2003-05-26 11:34:39 +00:00

789 lines
31 KiB

Installing wxWindows 2.5.0
This is wxWindows 2.5.0 for Microsoft Windows 9x/ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000
and Windows XP. This is an unstable development release. Note that unstable in
this context doesn't mean that it crashes a lot, just that the library API may
change in backwards incompatible way during the 2.5 branch life time.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you experience problems installing, please
re-read this instructions and other related files (changes.txt,
readme.txt, FAQ) carefully before mailing wx-users. Preferably,
try to fix the problem first and then upload a patch to
Please report bugs using the SourceForge bug tracker:
A setup program is provided (setup.exe) to automatically copy
files to a directory on your hard disk. Do not install into a
path that contains spaces. To avoid confusion with other
wxWindows installations that might be on your machine, the
installation program does not se the WXWIN environment variable;
please set this by hand via the System applet if you wish to
make it permanent.
The setup program contains the following:
- All common, generic and MSW-specific wxWindows source;
- samples;
- documentation in Windows Help format;
- makefiles for most Windows compilers, plus CodeWarrior,
BC++ and VC++ IDE files;
- JPEG library source;
- TIFF library source;
- Object Graphics Library;
- Tex2RTF source;
- Dialog Editor binary.
Alternatively, you may unarchive the .zip form by hand:
wxMSW-x.y.z.zip where x.y.z is the version number.
Unarchive the required files plus any optional documentation
files into a suitable directory such as c:\wx.
Other add-on packages are available from the wxWindows Web site, such as:
- mmedia.zip. Audio, CD, video access for Windows and Linux.
- ogl3.zip. Object Graphics Library: build network diagrams, CASE tools etc.
- tex2rtf3.zip. Tex2RTF: create Windows Help, HTML, and Word RTF files from
the same document source.
General installation notes
Alter your WXWIN environment variable to point to the root directory of the
wxWindows installation. For Cygwin or MinGW compilation, make sure WXWIN
contains only forward slashes.
If installing from the CVS server, copy include/wx/msw/setup0.h to
include/wx/msw/setup.h and edit the resulting file to choose
the features you would like to compile wxWindows with[out].
The following sections explain how to compile wxWindows with each supported
compiler. Search for one of Microsoft/Borland/Watcom/Symantec/Metrowerks/
Cygwin/Mingw32 to quickly locate the instructions for your compiler.
Microsoft Visual C++ compilation
You may wish to visit http://wiki.wxwindows.org/wiki.pl?MSVC for a more
informal and more detailed description of the process summarized below.
Please note that the VC++ 6.0 project files will work for VC++ .NET also, but
you must open the .dsp files and not the .dsw files and in this case you will
need to manually build the other .dsp on which wxWindows.dsp depends: jpeg,
png, regex, tiff and zlib.
Also note that you can make the project files work with VC++ 5.0 but you'll
need to edit .dsp file by hand before this is possible (change the version in
the .dsp file header from 6.0 to 5.0).
Using project files (VC++ 6 and later):
1. Unarchive wxWindows-x.y.z-vc.zip, the VC++ 6 project
makefiles (already included in wxMSW-x.y.z.zip and the setup version).
2. Open src/wxWindows.dsw, which has configurations for static
compilation or DLL compilation, and each of these available in
Unicode/ANSI and Debug/Release variations. Normally you'll use
a static linking ANSI configuration. Choose the Win32 Debug or
Win32 Release configuration for the wxWindows project, and compile.
Alternatively, use Batch Build to build more than one
The following libraries will be produced depending on chosen
wxmsw.lib wxmswd.lib ; ANSI Release/Debug
wxmswu.lib wxmswud.lib ; UNICODE Release/Debug
wxmsw23x.lib wxmsw23xd.lib ; ANSI DLL Release/Debug
wxmsw23xu.lib wxmsw23xud.lib ; UNICODE DLL Release/Debug
It will also produce similar variations on jpeg.lib, png.lib,
tiff.lib, zlib.lib, and regex.lib.
3. Open a sample project file, choose a configuration such as
Win32 Debug using Build | Set Active Configuration..., and compile.
