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// Name: accel.h
// Purpose: interface of wxAccelerator* classes
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
/** wxAcceleratorEntry flags */
enum wxAcceleratorEntryFlags
/** no modifiers */
/** hold Alt key down */
/** hold Ctrl key down */
/** hold Shift key down */
/** Command key on OS X; identic to wxACCEL_CTRL on other platforms. */
@class wxAcceleratorEntry
An object used by an application wishing to create an accelerator table
(see wxAcceleratorTable).
@see wxAcceleratorTable, wxWindow::SetAcceleratorTable
class wxAcceleratorEntry
@param flags
A combination of the wxAcceleratorEntryFlags values, which
indicates which modifier keys are held down.
@param keyCode
The keycode to be detected. See @ref page_keycodes for a full list of keycodes.
@param cmd
The menu or control command identifier (ID).
@param item
The menu item associated with this accelerator.
wxAcceleratorEntry(int flags = 0, int keyCode = 0, int cmd = 0,
wxMenuItem *item = NULL);
Copy ctor.
wxAcceleratorEntry(const wxAcceleratorEntry& entry);
Returns the command identifier for the accelerator table entry.
int GetCommand() const;
Returns the flags for the accelerator table entry.
int GetFlags() const;
Returns the keycode for the accelerator table entry.
int GetKeyCode() const;
Returns the menu item associated with this accelerator entry.
wxMenuItem *GetMenuItem() const;
Sets the accelerator entry parameters.
@param flags
A combination of the wxAcceleratorEntryFlags values, which
indicates which modifier keys are held down.
@param keyCode
The keycode to be detected. See @ref page_keycodes for a full list of keycodes.
@param cmd
The menu or control command identifier (ID).
@param item
The menu item associated with this accelerator.
void Set(int flags, int keyCode, int cmd, wxMenuItem *item = NULL);
Returns @true if this object is correctly initialized.
bool IsOk() const;
Returns a wxString for this accelerator.
This function formats it using the @c "flags-keycode" format
where @c flags maybe a hyphen-separed list of @c "shift|alt|ctrl".
wxString ToString() const;
Parses the given string and sets the accelerator accordingly.
@param str
Should be a string in the form "flags-keycode"
@return @true if the given string correctly initialized this object
(i.e. if IsOk() returns true after this call)
bool FromString(const wxString& str);
wxAcceleratorEntry& operator=(const wxAcceleratorEntry& entry);
bool operator==(const wxAcceleratorEntry& entry) const;
bool operator!=(const wxAcceleratorEntry& entry) const;
@class wxAcceleratorTable
An accelerator table allows the application to specify a table of keyboard
shortcuts for menu or button commands.
The object ::wxNullAcceleratorTable is defined to be a table with no data, and
is the initial accelerator table for a window.
wxAcceleratorEntry entries[4];
entries[0].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, (int) 'N', ID_NEW_WINDOW);
entries[1].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, (int) 'X', wxID_EXIT);
entries[2].Set(wxACCEL_SHIFT, (int) 'A', ID_ABOUT);
entries[3].Set(wxACCEL_NORMAL, WXK_DELETE, wxID_CUT);
wxAcceleratorTable accel(4, entries);
An accelerator takes precedence over normal processing and can be a convenient
way to program some event handling. For example, you can use an accelerator table
to enable a dialog with a multi-line text control to accept CTRL-Enter as meaning
@see wxAcceleratorEntry, wxWindow::SetAcceleratorTable
class wxAcceleratorTable : public wxObject
Default ctor.
Initializes the accelerator table from an array of wxAcceleratorEntry.
@param n
Number of accelerator entries.
@param entries
The array of entries.
wxAcceleratorTable(int n, const wxAcceleratorEntry entries[]);
Loads the accelerator table from a Windows resource (Windows only).
@param resource
Name of a Windows accelerator.
wxAcceleratorTable(const wxString& resource);
Destroys the wxAcceleratorTable object.
See @ref overview_refcount_destruct for more info.
virtual ~wxAcceleratorTable();
Returns @true if the accelerator table is valid.
bool IsOk() const;
// ============================================================================
// Global functions/macros
// ============================================================================
An empty accelerator table.
wxAcceleratorTable wxNullAcceleratorTable;