Julian Smart 7cb74906e1 Added context-sensitive help docs
git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@8497 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2000-10-09 13:13:39 +00:00

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This class changes the cursor to a query and puts the application into a 'context-sensitive help mode'.
When the user left-clicks on a window within the specified window, a wxEVT\_HELP event is
sent to that control, and the application may respond to it by popping up some help.
For example:
wxContextHelp contextHelp(myWindow);
There are a couple of ways to invoke this behaviour implicitly:
\item Use the wxDIALOG\_EX\_CONTEXTHELP style for a dialog (Windows only). This will put a question mark
in the titlebar, and Windows will put the application into context-sensitive help mode automatically,
with further programming.
\item Create a \helpref{wxContextHelpButton}{wxcontexthelpbutton}, whose predefined behaviour is to create a context help object.
Normally you will write your application so that this button is only added to a dialog for non-Windows platforms
(use wxDIALOG\_EX\_CONTEXTHELP on Windows).
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\func{}{wxContextHelp}{\param{wxWindow*}{ window = NULL}, \param{bool}{ doNow = TRUE}}
Constructs a context help object, calling \helpref{BeginContextHelp}{wxcontexthelpbegincontexthelp} if\rtfsp
{\it doNow} is TRUE (the default).
If {\it window} is NULL, the top window is used.
Destroys the context help object.
\func{bool}{BeginContextHelp}{\param{wxWindow*}{ window = NULL}}
Puts the application into context-sensitive help mode. {\it window} is the window
which will be used to catch events; if NULL, the top window will be used.
Returns TRUE if the application was successfully put into context-sensitive help mode.
This function only returns when the event loop has finished.
Ends context-sensitive help mode. Not normally called by the application.
Instances of this class may be used to add a question mark button that when pressed, puts the
application into context-help mode. It does this by creating a \helpref{wxContextHelp}{wxcontexthelp} object which itself
generates a wxEVT\_HELP event when the user clicks on a window.
On Windows, you may add a question-mark icon to a dialog by use of the wxDIALOG\_EX\_CONTEXTHELP extra style, but
on other platforms you will have to add a button explicitly, usually next to OK, Cancel or similar buttons.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxBitmapButton}{wxbitmapbutton}, \helpref{wxContextHelp}{wxcontexthelp}
Default constructor.
\param{wxWindow* }{parent},
\param{wxWindowID }{id = wxID\_CONTEXT_HELP},
\param{const wxPoint\& }{pos = wxDefaultPosition},
\param{const wxSize\& }{size = wxDefaultSize},
\param{long }{style = wxBU\_AUTODRAW}}
Constructor, creating and showing a context help button.
\docparam{parent}{Parent window. Must not be NULL.}
\docparam{id}{Button identifier. Defaults to wxID\_CONTEXT\_HELP.}
\docparam{pos}{Button position.}
\docparam{size}{Button size. If the default size (-1, -1) is specified then the button is sized
appropriately for the question mark bitmap.}
\docparam{style}{Window style.}
Normally you need pass only the parent window to the constructor, and use the defaults for the remaining parameters.