The project files don't use precompiled headers, to save disk
space, but you can switch PCH compiling on for greater speed.
NOTE: you may also use samples/samples.dsw to access all
sample projects without opening each workspace individually.
You can use the Batch Build facility to make several samples
at a time.
Using makefiles:
1. Make sure your WXWIN variable is set.
2. If you do NOT have the TIFF or JPEG source code, please remove
the tiff and jpeg targets from the 'all' target in
src\msw\makefile.vc. Also ensure the settings in
include\wx\msw\setup.h specify not to use JPEG or TIFF.
3. Change directory to wx\src\msw. Type:
'nmake -f makefile.vc'
to make the wxWindows core library with debug information
(wx\lib\wxd.lib), then
'nmake -f makefile.vc cleanall FINAL=1'
'nmake -f makefile.vc FINAL=1'
to make the wxWindows core library without debug information.
4. Change directory to wx\samples and type 'nmake -f makefile.vc'
to make all the samples. You can also make them individually.
Makefile notes:
Use the 'cleanall' target to clean all objects, libraries and
To build the release version using makefiles, add FINAL=1 to your
nmake invocation, both when building the library and for samples.
You MUST use the 'cleanall' target (with FINAL=1 or FINAL=0)
before making a different configuration, because otherwise
object files used to build the previous configuration may be
used accidentally for the current configuration. You might see
this manifested in unexpected link errors or warnings. This problem
doesn't occur when using project files to build wxWindows.
To build Unicode versions of the libraries, add UNICODE=1
to the nmake invocation (default is UNICODE=0). If you want to
be able to use Unicode version on Windows9x, you will need
MSLU (Microsoft Layer for Unicode) runtime DLL and import lib.
The former can be downloaded from Microsoft, the latter is part
of the latest Platform SDK from Microsoft (see msdn.microsoft.com
for details). An alternative implementation of import library can
be downloaded from http://libunicows.sourceforge.net - unlike the
official one, this one works with other compilers and does not
require 300+ MB Platform SDK update. Add MSLU=1 to the nmake
invocation to enable MSLU.
Note that the wxWindows core library allows you to have debug
and release libraries available simultaneously, by compiling the
objects in different subdirectories, whereas samples must be
cleaned and re-made to build a different configuration.
To build the DLL version using makefiles:
1. Change directory to wx\src\msw. Type 'nmake -f makefile.vc dll'
to make both a suitable DLL and import library, and to build a
suitable precompiled header file for compiling applications.
See the previous section for library names.
2. Invoke a sample makefile with 'nmake -f makefile.vc WXUSINGDLL=1'
(or edit src\makeprog.vc to set WXUSINGDLL to 1 for all
Note (1): if you wish to use templates, please edit
include\wx\msw\setup.h and set wxUSE_DEBUG_NEW_ALWAYS to 0.
Without this, the redefinition of 'new' will cause problems in
the headers. Alternatively, #undef new before including template headers.
You will also need to set wxUSE_IOSTREAMH to 0 if you will be
using templates, to avoid the non-template stream files being included
within wxWindows.
Note (2): libraries and applications generated with makefiles and
project files are now (hopefully) compatible where static libraries
are concerned, but please exercise caution nevertheless and if
possible, use one method or the other.
Note (3): VC++ 5's optimization code seems to be broken and can
cause both compile and run-time problems: this can be seen when
deleting an object Dialog Editor, in Release mode with optimizations
on. If in doubt, switch off optimisations, although this will result in much
larger executables. It seems possible that the library can be created with
strong optimization, so long as the application is not strongly
optimized. For example, in wxWindows project, set to 'Minimum
Size'. In Dialog Editor project, set to 'Customize: Favor Small
Code' (and no others). This will then work.
Note (4): some crash problems can be due to inconsistent compiler
options. If strange/weird/impossible things start to happen please
check (dumping IDE project file as makefile and doing text comparison
if necessary) that the project settings, especially the list of defined
symbols, struct packing, etc. are exactly the same for all items in
the project. After this, delete everything (including PCH) and recompile.
