Vadim Zeitlin f7f941a6c1 Fix changing individual font properties in the propgrid sample.
Fixes the bug in the sample which resulted in the UI not working as expected.

Closes #12779.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@76596 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2014-05-22 14:35:55 +00:00

660 lines
18 KiB

// Name: samples/propgrid/sampleprops.cpp
// Purpose: wxPropertyGrid Sample Properties
// Author: Jaakko Salli
// Modified by:
// Created: 2006-03-05
// Copyright: (c) Jaakko Salli
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
// for all others, include the necessary headers (this file is usually all you
// need because it includes almost all "standard" wxWidgets headers)
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/wx.h"
#include "wx/fontdlg.h"
#include "wx/numformatter.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <wx/propgrid/propgrid.h>
#include <wx/propgrid/advprops.h>
#include "sampleprops.h"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxFontDataProperty
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dummy comparison required by value type implementation.
bool operator == (const wxFontData&, const wxFontData&)
return FALSE;
// Custom version of wxFontProperty that also holds colour in the value.
// Original version by Vladimir Vainer.
wxFontData,const wxFontData&,TextCtrlAndButton)
wxFontDataProperty::wxFontDataProperty( const wxString& label, const wxString& name,
const wxFontData& value ) : wxFontProperty(label,name,value.GetInitialFont())
wxFontData fontData(value);
// Fix value.
wxFont font;
font << m_value; // Get font data from base object.
if ( !fontData.GetColour().IsOk() )
// Set initial value - should be done in a simpler way like this
// (instead of calling SetValue) in derived (wxObject) properties.
m_value_wxFontData << fontData;
// Add extra children.
AddPrivateChild( new wxColourProperty(_("Colour"), wxPG_LABEL,
fontData.GetColour() ) );
wxFontDataProperty::~wxFontDataProperty () { }
void wxFontDataProperty::OnSetValue()
if ( m_value.GetType() != "wxFontData" )
if ( m_value.GetType() == "wxFont" )
wxFont font;
font << m_value;
wxFontData fontData;
if ( !m_value_wxFontData.IsNull() )
wxFontData oldFontData;
oldFontData << m_value_wxFontData;
wxVariant variant;
variant << fontData;
m_value_wxFontData = variant;
wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("Value to wxFontDataProperty must be eithe wxFontData or wxFont"));
// Set m_value to wxFont so that wxFontProperty methods will work
// correctly.
m_value_wxFontData = m_value;
wxFontData fontData;
fontData << m_value_wxFontData;
wxFont font = fontData.GetChosenFont();
if ( !font.IsOk() )
font = wxFontInfo(10).Family(wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS);
m_value = WXVARIANT(font);
wxVariant wxFontDataProperty::DoGetValue() const
return m_value_wxFontData;
// Must re-create font dialog displayer.
bool wxFontDataProperty::OnEvent( wxPropertyGrid* propgrid,
wxWindow* WXUNUSED(primary), wxEvent& event )
if ( propgrid->IsMainButtonEvent(event) )
wxVariant useValue = propgrid->GetUncommittedPropertyValue();
wxFontData fontData;
fontData << useValue;
wxFontDialog dlg(propgrid, fontData);
if ( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
wxVariant variant;
variant << dlg.GetFontData();
SetValueInEvent( variant );
return true;
return false;
void wxFontDataProperty::RefreshChildren()
if ( GetChildCount() < 6 ) // Number is count of wxFontProperty's children + 1.
wxFontData fontData; fontData << m_value_wxFontData;
wxVariant variant; variant << fontData.GetColour();
Item(6)->SetValue( variant );
wxVariant wxFontDataProperty::ChildChanged( wxVariant& thisValue,
int childIndex,
wxVariant& childValue ) const
wxFontData fontData;
fontData << thisValue;
wxColour col;
wxVariant variant;
switch ( childIndex )
case 6:
col << childValue;
fontData.SetColour( col );
// Transfer from subset to superset.
