2003-11-21 20:37:51 +00:00

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Building wxPython 2.5 for Development and Testing
This file describes how I build wxWindows and wxPython while doing
development and testing, and is meant to help other people that want
to do the same thing. I'll assume that you are using either a CVS
snapshot or a checkout from CVS. I'll also assume that you know what
you are doing and so I may not be as detailed here as I am in other
BUILD docs.
If you want to make changes to any of the *.i files, or regenerate the
extension sources or renamer modules, then you will need an up to date
version of SWIG. Either get and build the current CVS version, or
version 1.3.20 when it is released. If you install this build of SWIG
to a location that is not on the PATH (so it doesn't interfere with an
existing SWIG install for example) then you can set a setup.py
command-line variable named SWIG to be the full path name of the
executable and the wxPython build will use it. See below for an
Building on Linux and OS X
These two platforms are built almost the same way while in development
so I'll combine the descriptions about their build process here.
First we will build wxWindows and install it to an out of the way
place, then do the same for wxPython.
1. Create a build directory in the main wxWindows dir, and configure
wxWindows. If you want to have multiple builds with different
configure options, just use different subdirectories. I normally
put the configure command in a script named ".configure" in each
build dir so I can easily blow away everything in the build dir and
rerun the script without having to remember the options I used
mkdir bld
cd bld
../configure --prefix=/opt/wx/2.5 \
--with-gtk \
--with-opengl \
--disable-monolithic \
--enable-debug \
On OS X of course you'll want to use --with-mac instead of
--with-gtk. For GTK2 and unicode add:
--enable-gtk2 \
Notice that I used a prefix of /opt/wx/2.5. You can use whatever
path you want, even the standard ones if you like, but this lets me
easily have multiple versions and ports of wxWindows "installed"
and makes it easy to switch between them.
2. To build and install wxWindows you could just use "make" but there
are other libraries that also need to be built so again I make a
script to do it all for me so I don't forget anything. This time
it is called ".make" (I use the leading ". so when I do "rm -r *"
in my build dir I don't lose my scripts too.) This is what it
looks like::
make $* \
&& make -C contrib/src/gizmos $* \
&& make -C contrib/src/ogl CXXFLAGS="-DwxUSE_DEPRECATED=0" $* \
&& make -C contrib/src/stc $* \
&& make -C contrib/src/xrc $*
So you just use .make as if it where make, but don't forget to set
the execute bit on .make first!::
.make install
When it's done you should have an installed set of files under
/opt/wx/2.5 containing just wxWindows. Now to use this version of
wxWindows you just need to add /opt/wx/2.5/bin to the PATH and set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH on OS X) to /opt/wx/2.5/lib.
3. I also have a script to help me build wxPython and it is checked in
to the CVS as wxWindows/wxPython/b, but probably don't want to use
it as it's very cryptic and expects that you want to run SWIG, so
if you don't have the latest patched up version of SWIG then you'll
probably get stuck. So I'll just give the raw commands instead.
We're not going to install the development version of wxPython with
these commands, so it won't impact your already installed version
of the latest release. You'll be able test with this version when
you want to, and use the installed release version the rest of the
time. If you ever do want to install the development verison just
use the normal distutils commands to do it.
Make sure that the first wx-config found on the PATH is the one you
installed above, and then change to the wxWindows/wxPython dir and
run the this command::
cd wxPython
python2.3 setup.py build_ext --inplace --debug
If you are building with GTK2 then add the following flags to the
command line::
If you are wanting to have the source files regenerated with swig,
then you need to turn on the USE_SWIG flag and optionally tell it
where to find the new swig executable, so add these flags::
USE_SWIG=1 SWIG=/opt/swig/bin/swig
When the setup.py command is done you should have fully populated
wxPython and wx packages locally in wxWindows/wxPython/wxPython and
.../wx, with all the extension modules (*.so files) located in the
wx package.
4. To run code with the development verison of wxPython, just set the
PYTHONPATH to the wxPython dir in the CVS tree. For example::
export LD_LIBRARY=/opt/wx/2.5/lib
export PYTHONPATH=/myprojects/wxWindows/wxPython
cd /myprojects/wxWindows/wxPython/demo
python2.3 demo.py
Building on Windows
The Windows builds currently require the use of Microsoft Visual C++.