Note (5): to create your own IDE files, see the technical note on the
wxWindows web site or CD-ROM, entitled "Compiling wxWindows
applications in the VC++ IDE" (technical note docs/tech/tn0010.htm in the
wxWindows distribution). You can also copy .dsp and .dsw
files from an existing wxWindows sample and adapt them.
Visual C++ 1.5 compilation (16-bit)
No longer supported
Borland C++ 5.0/5.5 compilation
Compiling using the makefiles (updated 24 Sept 02):
1. Make sure your WXWIN variable is set [e.g add
set WXWIN=c:\wxwindows
to your autoexec.bat file], The WXWIN variable should contain neither spaces nor -
You may like to use the short form as shown by a dos directory listing ;
eg instead of c:\wxwindows-2.5.0 use c:\wxwind~1.4
Reboot if needed for the changes to autoexec.bat to take effect.
2. Change directory to src\msw. Type 'make -f makefile.b32' to
make the wxWindows core library. Ignore the compiler warnings.
This produces a library in the wxwindows\lib directory called
3. Change directory to a sample or demo such as samples\minimal, and type
'make -f makefile.b32'. This produces a windows exe file - by default
in the BORL subdirectory (see note 9)
4. For release versions, recompile wxWindows and samples using
'make -f makefile.b32 clean'
'make -f makefile.b32 FINAL=1'
for the library and samples. This produces a library wx32s.lib eliminating
all debugging information - if you wish to retain reduced debugging information
'make -f makefile.b32 clean'
'make -f makefile.b32 FINAL=hybrid'
5. To make and use wxWindows as a DLL, type
'make -f makefile.b32 clean'
'make -f makefile.b32 DLL=1'
which generates a DLL (wx32d.dll) and import library (wx32d.lib),
and then for each sample,
'make -f makefile.b32 WXUSINGDLL=1'
Please note that the samples have not been exhaustively tested
with this configuration. You may also generate a sepratae library
and second DLL using the commands
'make -f makefile.b32 clean'
'make -f makefile.b32 DLL=1 FINAL=1'
which generates a DLL (wx32.dll) and import library (wx32.lib),
and then for each sample,
'make -f makefile.b32 WXUSINGDLL=1 FINAL=1'
6. You can use the WXUNIVERSAL widgets instead of the native MSW
ones (eg if you want to build an application with the same
look and feel on all platforms)
Use the command (in src\msw directory)
'make -f makefile.b32 WXUSINGUNIV=1'
Then run
'make -f makefile.b32 WXUSINGUNIV=1' in the sample directory which you wish
to build using the wxUniversal widgets. Use 'SET WXTHEME=GTK' [or WIN32 or METAL]
to test the existing themes
The makefile is written with the intention that you can build DLLs
and do final releases by combinations of commandline parameters.
At the time of writing, (Oct 02) not all the wxDialogs are working
7. To use UNICODE for win2000 and XP systems edit wxWindows\wx\include\msw\setup.h
so that wxUSE_UNICODE is 1 instead of the default value of zero
8. To make console mode applications with wxWindows functions go
to the src\msw directory
'make -f makebase.b32 clean'
'make -f makebase.b32'
There is a sample\console directory and in this type
'make -f makefile.b32 wxUSE_GUI=0'
9. OUTPUTDIR may be set to the name of the directory where you want all the
object files to be generated (the library files are always created in
%WXWIN%\lib). Compilation will fail if you set it to an empty string
to create them in the same directory as the source. If you change OUTPUTDIR,
make sure that it does not have a trailing backslash!
In the samples, you may use EXEDIR=adir to build the samples in adir. Setting
EXEDIR=. will build in the current directory,
Note (0): This provides the ability to produce separate wxwindows libraries
for different purposes, and only have to rebuild the applications
Note (1): the wxWindows makefiles assume byte structure alignment. Please
make sure that your own project or makefile settings use the
same alignment, or you could experience mysterious crashes. To
change the alignment, add a suitable option to the $(CFG) target code
in src/msw/makefile.b32.
Note (2): if you get undefined _SQL... symbols at link time,
either install odbc32.lib from the BC++ CD-ROM into your BC++ lib
directory, or set wxUSE_ODBC to 0 in include\wx\msw\setup.h and
recompile wxWindows. The same applies if compiling using the IDE.