wxFont font = fontData.GetChosenFont();
variant = WXVARIANT(font);
variant = wxFontProperty::ChildChanged( variant, childIndex, childValue );
font << variant;
wxVariant newVariant;
newVariant << fontData;
return newVariant;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxSizeProperty
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
wxSize,const wxSize&,TextCtrl)
wxSizeProperty::wxSizeProperty( const wxString& label, const wxString& name,
const wxSize& value) : wxPGProperty(label,name)
AddPrivateChild( new wxIntProperty(wxT("Width"),wxPG_LABEL,value.x) );
AddPrivateChild( new wxIntProperty(wxT("Height"),wxPG_LABEL,value.y) );
wxSizeProperty::~wxSizeProperty() { }
void wxSizeProperty::RefreshChildren()
if ( !GetChildCount() ) return;
const wxSize& size = wxSizeRefFromVariant(m_value);
Item(0)->SetValue( (long)size.x );
Item(1)->SetValue( (long)size.y );
wxVariant wxSizeProperty::ChildChanged( wxVariant& thisValue,
int childIndex,
wxVariant& childValue ) const
wxSize& size = wxSizeRefFromVariant(thisValue);
int val = childValue.GetLong();
switch ( childIndex )
case 0: size.x = val; break;
case 1: size.y = val; break;
wxVariant newVariant;
newVariant << size;
return newVariant;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxPointProperty
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
wxPoint,const wxPoint&,TextCtrl)
wxPointProperty::wxPointProperty( const wxString& label, const wxString& name,
const wxPoint& value) : wxPGProperty(label,name)
AddPrivateChild( new wxIntProperty(wxT("X"),wxPG_LABEL,value.x) );
AddPrivateChild( new wxIntProperty(wxT("Y"),wxPG_LABEL,value.y) );
wxPointProperty::~wxPointProperty() { }
void wxPointProperty::RefreshChildren()
if ( !GetChildCount() ) return;
const wxPoint& point = wxPointRefFromVariant(m_value);
Item(0)->SetValue( (long)point.x );
Item(1)->SetValue( (long)point.y );
wxVariant wxPointProperty::ChildChanged( wxVariant& thisValue,
int childIndex,
wxVariant& childValue ) const
wxPoint& point = wxPointRefFromVariant(thisValue);
int val = childValue.GetLong();
switch ( childIndex )
case 0: point.x = val; break;
case 1: point.y = val; break;
wxVariant newVariant;
newVariant << point;
return newVariant;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dirs Property
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
wxValidator* wxDirsProperty::DoGetValidator() const
return wxFileProperty::GetClassValidator();
bool wxDirsProperty::OnCustomStringEdit( wxWindow* parent, wxString& value )
wxDirDialog dlg(parent,
_("Select a directory to be added to the list:"),
if ( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
value = dlg.GetPath();
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// You can *almost* convert wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog to wxArrayXXXEditorDialog
// by replacing each ArrayDouble with ArrayXXX.
class wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog : public wxPGArrayEditorDialog
void Init();
wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog(wxWindow *parent,
const wxString& message,
const wxString& caption,
wxArrayDouble& array,
long style = wxAEDIALOG_STYLE,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& sz = wxDefaultSize );
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
const wxString& message,
const wxString& caption,
wxArrayDouble& array,
long style = wxAEDIALOG_STYLE,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& sz = wxDefaultSize );
const wxArrayDouble& GetArray() const { return m_array; }
// Extra method for this type of array
void SetPrecision ( int precision )
m_precision = precision;
// Mandatory array of type
wxArrayDouble m_array;
int m_precision;
// Mandatory overridden methods
virtual wxString ArrayGet( size_t index ) wxOVERRIDE;
virtual size_t ArrayGetCount() wxOVERRIDE;
virtual bool ArrayInsert( const wxString& str, int index ) wxOVERRIDE;
virtual bool ArraySet( size_t index, const wxString& str ) wxOVERRIDE;
virtual void ArrayRemoveAt( int index ) wxOVERRIDE;
virtual void ArraySwap( size_t first, size_t second ) wxOVERRIDE;
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog, wxPGArrayEditorDialog)
// Array dialog array access and manipulation
wxString wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog::ArrayGet( size_t index )
return wxNumberFormatter::ToString(
m_array[index], m_precision, wxNumberFormatter::Style_NoTrailingZeroes);
size_t wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog::ArrayGetCount()
return m_array.GetCount();
bool wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog::ArrayInsert( const wxString& str, int index )
double d;
if ( !str.ToDouble(&d) )
return FALSE;
if (index<0)
return TRUE;
bool wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog::ArraySet( size_t index, const wxString& str )
double d;
if ( !str.ToDouble(&d) )
return FALSE;
m_array[index] = d;
return TRUE;
void wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog::ArrayRemoveAt( int index )
void wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog::ArraySwap( size_t first, size_t second )
double a = m_array[first];
double b = m_array[second];
m_array[first] = b;
m_array[second] = a;
// Array dialog construction etc.
