Robin Dunn 19cf4f8086 Removed initial startup dependency on the OpenGL DLLs so only the
glcanvasc.pyd depends on them, not wxNN_N.dll

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@9588 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2001-03-26 21:31:04 +00:00

121 lines
2.8 KiB
OpenEdge ABL

// Name: glcanvas.i
// Purpose: SWIG definitions for the OpenGL wxWindows classes
// Author: Robin Dunn
// Created: 15-Mar-1999
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 by Total Control Software
// Licence: wxWindows license
%module glcanvas
#include "export.h"
#include "myglcanvas.h"
%include typemaps.i
%include my_typemaps.i
%extern wx.i
%extern windows.i
%extern windows2.i
%extern windows3.i
%extern frames.i
%extern _defs.i
%extern misc.i
%extern gdi.i
%extern controls.i
%extern events.i
%pragma(python) code = "import wx"
class wxPalette;
class wxWindow;
class wxSize;
class wxPoint;
class wxGLCanvas;
class wxGLContext {
wxGLContext(bool isRGB, wxGLCanvas *win, const wxPalette& palette = wxNullPalette);
void SetCurrent();
void SetColour(const char *colour);
void SwapBuffers();
#ifdef __WXGTK__
void SetupPixelFormat();
void SetupPalette(const wxPalette& palette);
wxPalette CreateDefaultPalette();
wxPalette* GetPalette();
wxWindow* GetWindow();
%typemap(python, in) int *attribList (int *temp) {
int i;
if (PySequence_Check($source)) {
int size = PyObject_Length($source);
temp = new int[size+1]; // (int*)malloc((size + 1) * sizeof(int));
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
temp[i] = PyInt_AsLong(PySequence_GetItem($source, i));
temp[size] = 0;
$target = temp;
%typemap(python, freearg) int *attribList
delete [] $source;
class wxGLCanvas : public wxScrolledWindow {
wxGLCanvas(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0,
const char* name = "GLCanvas",
int *attribList = NULL,
const wxPalette& palette = wxNullPalette);
%pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:#wx._StdWindowCallbacks(self)"
void SetCurrent();
void SetColour(const char *colour);
void SwapBuffers();
wxGLContext* GetContext();
%init %{