Note (3): If you wish debug messages to be sent to the console in
debug mode, edit src\makeb32.env and change /aa to /Tpe in
Compiling using the IDE files: [Borland C++ 5.0, not Cbuilder]
1. Load src\bc32.ide from the file bc32.zip at
http://biolpc22.york.ac.uk/pub/ports/bcc32/wxwin21/ and select Release settings
2. Go to Options|Project... and specify the correct BC++ include and lib path for
your file structure.
3. Press F9 to compile the wxWindows library.
4. Load samples\bc32.ide.
5. Go to Options|Project... and specify the correct BC++ include and lib path for
your file structure.
6. Press F9 to compile the samples (build each node separately if
you prefer, by right clicking and choose Build Node).
7. Run each sample: you may need to run from each sample's directory
since some (notably the wxHTML samples) look for files
relative to the working directory.
Note (1): the samples project file contains a selection of
samples, and not all samples. The remaining samples can be made
with the makefiles. See also the demos hierarchy which doesn't
have any BC++ project files yet.
Note (2): to make the png, zlib, jpeg and tiff libraries (needed for
some samples) you need to compile them with bc32.ide.
Note (3): the debug version of the wxWindows library is about 40 MB, and the
release version is around 5 MB.
See also the file docs/tech/tn0007.txt for further instructions and details
of how to create your own project files.
In all of your wxWindows applications, your source code should include
the following preprocessor directive:
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
(check the samples -- e.g., \wx2\samples\minimal\minimal.cpp -- for
more details)
Borland C++Builder IDE compilation
1. Build the wxWindows libraries using the Borland make utility as
specified in the section called "Borland C++ 5.0 compilation"
above. (C++ Builder includes a stand-alone C++ compiler. For example,
C++ Builder 4.0 comes with C++ 5.4.)
2. You can use the process_sample_bcb.bat command which is in
wxwindows\distrib\msw to generate a .mak or .bpr file for most of the
samples [mak for Cbuilder 1-6; v4 and after will convert this to bpr].
Execute this in the sampledirectory, passing the name of the cpp files
on the command line. For more details, see the instructions in
docs/tech/tn0004.htm or http://biolpc22.york.ac.uk/wx/bc/ide.html.
Borland 16 Bit compilation for Windows 3.1
The last version of wxWindows to support 16-bit compilation with Borland was
2.2.7 - Please download and read the instructions in that release
Watcom C++ 10.6/11 and OpenWatcom compilation
1. Make sure your WXWIN variable is set, and uses the DOS short
name form.
2. Change directory to wx\src\msw. Type 'wmake -f makefile.wat' to
make the wxWindows core library.
3. Change directory to wx\samples\minimal and type 'wmake -f makefile.wat'
to make this sample. Repeat for other samples of interest.
There are several makefile variables which may be modified:
- FINAL may be set to 1 (e.g. 'wmake -f makefile.wat FINAL=1') to build
the release version of the library, i.e. without debug info and with
optimizations enabled
- WATCOM_SUFFIX is appended to the names of all libraries produced by the
makefile -- this allows to use several compilers in the same wxWindows
source tree. If you only use Watcom compiler, set WATCOM_SUFFIX to nothing.
- OUTPUTDIR may be set to the name of the directory where you want all the
object files to be generated (the library files are always created in
%WXWIN%\lib). Compilation will fail if you set it to an empty string
to create them in the same directory as the source. If you change OUTPUTDIR,
make sure that it does not have a trailing backslash!
- In the samples, you may use EXEDIR=adir to build the samples in adir. Setting
EXEDIR=. will build in the current directory,
Note (1): if your installation of Watcom doesn't have odbc32.lib file and
you need it (i.e. you have wxUSE_ODBC=1), you can use the file
from lib\watcom directory. See the notes in that directory.
Note (2): if variant.cpp is compiled with date/time class options, the linker
gives up. So the date/time option is switched off for Watcom C++.
Also, wxAutomationObject is not compiled with Watcom C++ 10.
