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% dyntbar.h at 21/Jan/02 21:14:18
wxDynamicToolBar manages containment and layout of tool windows.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{Data structures}
Default constructor.
\func{}{wxDynamicToolBar}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{const wxWindowID }{id}, \param{const wxPoint\& }{pos = wxDefaultPosition}, \param{const wxSize\& }{size = wxDefaultSize}, \param{const long }{style = wxNO\_BORDER}, \param{const int }{orientation = wxVERTICAL}, \param{const int }{RowsOrColumns = 1}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = wxToolBarNameStr}}
Constructor: see the documentation for wxToolBar for details.
\func{void}{AddSeparator}{\param{wxWindow* }{pSepartorWnd = NULL}}
Adds a separator. See the documentation for wxToolBar for details.
\func{void}{AddTool}{\param{int }{toolIndex}, \param{wxWindow* }{pToolWindow}, \param{const wxSize\& }{size = wxDefaultSize}}
Adds a tool. See the documentation for wxToolBar for details.
\func{void}{AddTool}{\param{int }{toolIndex}, \param{const wxString\& }{imageFileName}, \param{wxBitmapType }{imageFileType = wxBITMAP\_TYPE\_BMP}, \param{const wxString\& }{labelText = ""}, \param{bool }{alignTextRight = FALSE}, \param{bool }{isFlat = TRUE}}
Adds a tool. See the documentation for wxToolBar for details.
\func{void}{AddTool}{\param{int }{toolIndex}, \param{wxBitmap }{labelBmp}, \param{const wxString\& }{labelText = ""}, \param{bool }{alignTextRight = FALSE}, \param{bool }{isFlat = TRUE}}
Adds a tool. See the documentation for wxToolBar for details.
\func{wxToolBarToolBase*}{AddTool}{\param{const int }{toolIndex}, \param{const wxBitmap\& }{bitmap}, \param{const wxBitmap\& }{pushedBitmap = wxNullBitmap}, \param{const bool }{toggle = FALSE}, \param{const long }{xPos = -1}, \param{const long }{yPos = -1}, \param{wxObject* }{clientData = NULL}, \param{const wxString\& }{helpString1 = ""}, \param{const wxString\& }{helpString2 = ""}}
Method from wxToolBarBase (for compatibility), only
the first two arguments are valid.
See the documentation for wxToolBar for details.
\func{bool}{Create}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{const wxWindowID }{id}, \param{const wxPoint\& }{pos = wxDefaultPosition}, \param{const wxSize\& }{size = wxDefaultSize}, \param{const long }{style = wxNO\_BORDER}, \param{const int }{orientation = wxVERTICAL}, \param{const int }{RowsOrColumns = 1}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = wxToolBarNameStr}}
Creation function: see the documentation for wxToolBar for details.
Creates the default layout (BagLayout).
\func{wxToolBarToolBase*}{CreateTool}{\param{wxControl* }{control}}
Creates a toolbar tool.
\func{wxToolBarToolBase*}{CreateTool}{\param{int }{id}, \param{const wxBitmap\& }{bitmap1}, \param{const wxBitmap\& }{bitmap2}, \param{bool }{toggle}, \param{wxObject* }{clientData}, \param{const wxString\& }{shortHelpString}, \param{const wxString\& }{longHelpString}}
Creates a toolbar tool.
\func{bool}{DoDeleteTool}{\param{size\_t }{pos}, \param{wxToolBarToolBase* }{tool}}
Deletes a tool. The tool is still in m\_tools list when this function is called, and it will
only be deleted from it if it succeeds.
\func{void}{DoEnableTool}{\param{wxToolBarToolBase* }{tool}, \param{bool }{enable}}
Called when the tools enabled flag changes.
\func{bool}{DoInsertTool}{\param{size\_t }{pos}, \param{wxToolBarToolBase* }{tool}}
Inserts a tool at the given position.
\func{void}{DoSetToggle}{\param{wxToolBarToolBase* }{tool}, \param{bool }{toggle}}
Called when the tools 'can be toggled' flag changes.
\func{void}{DoToggleTool}{\param{wxToolBarToolBase* }{tool}, \param{bool }{toggle}}
Called when the tool is toggled.
\func{void}{DrawSeparator}{\param{wxDynToolInfo\& }{info}, \param{wxDC\& }{dc}}
Draws a separator. The default implementation draws a shaded line.
\func{void}{EnableTool}{\param{const int }{toolIndex}, \param{const bool }{enable = TRUE}}
Enables or disables the given tool.
\constfunc{wxToolBarToolBase*}{FindToolForPosition}{\param{wxCoord }{x}, \param{wxCoord }{y}}
Finds a tool for the given position.
\func{void}{GetPreferredDim}{\param{const wxSize\& }{givenDim}, \param{wxSize\& }{prefDim}}
Returns the preferred dimension, taking the given dimension and a reference to the result.
\func{wxDynToolInfo*}{GetToolInfo}{\param{int }{toolIndex}}
Returns tool information for the given tool index.
Performs layout. See definitions of orientation types.
\func{void}{OnEraseBackground}{\param{wxEraseEvent\& }{event}}
Responds to background erase events. Currently does nothing.
\func{void}{OnPaint}{\param{wxPaintEvent\& }{event}}
Responds to paint events, drawing separators.
\func{void}{OnSize}{\param{wxSizeEvent\& }{event}}
Responds to size events, calling Layout.
Overriden from wxToolBarBase; does nothing.
\func{void}{RemveTool}{\param{int }{toolIndex}}
Removes the given tool. Misspelt in order not to clash with a similar function
in the base class.
\func{void}{SetLayout}{\param{LayoutManagerBase* }{pLayout}}
Sets the layout for this toolbar.
Internal function for sizing tool windows.