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// Name: gauge.h
// Purpose: interface of wxGauge
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
@class wxGauge
A gauge is a horizontal or vertical bar which shows a quantity (often
wxGauge supports two working modes: determinate and indeterminate progress.
The first is the usual working mode (see SetValue() and SetRange()) while
the second can be used when the program is doing some processing but you
don't know how much progress is being done. In this case, you can
periodically call the Pulse() function to make the progress bar switch to
indeterminate mode (graphically it's usually a set of blocks which move or
bounce in the bar control).
wxGauge supports dynamic switch between these two work modes.
There are no user commands for the gauge.
Creates a horizontal gauge.
Creates a vertical gauge.
Creates smooth progress bar with one pixel wide update step (not
supported by all platforms).
<!-- @appearance{gauge.png} -->
@see wxSlider, wxScrollBar
class wxGauge : public wxControl
Default constructor.
Constructor, creating and showing a gauge.
@param parent
Window parent.
@param id
Window identifier.
@param range
Integer range (maximum value) of the gauge. It is ignored when the
gauge is used in indeterminate mode.
@param pos
Window position.
@param size
Window size.
@param style
Gauge style.
@param name
Window name.
@see Create()
wxGauge(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, int range,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxGA_HORIZONTAL,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = "gauge");
Destructor, destroying the gauge.
Creates the gauge for two-step construction. See wxGauge() for further
bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, int range,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxGA_HORIZONTAL,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = "gauge");
Returns the width of the 3D bezel face.
@remarks This method is not implemented (returns 0) for most platforms.
@see SetBezelFace()
int GetBezelFace() const;
Returns the maximum position of the gauge.
@see SetRange()
int GetRange() const;
Returns the 3D shadow margin width.
@remarks This method is not implemented (returns 0) for most platforms.
@see SetShadowWidth()
int GetShadowWidth() const;
Returns the current position of the gauge.
@see SetValue()
int GetValue() const;
Returns @true if the gauge is vertical (has @c wxGA_VERTICAL style) and
@false otherwise.
bool IsVertical() const;
Switch the gauge to indeterminate mode (if required) and makes the
gauge move a bit to indicate the user that some progress has been made.
@note After calling this function the value returned by GetValue() is
undefined and thus you need to explicitely call SetValue() if you
want to restore the determinate mode.
void Pulse();
Sets the 3D bezel face width.
@remarks This method is not implemented (doesn't do anything) for most
@see GetBezelFace()
void SetBezelFace(int width);
Sets the range (maximum value) of the gauge. This function makes the
gauge switch to determinate mode, if it's not already.
@see GetRange()
void SetRange(int range);
Sets the 3D shadow width.
@remarks This method is not implemented (doesn't do anything) for most
void SetShadowWidth(int width);
Sets the position of the gauge. The @a pos must be between 0 and the
gauge range as returned by GetRange(), inclusive.
This function makes the gauge switch to determinate mode, if it was in
indeterminate mode before.
@param pos
Position for the gauge level.
@see GetValue()
void SetValue(int pos);