Note (3): RawBitmaps won't work at present because they use unsupported template
Note (4): if Watcom can't read the precompiled header when building a sample,
try deleting src\msw\watcom.pch and compiling the sample again.
Metrowerks CodeWarrior compilation
1. CodeWarrior Pro7 project files in XML format are already
included in wxMSW-2.5.0.zip and the setup version.
2. Review the file include\wx\msw\setup.h (or include\wx\msw\setup0.h if
you are working from the CVS version) to make sure the settings reflect
what you want. If you aren't sure, leave it alone and go with the
default settings. A few notes:
- Don't use wxUSE_DEBUG_NEW_ALWAYS: it doesn't mix well with MSL
- wxUSE_GLOBAL_MEMORY_OPERATORS works, but memory leak reports
will be rather confusing due to interactions with the MSL ANSI
and runtime libs.
3. The project file to build the Win32 wxWindows libraries relies on the
Batch File Runner plug-in. This plug-in is not installed as part of
a normal CW7 installation. However, you can find this plug-in on the
CodeWarrior Reference CD, in the Thrill Seekers folder; it's call the
"Batch File Post Linker".
4. If you choose not to install the Batch File Runner plug-in, then you
need to do the following by hand:
(1) Create the directories lib\cw7msw\include\wx and copy the file
include\wx\msw\setup.h (or include\wx\msw\setup0.h if you are
working from the CVS version) to lib\cw7msw\include\wx\setup.h
(2) Create the directories lib\cw7mswd\include\wx and copy the file
include\wx\msw\setup.h (or include\wx\msw\setup0.h if you are
working from the CVS version) to lib\cw7mswd\include\wx\setup.h
5. Import src\wxWindowsW7.xml to create the project file wxWindowsW7.mcp.
Store this project file in directory src. You may get warnings about
not being able to find certain project paths; ignore these warnings, the
appropriate paths will be created during the build by the Batch File Runner.
6. Choose the wxlib Win32 debug or wxlib Win32 Release target and build. You
will get some warnings about hidden virtual functions, illegal conversions
from const pointers to pointers, etc., all of which you can safely ignore.
***Note: if you get errors that the compiler can't find "wx/setup.h", just
stop the build and build again. These errors occur because sometimes the
compiler starts doing its thing before the copying of setup.h has completed.
7. The following libraries will be produced depending on chosen
- wx_x86.lib ANSI Release (static)
- wx_x86_d.lib ANSI Debug (static)
8. Sorry, I haven't had time yet to create and test unicode or DLL versions.
Volunteers for this are welcome (as neither DLLs nor unicode builds are
big priorities for me ;).
9. CodeWarrior Pro7 project files (in XML format) are also provided for some
of the samples. In particular, there are project files for the minimal,
controls, dialogs, dnd, nd docview samples. You can use these project
files as templates for the other samples and for your own projects.
- For example, to make a project file for the "newgrid" sample,
just copy the project file for the "minimal" sample, minimalW7.mcp
(made by importing minimalW7.xml into CodeWarrior), into the
sample/newgrid directory, calling it newgridW7.mcp. Open
newgridW7.mcp and revise the project by deleting the files
minimal.rc and minimal.cpp and adding the files griddemo.rc and
griddemo.cpp. Build and run....
Cygwin/MinGW compilation
wxWindows 2 supports Cygwin (formerly GnuWin32) betas and
releases, and MinGW. Cygwin can be downloaded from:
and MinGW from:
Both Cygwin and MinGW can be used with the same makefiles, and both can be
used with configure. However the (strongly) preferred way to build wxWindows
is using configure with Cygwin and using the makefiles with MinGW as these
configurations are test much more often than the remaining two and so are much
more likely to work out of the box.
NOTE: some notes specific to old Cygwin (< 1.1.x)
and MinGW (< 1.0) are at the end of this section
There are two methods of compiling wxWindows, by using the
makefiles provided or by using 'configure'.
Retrieve and install the latest version of Cygwin, or MinGW, as per
the instructions with either of these packages.
If using MinGW, you can download the add-on MSYS package to
provide Unix-like tools that you'll need to build wxWindows.
