Julian Smart 63dfa4e56c These add .mak (for BCB1) and .bpr (for BCB3 and 4) files for CBuilder in
each of the samples which will compile with Borland's compiler. They also
modify the start of the .cpp file so the Cbuilder IDE will accept it.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@10565 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2001-06-14 13:33:39 +00:00

103 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File

@echo off
if "%WXWIN%=="" goto nowxdir
if "%1"=="" goto bad
if not exist %1.cpp goto nocpp
find /c "BIDE" %1.cpp
if not errorlevel 1 goto already
@echo off
echo #this is for mak/bpr files in sample\dir > %1.mak
echo #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak
echo #this is a source makefile for Borland CBuilder IDE v1,3 >> %1.mak
echo #You may need to add \ at the end of the lines if your editor breaks them up >> %1.mak
echo #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak
echo PROJECT = %1.exe >> %1.mak >> %1.mak
echo RESFILES = %1.res >> %1.mak >> %1.mak
echo OBJFILES = >> %1.mak
echo RESDEPEN = $(RESFILES) >> %1.mak
echo LIBFILES = >> %1.mak
echo !ifndef BCB >> %1.mak
echo BCB = $(MAKEDIR)\.. >> %1.mak
echo !endif >> %1.mak
echo #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak
echo CFLAG1 = -Od -v -a1 -c -w-hid >> %1.mak
echo #disable optimisations debug byte align (matches my make for the library) >> %1.mak
echo CFLAG2 = -DINC_OLE2;__WIN95__;__WXMSW__;__WINDOWS__;WIN32;__BIDE__ -I$(BCB)\include;$(BCB)\include\vcl;%WXWIN%\include -H=BC32.CSM >> %1.mak
echo PFLAGS = >> %1.mak
echo RFLAGS = -DINC_OLE2;__WIN95__;__WXMSW__;__WINDOWS__;WIN32;__BIDE__ -I$(BCB)\include;%WXWIN%\include >> %1.mak
echo LFLAGS = -L$(BCB)\lib;$(BCB)\lib\obj;%WXWIN%\lib -aa -Tpe -v -V4.0 -c >> %1.mak
echo IFLAGS = >> %1.mak
echo LINKER = ilink32 >> %1.mak
echo #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak
echo ALLOBJ = c0w32.obj $(OBJFILES) >> %1.mak
echo ALLRES = $(RESFILES) >> %1.mak
rem xpm.lib seems to have disappeared from libraries ?? 14 Jun 2001
rem echo ALLLIB = $(LIBFILES) vcl.lib xpm.lib wx32.lib ole2w32.lib import32.lib cw32mt.lib odbc32.lib winpng.lib tiff.lib jpeg.lib zlib.lib >> %1.mak
echo ALLLIB = $(LIBFILES) vcl.lib wx32.lib ole2w32.lib import32.lib cw32mt.lib odbc32.lib winpng.lib tiff.lib jpeg.lib zlib.lib >> %1.mak
echo #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak
echo .autodepend >> %1.mak
echo. >> %1.mak
echo #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %1.mak
echo $(PROJECT): $(OBJFILES) $(RESDEPEN) >> %1.mak
copy %1.mak %1.bpr
rem bpr is for cb4 mak for cb1
copy %1.cpp %1_old.cpp
echo //Source code file for CBuilder/ wxWindows modified by Chris Elliott (biol75@.york.ac.uk) > %1.cpp
echo #ifdef __BIDE__ >> %1.cpp
echo #define _NO_VCL >> %1.cpp
echo #include "condefs.h" >> %1.cpp
echo #define WinMain WinMain >> %1.cpp
if "%2"=="" goto skipfile
echo USEUNIT ("%2.cpp"); // use a line like this if you have more than one .cpp file >> %1.cpp
if "%3"=="" goto skipfile
echo USEUNIT ("%3.cpp"); // use a line like this if you have more than one .cpp file >> %1.cpp
if "%4"=="" goto skipfile
echo USEUNIT ("%4.cpp"); // use a line like this if you have more than one .cpp file >> %1.cpp
if "%5"=="" goto skipfile
echo USEUNIT ("%5.cpp"); // use a line like this if you have more than one .cpp file >> %1.cpp
echo USERC ("%1.rc"); >> %1.cpp
echo #endif >> %1.cpp
type %1_old.cpp >> %1.cpp
goto end
echo Please use the MSDOS command SET WXWIN=DRV:PATH_TO_WX before trying this batch file
echo e.g. SET WXWIN=c:\wx
goto end
echo No file to modify passed on command line :
echo Usage: process_sample_bcb filename_without_ext
echo No file to modify passed on command line : Usage process_sample_bcb filename_without_ext >> %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\proc_bcb.log
goto end
echo original %1.cpp file not found
echo original %1.cpp file not found >> %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\proc_bcb.log
goto end
echo Source file %1.cpp appears to already be converted with __BIDE__ defined
echo Source file %1.cpp appears to already be converted with __BIDE__ defined >> %WXWIN%\distrib\msw\proc_bcb.log