Theoretically, other compilers (such as mingw32 or the Borland
compilers) can also be used but I've never done the work to make that
happen. If you want to try that then first you'll want to find out if
there are any tricks that have to be done to make Python extension
modules using that compiler, and then make a few changes to setup.py
to accomodate that. (And send the patches to me.) If you plan on
using VisualStudio.Net (a.k.a. MSVC 7.1) keep in mind that you'll also
have to build Python and any other extension modules that you use with
that compiler because a different version of the C runtime likbrary is
used. The Python executable that comes from PythonLabs and the
wxPythons that I distribute are built with MSVC 6 with all the Service
Packs applied.
If you want to build a debugable version of wxWindows and wxPython you
will need to have also built a debug version of Python and any other
extension modules you need to use. You can tell if you have them
already if there is a _d in the file names, for example python_d.exe
or python23_d.dll. If you don't need to trace through the C/C++ parts
of the code with the debugger then building the normal (or hybrid)
version is fine, and you can use the regular python executables with
Just like the unix versions I also use some scripts to help me build
wxWindows, but I use some non-standard stuff to do it. So if you want
to use them too you'll need to get a copy or 4DOS or 4NT from
http://www.jpsoft.com/ and also a copy of unix-like cat and sed
programs. You can also do by hand what my scripts are doing, but
there are a lof steps involved and I won't be going into details
here. There is a copy of my build scripts in wxWindows\wxPython\distrib\msw
1. Set an environment variable to the root of the wxWindows source
set WXWIN=e:\projects\wxWindows
2. Copy setup0.h to setup.h
cd %WXWIN%\include\wx\msw
copy setup0.h setup.h
3. Edit setup.h and change a few settings. Some of them are changed
by my build scripts depending on the type of build (debug/hybrid,
unicode/ansi). I change a few of the other defaults to have these
4. Make a %WXWIN%\BIN directory and add it to the PATH. My build
scripts will copy the wxWindows DLLs there.
5. Change to the %WXWIN%\build\msw directory and copy my build scripts
6. Use the .make command to build wxWindows. It needs one
command-line parameter which controls what kind of build(s) to do.
Use one of the following::
debug Build debug version
hybrid Build hybrid version
both Both debug and hybrid
debug-uni Build a debug unicode library
hybrid-uni Hybrid unicode (see the pattern yet? ;-)
both-uni and finally both unicode libraries
For example::
.make hybrid
7. When that is done there should be a ton of DLLs in %WXDIR%\bin and
lots of lib files and stuff in %WXDIR%\lib\vc_dll
8. Building wxPython on Windows is very similar to doing it for the
unix systems. We're not going to install the development version
of wxPython with these commands, so it won't impact your already
installed version of the latest release. You'll be able test with
this version when you want to, and use the installed release
version the rest of the time. If you ever do want to install the
development verison just use the normal distutils commands to do
Change to the wxWindows\wxPython dir and run the this command::
cd %WXWIN%\wxPython
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
If you are wanting to have the source files regenerated with swig,
then you need to turn on the USE_SWIG flag and optionally tell it
where to find the new swig executable, so add these flags::
USE_SWIG=1 SWIG=e:\projects\SWIG-cvs\swig.exe
If you have a debug version of Python and wxWindows and want to
build a debug version of wxPython too, add the --debug flag to the
command line. You should then end up with a set of *_d.pyd files
in the wx package and you'll have to use python_d.exe to use them.
The debug and hybrid(release) versions can coexist.
When the setuyp.py command is done you should have fully populated
wxPython and wx packages locally in wxWindows/wxPython/wxPython and
.../wx, with all the extension modules (*.pyd files) located in the
wx package.
9. To run code with the development verison of wxPython, just set the
PYTHONPATH to the wxPython dir in the CVS tree. For example::
set PYTHONPATH=e:\projects\wxWindows\wxPython
cd e:\projects\wxWindows\wxPython
python demo.py