If you do not want to use MSYS, then you need to download extra utilities from
ports/mingw32 on the wxWindows ftp site or CD-ROM:
These should be extracted to a directory in your path. If you have
already downloaded rm, cp, mv from elsewhere, or are using
MSYS, you won't need all of these files. However if using MSYS
and configure to build wxWindows, you will need to unzip the
following files from extra.zip and place them in e.g. an
extrabin directory which you then add to your path:
bison.exe bison.hairy bison.simple flex.exe
You will also need to set these variables:
set BISON_SIMPLE=c:\apps\mingw2.0.0-3\extrabin\bison.simple
set BISON_HAIRY=c:\apps\mingw2.0.0-3\extrabin\bison.hairy
Here we're setting them in DOS before invoking 'sh', but you
could set them within the shell instead.
The 'configure' method uses flex and bison, whereas the
direct makefile method uses pregenerated C files.
Using makefiles directly
NOTE: The makefile are for compilation under Cygwin, MSYS, or
command.com/cmd.exe, they won't work in other environments
(such as UNIX)
Here are the steps required using the provided makefiles:
- Set your WXWIN variable to where wxWindows is installed.
*** IMPORTANT: For Cygwin/MinGW, use forward slashes in the path, not
- Edit src/makeg95.env and set the MINGW32 variable at the top of
the file to either 1 (you have MinGW) or 0 (if you have
Cygwin); also set the MINGW32VERSION variable appropriately for your
GCC version.
- Use the makefile.g95 files for compiling wxWindows and samples,
e.g. to compile a debugging version of wxWindows:
> cd c:\wx\src\msw
> make -f makefile.g95 clean
> make -f makefile.g95
> cd c:\wx\samples\minimal
> make -f makefile.g95 cleanall
> make -f makefile.g95
to compile with optimizations:
> cd c:\wx\src\msw
> make -f makefile.g95 clean
> make -f makefile.g95 FINAL=1
> cd c:\wx\samples\minimal
> make -f makefile.g95 cleanall
> make -f makefile.g95 FINAL=1
to compile a DLL:
> cd c:\wx\src\msw
> make -f makefile.g95 clean
> make -f makefile.g95 WXMAKINGDLL=1
> cd c:\wx\samples\minimal
> make -f makefile.g95 cleanall
> make -f makefile.g95 WXUSINGDLL=1
to compile the Unicode version:
> cd c:\wx\src\msw
> make -f makefile.g95 clean
> make -f makefile.g95 UNICODE=1
> cd c:\wx\samples\minimal
> make -f makefile.g95 cleanall
> make -f makefile.g95 UNICODE=1
Options can be combined (e.g.: UNICODE=1 FINAL=1)
Ignore the warning about the default entry point.
- Use the 'strip' command to reduce executable/dll size (note that
stripping an executable/dll will remove debug information!).
- With Cygwin, you can invoke gdb --nw myfile.exe to
debug an executable. If there are memory leaks, they will be
flagged when the program quits. You can use Cygwin gdb
to debug MinGW executables.
All targets have 'clean' targets to allow removal of object files
and other intermediate compiler files and 'cleanall' targets to
allow removal of all object files and library files.
Using configure
Instead of using the makefiles, you can use the configure
system to generate appropriate makefiles, as used on Unix
and Mac OS X systems.
Change directory to the root of the wxWindows distribution,
make a build directory, and run configure and make in this directory.
For example:
mkdir build-debug
cd build-debug
../configure --with-msw --enable-debug --enable-debug_gdb --disable-shared
make install % This step is optional, see note (8) below.
cd samples/minimal
1. See also the Cygwin/MinGW on the web site or CD-ROM for
further information about using wxWindows with these compilers.
2. libwx.a is 100 MB or more - but much less if compiled with no
debug info (-g0) and level 4 optimization (-O4).
3. If you get a link error under MinGW 2.95.2 referring to:
then you need to edit the file objidl.h at line 663 and add
a missing PURE keyword:
4. There's a bug in MinGW headers for some early distributions.
in include/windows32/defines.h, where it says:
it should say:
(a missing bracket).
5. If there's a problem with the copy or remove commands in
src/msw/makefile.g95, you may need to change the COPY and
RM variables in makeg95.env.
