2008-04-06 15:28:55 +00:00

90 lines
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// Name: iconbndl.h
// Purpose: interface of wxIconBundle
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
@class wxIconBundle
This class contains multiple copies of an icon in different sizes,
see also wxDialog::SetIcons and
class wxIconBundle : public wxGDIObject
Copy constructor.
wxIconBundle(const wxString& file, long type);
wxIconBundle(const wxIcon& icon);
wxIconBundle(const wxIconBundle& ic);
Adds the icon to the collection; if the collection already
contains an icon with the same width and height, it is
replaced by the new one.
void AddIcon(const wxString& file, long type);
void AddIcon(const wxIcon& icon);
Same as GetIcon( wxSize( size, size ) ).
wxIcon GetIcon(const wxSize& size) const;
const wxIcon GetIcon(wxCoord size = -1) const;
Returns the icon with exactly the given size or @c wxNullIcon if this
size is not available.
wxIcon GetIconOfExactSize(const wxSize& size) const;
Returns @true if the bundle doesn't contain any icons, @false otherwise (in
which case a call to GetIcon() with default
parameter should return a valid icon).
bool IsEmpty() const;
Assignment operator, using @ref overview_trefcount "reference counting".
wxIconBundle operator =(const wxIconBundle& ic);
Equality operator. This returns @true if two icon bundles are equal.
bool operator ==(const wxIconBundle& ic);
An empty wxIconBundle.
wxIconBundle wxNullIconBundle;