Vadim Zeitlin e6a156f9c8 use \true/\false and \arg
git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@30134 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2004-10-28 01:05:20 +00:00

303 lines
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%% Name: uri.tex
%% Purpose: wxURI docs
%% Author: Ryan Norton <wxprojects@comcast.net>
%% Modified by:
%% Created: 7/7/2004
%% RCS-ID: $Id$
%% Copyright: (c) Ryan Norton
%% License: wxWindows license
wxURI is used to extract information from
a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
For information about URIs, see
\urlref{RFC 2396}{http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt} or
\urlref{RFC 2396.bis (Updated draft of RFC 2396)}{http://www.gbiv.com/protocols/uri/rev-2002/rfc2396bis.html}.
In short, a URL \em{is} a URI. In other
words, URL is a subset of a URI - all
acceptable URLs are also acceptable URIs.
wxURI supports copy construction and standard assignment
operators. wxURI can also be inherited from to provide
furthur functionality.
\wxheading{Derived from}
No base class
\wxheading{Include files}
\membersection{Obtaining individual components}
To obtain individual components you can use
one of the following methods:
However, you should check HasXXX before
calling a get method:\\
//protocol will hold the http protocol (i.e. "http")
wxString protocol;
wxURI myuri(wxT("http://mysite.com"));
protocol = myuri.GetScheme();
Creates an empty URI.
\func{}{wxURI}{\param{const wxChar* }{uri}}
Constructor for quick creation.
\docparam{uri}{string to initialize with}
\func{}{wxURI}{\param{const wxURI\& }{uri}}
Copies this URI from another URI.
\docparam{uri}{URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) to initialize with}
\func{void}{Create}{\param{const wxChar* }{uri}}
Creates this URI from the string \arg{uri}.
\docparam{uri}{string to initialize from}
Obtains the full URI.
If the URI is not a reference or is not resolved,
the URI that is returned from Get is the same one
passed to Create.
\constfunc{const wxString&}{GetFragment}{\void}
Obtains the fragment of this URI.
The fragment of a URI is the last value of the URI,
and is the value after a '#' character after the path
of the URI.
\constfunc{const HostType\&}{GetHostType}{\void}
Obtains the host type of this URI, which is of type
\twocolitem{{\bf wxURI\_REGNAME}}{Server is a host name, or the Server component itself is undefined.}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxURI\_IPV4ADDRESS}}{Server is a IP version 4 address (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxURI\_IPV6ADDRESS}}{Server is a IP version 6 address ((XXX:)XXX::(XXX)XXX:XXX}
\twocolitem{{\bf wxURI\_IPVFUTURE}}{Server is an IP address, but not versions 4 or 6}
\constfunc{const wxString&}{GetPath}{\void}
Returns the (normalized) path of the URI.
The path component of a URI comes
directly after the scheme component
if followed by zero or one slashes ('/'),
or after the server/port component.
Absolute paths include the leading '/'
\constfunc{const wxString&}{GetPort}{\void}
Returns a string representation of the URI's port.
The Port of a URI is a value after the server, and
must come after a colon (:).
Note that you can easily get the numeric value of the port
by using wxAtoi or wxString::Format.
\constfunc{const wxString&}{GetQuery}{\void}
Returns the Query component of the URI.
The query component is what is commonly passed to a
cgi application, and must come after the path component,
and after a '?' character.
\constfunc{const wxString&}{GetScheme}{\void}
Returns the Scheme component of the URI.
The first part of the uri.
\constfunc{const wxString&}{GetServer}{\void}
Returns the Server component of the URI.
The server of the uri can be a server name or
a type of ip address. See
\helpref{GetHostType}{wxurigethosttype} for the
possible values for the host type of the
server component.
\constfunc{const wxString&}{GetUser}{\void}
Returns the User component of the URI.
The component of a URI before the server component
that is postfixed by a '@' character.
Returns \true if the Fragment component of the URI exists.
Returns \true if the Path component of the URI exists.
Returns \true if the Port component of the URI exists.
Returns \true if the Query component of the URI exists.
Returns \true if the Scheme component of the URI exists.
Returns \true if the Server component of the URI exists.
Returns \true if the User component of the URI exists.
Returns \true if a valid [absolute] URI, otherwise this URI
is a URI reference and not a full URI, and IsReference
returns \false.
\membersection{wxURI::operator ==}\label{wxurioperatorcompare}
\func{void}{operator ==}{\param{const wxURI\& }{uricomp}}
Compares this URI to another URI, and returns \true if
this URI equals \arg{uricomp}, otherwise it returns \false.
\docparam{uricomp}{URI to compare to}
\func{void}{Resolve}{\param{const wxURI\& }{base}, \param{int }{flags = \texttt{wxURI\_STRICT}}}
Inherits this URI from a base URI - components that do not
exist in this URI are copied from the base, and if this URI's
path is not an absolute path (prefixed by a '/'), then this URI's
path is merged with the base's path.
For instance, resolving "../mydir" from "http://mysite.com/john/doe"
results in the scheme (http) and server (mysite.com) being copied into
this URI, since they do not exist. In addition, since the path
of this URI is not absolute (does not begin with '/'), the path
of the base's is merged with this URI's path, resulting in the URI
\docparam{base}{Base URI to inherit from. Must be a full URI and not a reference}
\docparam{flags}{Currently either \texttt{wxURI\_STRICT} or $0$, in non strict
mode some compatability layers are enabled to allow loopholes from RFCs prior
to 2396}