6. If there's a problem executing the windres program, try
commenting out RCPREPROCESSOR in makeg95.env.
7. OpenGL support should work with MinGW as-is. However,
if you wish to generate import libraries appropriate either for
the MS OpenGL libraries or the SGI OpenGL libraries, go to
include/wx/msw/gl and use:
dlltool -k -d opengl.def -llibopengl.a
for the SGI DLLs, or
dlltool -k -d opengl32.def -llibopengl32.a
and similarly for glu[32].def.
8. The 'make install' step is optional, and copies files
as follows:
/usr/local/lib - wxmswXYZd.dll.a and wxmswXYZd.dll
/usr/local/include/wx - wxWindows header files
/usr/local/bin - wx-config
You may need to do this if using wx-config with the
default root path.
- If using MinGW 2.95 and below with wxWindows 2.1 or above, you
must hand-patch with Mingw32-gcc295.patches (located in the
top-level of the wxWindows 2 installation). MinGW 2.95.2
and above contain the fixes already.
- Modify the file wx/src/cygnus.bat (or mingw32.bat or mingegcs.bat)
to set up appropriate variables, if necessary mounting drives.
Run it before compiling.
- For Cygwin, make sure there's a \tmp directory on your
Windows drive or bison will crash (actually you don't need
bison for ordinary wxWindows compilation: a pre-generated .c file is
- If using GnuWin32 b18, you will need to copy windres.exe
from e.g. the MinGW distribution, to a directory in your path.
Symantec & DigitalMars C++ compilation
The DigitalMars compiler is a free succssor to the Symantec compiler
and can be downloaded from http://www.digitalmars.com/
1. You need to download and unzip in turn (later packages will oevrwrite older files)
Digital Mars C/C++ Compiler Version 8.33
Basic utilities
beta test C++ Compiler Version 8.34
from http://www.digitalmars.com/download/freecompiler.html [02 may 03, CE]
2. Make sure your WXWIN variable is set, and uses the FAT (short
name) form.
3. Change directory to wx\src\msw. Type 'make -f makefile.sc' to
make the wxWindows core library.
4. Change directory to wx\samples\minimal and type 'make -f makefile.sc'
to make this sample. The mdi and image sample also work; others may give
linker erros due to missing libraries
16-bit compilation is no longer supported.
Salford C++ compilation
1. Make sure your WXWIN variable is set, and uses the FAT (short
name) form.
2. Edit SALFORDDIR and RESOURCEDIR in src/makesl.env as per
3. Change directory to wx\src\msw. Type 'mk32 -f makefile.sl all' to
make the wxWindows core library.
4. Change directory to wx\samples\minimal and type 'mk32 -f makefile.sl'
to make this sample.
Unfortunately, Salford C++ seems to have problems with its code generation for
operations on objects, as seen in wxFrame::OnMenuHighlight
(minimal sample) or wxWindow::SetValidator (mdi sample). Also the
the debugging version of the library is 90MB, with samples coming in
at 40MB :-) However, wxWindows at least makes a good test suite for
improving the compiler.
TWIN32 and gcc on Linux
The wxWindows 2 for Windows port may be compiled using
the TWIN32 emulator package from www.willows.com. However,
TWIN32 is by no means finished so this should be taken as
something to think about for the future, rather than
a tool for writing products with.
Use makefile.twn in much the same way as makefile.g95, as
described above. Not all sample makefiles are supplied yet.
For some reason, I found I had to copy TWIN32's Windows resource
compiler (rc) to the current working directory for it to be found.
General Notes
- Debugging: under Windows 95, debugging output isn't output in
the same way that it is under NT or Windows 3.1.
Please see DebugView (bin/dbgview.exe in the distribution), also
available from http://www.sysinternals.com and on the wxWindows CD-ROM
under Packages.
- If you are installing wxWindows 2 from CVS, you may find that
include/wx/msw/setup.h is missing. This is deliberate, to avoid
developers' different setup.h configurations getting confused.
Please copy setup0.h to setup.h before compiling. Also, read
the BuildCVS.txt for other hints.