const wxString& text, long x, long y );
void Clear();
void SetFont( const wxFont& font );
void SetPen( const wxPen& pen );
void SetBrush( const wxBrush& brush );
void SetLogicalFunction( int function );
void SetBackground( const wxBrush& brush );
void SetClippingRegion(long x, long y, long width, long height);
void SetClippingRegion( const wxRegion &region );
void DestroyClippingRegion();
void DoSetClippingRegionAsRegion( const wxRegion &WXUNUSED(clip) ) {}
bool StartDoc(const wxString& message);
void EndDoc();
void StartPage();
void EndPage();
long GetCharHeight() const;
long GetCharWidth() const;
inline bool CanGetTextExtent(void) const { return FALSE; }
void GetTextExtent(const wxString& string, long *x, long *y,
long *descent = (long *) NULL,
long *externalLeading = (long *) NULL,
wxFont *theFont = (wxFont *) NULL ) const;
void DoGetSize(int* width, int* height) const;
void DoGetSizeMM(int *width, int *height) const;
// Resolution in pixels per logical inch
wxSize GetPPI(void) const;
void SetAxisOrientation( bool xLeftRight, bool yBottomUp );
void SetDeviceOrigin( long x, long y );
inline void SetBackgroundMode(int WXUNUSED(mode)) {}
inline void SetPalette(const wxPalette& WXUNUSED(palette)) {}
inline ofstream *GetStream(void) const { return m_pstream; }
inline wxPrintData& GetPrintData() { return m_printData; }
inline void SetPrintData(const wxPrintData& data) { m_printData = data; }
int GetDepth() const { return 24; }
ofstream * m_pstream; // PostScript output stream
wxString m_title;
unsigned char m_currentRed;
unsigned char m_currentGreen;
unsigned char m_currentBlue;
int m_pageNumber;
bool m_clipping;
double m_underlinePosition;
double m_underlineThickness;
wxPrintData m_printData;
// Deprecated: should use wxGenericPrintDialog instead.
#if 1
#define wxID_PRINTER_MODES 4
#define wxID_PRINTER_X_SCALE 5
#define wxID_PRINTER_Y_SCALE 6
#define wxID_PRINTER_X_TRANS 7
#define wxID_PRINTER_Y_TRANS 8
class WXDLLEXPORT wxPostScriptPrintDialog: public wxDialog
wxPostScriptPrintDialog (wxWindow *parent, const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE);
virtual int ShowModal(void) ;
// Print Orientation (Should also add Left, Right)
enum {
};// ps_orientation = PS_PORTRAIT;
// Print Actions
enum {
};// ps_action = PS_PREVIEW;
// PostScript printer settings
WXDLLEXPORT void wxSetPrinterCommand(const wxString& cmd);
WXDLLEXPORT void wxSetPrintPreviewCommand(const wxString& cmd);
WXDLLEXPORT void wxSetPrinterOptions(const wxString& flags);
WXDLLEXPORT void wxSetPrinterOrientation(int orientation);
WXDLLEXPORT void wxSetPrinterScaling(double x, double y);
WXDLLEXPORT void wxSetPrinterTranslation(long x, long y);
WXDLLEXPORT void wxSetPrinterMode(int mode);
WXDLLEXPORT void wxSetPrinterFile(const wxString& f);
WXDLLEXPORT void wxSetAFMPath(const wxString& f);
// Get current values
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxGetPrinterCommand();
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxGetPrintPreviewCommand();
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxGetPrinterOptions();
WXDLLEXPORT int wxGetPrinterOrientation();
WXDLLEXPORT void wxGetPrinterScaling(double* x, double* y);
WXDLLEXPORT void wxGetPrinterTranslation(long *x, long *y);
WXDLLEXPORT int wxGetPrinterMode();
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxGetPrinterFile();
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxGetAFMPath();
* PostScript print setup information.
* This is now obsolete, but retained for a while for compatibility
class WXDLLEXPORT wxPrintSetupData: public wxObject
void SetPrinterCommand(const wxString& cmd) { m_printerCommand = cmd; };
void SetPaperName(const wxString& paper) { m_paperName = paper; };
void SetPrintPreviewCommand(const wxString& cmd) { m_previewCommand = cmd; };
void SetPrinterOptions(const wxString& flags) { m_printerFlags = flags; };
void SetPrinterFile(const wxString& f) { m_printerFile = f; };
void SetPrinterOrientation(int orient) { m_printerOrient = orient; };
void SetPrinterScaling(double x, double y) { m_printerScaleX = x; m_printerScaleY = y; };
void SetPrinterTranslation(long x, long y) { m_printerTranslateX = x; m_printerTranslateY = y; };
// 1 = Preview, 2 = print to file, 3 = send to printer
void SetPrinterMode(int mode) { m_printerMode = mode; };
void SetAFMPath(const wxString& f) { m_afmPath = f; };
void SetColour(bool col) { m_printColour = col; };
// Get current values
wxString GetPrinterCommand() const { return m_printerCommand; } ;
wxString GetPrintPreviewCommand() const { return m_previewCommand; } ;
wxString GetPrinterOptions() const { return m_printerFlags; };
wxString GetPrinterFile() const { return m_printerFile; };
wxString GetPaperName() const { return m_paperName; }
int GetPrinterOrientation() const { return m_printerOrient; };
void GetPrinterScaling(double* x, double* y) const { *x = m_printerScaleX; *y = m_printerScaleY; };
void GetPrinterTranslation(long *x, long *y) const { *x = m_printerTranslateX; *y = m_printerTranslateY; };
int GetPrinterMode() const { return m_printerMode; };
wxString GetAFMPath() const { return m_afmPath; };
bool GetColour() const { return m_printColour; };
void operator=(wxPrintSetupData& data);
// Initialize from a wxPrintData object (wxPrintData should now be used instead of wxPrintSetupData).
// There is also an operator for initializing a wxPrintData from a wxPrintSetupData.
void operator=(const wxPrintData& data);
wxString m_printerCommand;
wxString m_previewCommand;
wxString m_printerFlags;
wxString m_printerFile;
int m_printerOrient;
double m_printerScaleX;
double m_printerScaleY;
long m_printerTranslateX;
long m_printerTranslateY;
// 1 = Preview, 2 = print to file, 3 = send to printer
int m_printerMode;
wxString m_afmPath;
// A name in the paper database (see paper.h)
wxString m_paperName;
bool m_printColour;
WXDLLEXPORT_DATA(extern wxPrintSetupData*) wxThePrintSetupData;
WXDLLEXPORT extern void wxInitializePrintSetupData(bool init = TRUE);