: wxPGArrayEditorDialog()
void wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog::Init()
wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog::wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog(wxWindow *parent,
const wxString& message,
const wxString& caption,
wxArrayDouble& array,
long style,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& sz )
: wxPGArrayEditorDialog()
bool wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog::Create(wxWindow *parent,
const wxString& message,
const wxString& caption,
wxArrayDouble& array,
long style,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& sz )
m_array = array;
return wxPGArrayEditorDialog::Create (parent,message,caption,style,pos,sz);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxArrayDoubleProperty
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <math.h> // for fabs
// Comparison required by value type implementation.
bool operator == (const wxArrayDouble& a, const wxArrayDouble& b)
if ( a.GetCount() != b.GetCount() )
return FALSE;
size_t i;
for ( i=0; i<a.GetCount(); i++ )
// Can't do direct equality comparison with floating point numbers.
if ( fabs(a[i] - b[i]) > 0.0000000001 )
//wxLogDebug(wxT("%f != %f"),a[i],b[i]);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
const wxArrayDouble&,
wxArrayDoubleProperty::wxArrayDoubleProperty (const wxString& label,
const wxString& name,
const wxArrayDouble& array )
: wxPGProperty(label,name)
m_precision = -1;
// Need to figure out delimiter needed for this locale
// (ie. can't use comma when comma acts as decimal point in float).
wxChar use_delimiter = wxT(',');
if (wxString::Format(wxT("%.2f"),12.34).Find(use_delimiter) >= 0)
use_delimiter = wxT(';');
m_delimiter = use_delimiter;
SetValue( WXVARIANT(array) );
wxArrayDoubleProperty::~wxArrayDoubleProperty () { }
void wxArrayDoubleProperty::OnSetValue()
// Generate cached display string, to optimize grid drawing
GenerateValueAsString( m_display, m_precision, true );
wxString wxArrayDoubleProperty::ValueToString( wxVariant& value,
int argFlags ) const
wxString s;
if ( argFlags & wxPG_FULL_VALUE )
// Display cached string only if value truly matches m_value
if ( value.GetData() == m_value.GetData() )
return m_display;
GenerateValueAsString( s, m_precision, true );
return s;
void wxArrayDoubleProperty::GenerateValueAsString( wxString& target, int prec, bool removeZeroes ) const
wxChar between[3] = wxT(", ");
size_t i;
between[0] = m_delimiter;
const wxArrayDouble& value = wxArrayDoubleRefFromVariant(m_value);
wxNumberFormatter::Style style = wxNumberFormatter::Style_None;
if (removeZeroes)
style = wxNumberFormatter::Style_NoTrailingZeroes;
for ( i=0; i<value.GetCount(); i++ )
target += wxNumberFormatter::ToString(value[i], prec, style);
if ( i<(value.GetCount()-1) )
target += between;
bool wxArrayDoubleProperty::OnEvent( wxPropertyGrid* propgrid,
wxWindow* WXUNUSED(primary),
wxEvent& event)
if ( propgrid->IsMainButtonEvent(event) )
// Update the value in case of last minute changes
wxVariant useValue = propgrid->GetUncommittedPropertyValue();
wxArrayDouble& value = wxArrayDoubleRefFromVariant(useValue);
// Create editor dialog.
wxArrayDoubleEditorDialog dlg;
dlg.Create( propgrid, wxEmptyString, m_label, value );
dlg.Move( propgrid->GetGoodEditorDialogPosition(this,dlg.GetSize()) );
// Execute editor dialog
int res = dlg.ShowModal();
if ( res == wxID_OK && dlg.IsModified() )
SetValueInEvent( WXVARIANT(dlg.GetArray()) );
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool wxArrayDoubleProperty::StringToValue( wxVariant& variant, const wxString& text, int ) const
double tval;
wxString tstr;
// Add values to a temporary array so that in case
// of error we can opt not to use them.
wxArrayDouble new_array;
bool ok = true;
wxChar delimiter = m_delimiter;
if ( !token.empty() )
// If token was invalid, exit the loop now
if ( !token.ToDouble(&tval) )
tstr.Printf ( _("\"%s\" is not a floating-point number."), token.c_str() );
ok = false;
// TODO: Put validator code here
// When invalid token found, show error message and don't change anything
if ( !ok )
//ShowError( tstr );
return false;
if ( !(wxArrayDoubleRefFromVariant(m_value) == new_array) )
variant = WXVARIANT(new_array);
return true;
return false;
bool wxArrayDoubleProperty::DoSetAttribute( const wxString& name, wxVariant& value )
if ( name == wxPG_FLOAT_PRECISION )
m_precision = value.GetLong();
GenerateValueAsString( m_display, m_precision, true );
return true;
return false;