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// Name: mdi.h
// Purpose: interface of wxMDIClientWindow
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
@class wxMDIClientWindow
An MDI client window is a child of wxMDIParentFrame, and manages zero or
more wxMDIChildFrame objects.
@see wxMDIChildFrame, wxMDIParentFrame, wxFrame
class wxMDIClientWindow : public wxWindow
Constructor, creating the window.
@param parent
The window parent.
@param style
The window style. Currently unused.
@remarks The second style of constructor is called within
@see wxMDIParentFrame::wxMDIParentFrame, wxMDIParentFrame::OnCreateClient
wxMDIClientWindow(wxMDIParentFrame* parent, long style = 0);
Used in two-step frame construction. See wxMDIClientWindow()
for further details.
bool CreateClient(wxMDIParentFrame* parent, long style = 0);
@class wxMDIParentFrame
An MDI (Multiple Document Interface) parent frame is a window which can contain
MDI child frames in its own 'desktop'. It is a convenient way to avoid window
and is used in many popular Windows applications, such as Microsoft Word(TM).
Puts a caption on the frame.
Displays a horizontal scrollbar in the client window, allowing the
user to view child frames that are off the current view.
Display the frame iconized (minimized) (Windows only).
Displays the frame maximized (Windows only).
Displays a maximize box on the frame (Windows and Motif only).
Identical to wxICONIZE.
Displays a minimize box on the frame (Windows and Motif only).
Displays a resizeable border around the window (Motif only; for
Windows, it is implicit in wxTHICK_FRAME).
Stay on top of other windows (Windows only).
Displays a system menu (Windows and Motif only).
Displays a thick frame around the window (Windows and Motif only).
Displays a vertical scrollbar in the client window, allowing the
user to view child frames that are off the current view.
Under Windows, removes the Window menu that is normally added
@see wxMDIChildFrame, wxMDIClientWindow, wxFrame, wxDialog
class wxMDIParentFrame : public wxFrame
Constructor, creating the window.
@param parent
The window parent. This should be @NULL.
@param id
The window identifier. It may take a value of -1 to indicate a default
@param title
The caption to be displayed on the frame's title bar.
@param pos
The window position. The value wxDefaultPosition indicates a default position,
chosen by
either the windowing system or wxWidgets, depending on platform.
@param size
The window size. The value wxDefaultSize indicates a default size, chosen by
either the windowing system or wxWidgets, depending on platform.
@param style
The window style. See wxMDIParentFrame.
@param name
The name of the window. This parameter is used to associate a name with the
allowing the application user to set Motif resource values for
individual windows.
@remarks During the construction of the frame, the client window will be
created. To use a different class from
wxMDIClientWindow, override
@see Create(), OnCreateClient()
wxMDIParentFrame(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
const wxString& name = "frame");
Destructor. Destroys all child windows and menu bar if present.
Activates the MDI child following the currently active one.
@see ActivatePrevious()
void ActivateNext();
Activates the MDI child preceding the currently active one.
@see ActivateNext()
void ActivatePrevious();
Arranges any iconized (minimized) MDI child windows.
@see Cascade(), Tile()
void ArrangeIcons();
Arranges the MDI child windows in a cascade.
@see Tile(), ArrangeIcons()
void Cascade();
Used in two-step frame construction. See wxMDIParentFrame()
for further details.
bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
const wxString& name = "frame");
Returns a pointer to the active MDI child, if there is one.
wxMDIChildFrame* GetActiveChild() const;
This gets the size of the frame 'client area' in pixels.
@param width
Receives the client width in pixels.
@param height
Receives the client height in pixels.
@remarks The client area is the area which may be drawn on by the
programmer, excluding title bar, border, status bar,
and toolbar if present.
@see GetToolBar(), SetToolBar(),
virtual void GetClientSize(int* width, int* height) const;
Returns a pointer to the client window.
@see OnCreateClient()
wxMDIClientWindow* GetClientWindow() const;
Returns the window being used as the toolbar for this frame.
@see SetToolBar()
virtual wxWindow* GetToolBar() const;
Returns the current Window menu (added by wxWidgets to the menubar). This
is available under Windows only.
wxMenu* GetWindowMenu() const;
Override this to return a different kind of client window. If you override this
you must create your parent frame in two stages, or your function will never be
due to the way C++ treats virtual functions called from constructors. For
@remarks You might wish to derive from wxMDIClientWindow in order to
implement different erase behaviour, for example, such
as painting a bitmap on the background.
@see GetClientWindow(), wxMDIClientWindow
virtual wxMDIClientWindow* OnCreateClient();
Sets the window to be used as a toolbar for this
MDI parent window. It saves the application having to manage the positioning
of the toolbar MDI client window.
@param toolbar
Toolbar to manage.
@remarks When the frame is resized, the toolbar is resized to be the
width of the frame client area, and the toolbar height
is kept the same.
@see GetToolBar(), GetClientSize()
virtual void SetToolBar(wxWindow* toolbar);
Call this to change the current Window menu. Ownership of the menu object
passes to
the frame when you call this function.
This call is available under Windows only.
To remove the window completely, use the wxFRAME_NO_WINDOW_MENU window style.
void SetWindowMenu(wxMenu* menu);
Tiles the MDI child windows either horizontally or vertically depending on
whether @a orient is wxHORIZONTAL or wxVERTICAL.
Currently only implemented for MSW, does nothing under the other platforms.
void Tile(wxOrientation orient = wxHORIZONTAL);
@class wxMDIChildFrame
An MDI child frame is a frame that can only exist on a wxMDIClientWindow,
which is itself a child of wxMDIParentFrame.
Puts a caption on the frame.
Display the frame iconized (minimized) (Windows only).
Displays the frame maximized (Windows only).
Displays a maximize box on the frame (Windows and Motif only).
Identical to wxICONIZE.
Displays a minimize box on the frame (Windows and Motif only).
Displays a resizeable border around the window (Motif only; for
Windows, it is implicit in wxTHICK_FRAME).
Stay on top of other windows (Windows only).
Displays a system menu (Windows and Motif only).
Displays a thick frame around the window (Windows and Motif only).
@see wxMDIClientWindow, wxMDIParentFrame, wxFrame
class wxMDIChildFrame : public wxFrame
Constructor, creating the window.
@param parent
The window parent. This should not be @NULL.
@param id
The window identifier. It may take a value of -1 to indicate a default
@param title
The caption to be displayed on the frame's title bar.
@param pos
The window position. The value wxDefaultPosition indicates a default position,
chosen by
either the windowing system or wxWidgets, depending on platform.
@param size
The window size. The value wxDefaultSize indicates a default size, chosen by
either the windowing system or wxWidgets, depending on platform.
@param style
The window style. See wxMDIChildFrame.
@param name
The name of the window. This parameter is used to associate a name with the
allowing the application user to set Motif resource values for
individual windows.
@remarks None.
@see Create()
wxMDIChildFrame(wxMDIParentFrame* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
const wxString& name = "frame");
Destructor. Destroys all child windows and menu bar if present.
Activates this MDI child frame.
@see Maximize(), Restore()
void Activate();
Used in two-step frame construction. See wxMDIChildFrame()
for further details.
bool Create(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
const wxString& name = "frame");
Maximizes this MDI child frame.
@see Activate(), Restore()
void Maximize(bool maximize);
Restores this MDI child frame (unmaximizes).
void Restore();