Robin Dunn 1e7ecb7be0 Massive code changes and cleanup to allow wxPython to be split into
multiple extension modules again.  A Python CObject is used to allow
the "export" of SWIG and other common helper functions from the wxc
module to other modules, even if they are in separate shared
libraries.  Should also be usable from 3rd party code, just include

Changed the default setup so the following are built as separate
extension modules:  calendar, glcanvas, grid, html, ogl, stc, and
utils.  Will probably add more later.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@8984 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2000-12-22 00:06:04 +00:00

188 lines
6.6 KiB

import sys, os, string
from distutils.msvccompiler import MSVCCompiler
from distutils.errors import \
DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError, \
CompileError, LibError, LinkError
from distutils.ccompiler import \
CCompiler, gen_preprocess_options, gen_lib_options
class MyMSVCCompiler(MSVCCompiler):
## Override the entire compile method just to add flags to the
## RC command. There should be an easier way to do this from
## distutils directly or in a derived class...
def compile (self,
(output_dir, macros, include_dirs) = \
self._fix_compile_args (output_dir, macros, include_dirs)
(objects, skip_sources) = self._prep_compile (sources, output_dir)
if extra_postargs is None:
extra_postargs = []
pp_opts = gen_preprocess_options (macros, include_dirs)
compile_opts = extra_preargs or []
compile_opts.append ('/c')
if debug:
compile_opts.extend (self.compile_options_debug)
compile_opts.extend (self.compile_options)
for i in range (len (sources)):
src = sources[i] ; obj = objects[i]
ext = (os.path.splitext (src))[1]
if skip_sources[src]:
self.announce ("skipping %s (%s up-to-date)" % (src, obj))
self.mkpath (os.path.dirname (obj))
if ext in self._c_extensions:
input_opt = "/Tc" + os.path.abspath(src)
elif ext in self._cpp_extensions:
input_opt = "/Tp" + os.path.abspath(src)
elif ext in self._rc_extensions:
# compile .RC to .RES file
input_opt = src
output_opt = "/fo" + obj
self.spawn ([self.rc] + pp_opts + ### RPD changed this line only
[output_opt] + [input_opt])
except DistutilsExecError, msg:
raise CompileError, msg
elif ext in self._mc_extensions:
# Compile .MC to .RC file to .RES file.
# * '-h dir' specifies the directory for the
# generated include file
# * '-r dir' specifies the target directory of the
# generated RC file and the binary message resource
# it includes
# For now (since there are no options to change this),
# we use the source-directory for the include file and
# the build directory for the RC file and message
# resources. This works at least for win32all.
h_dir = os.path.dirname (src)
rc_dir = os.path.dirname (obj)
# first compile .MC to .RC and .H file
self.spawn ([self.mc] +
['-h', h_dir, '-r', rc_dir] + [src])
base, _ = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (src))
rc_file = os.path.join (rc_dir, base + '.rc')
# then compile .RC to .RES file
self.spawn ([self.rc] +
["/fo" + obj] + [rc_file])
except DistutilsExecError, msg:
raise CompileError, msg
# how to handle this file?
raise CompileError (
"Don't know how to compile %s to %s" % \
(src, obj))
output_opt = "/Fo" + obj
self.spawn ([self.cc] + compile_opts + pp_opts +
[input_opt, output_opt] +
except DistutilsExecError, msg:
raise CompileError, msg
return objects
# compile ()
# Hack this module and class into the distutils...
from distutils import ccompiler
ccompiler.default_compiler['nt'] = 'my_msvc'
ccompiler.compiler_class['my_msvc'] = ('my_distutils',
'My MSVC derived class')
# make it look like it is part of the package...
import my_distutils
sys.modules['distutils.my_distutils'] = my_distutils
# Run SWIG the way I want it done
def run_swig(files, dir, gendir, package, USE_SWIG, force, swig_args, swig_deps=[]):
from distutils.file_util import copy_file
from distutils.dep_util import newer
from distutils.spawn import spawn
sources = []
for file in files:
basefile = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
i_file = os.path.join(dir, file)
py_file = os.path.join(dir, gendir, basefile+'.py')
cpp_file = os.path.join(dir, gendir, basefile+'.cpp')
for dep in swig_deps:
if newer(dep, py_file) or newer(dep, cpp_file):
force = 1
if force or newer(i_file, py_file) or newer(i_file, cpp_file):
# we need forward slashes here even on win32
cpp_file = string.join(string.split(cpp_file, '\\'), '/')
i_file = string.join(string.split(i_file, '\\'), '/')
cmd = ['swig'] + swig_args + ['-I'+dir, '-c', '-o', cpp_file, i_file]
spawn(cmd, verbose=1)
# copy the generated python file to the package directory
copy_file(py_file, package, update=not force, verbose=0)
return sources
# Update local copies of wxWindows contrib files
def contrib_copy_tree(src, dest, verbose=0):
from distutils.dir_util import mkpath, copy_tree
mkpath(dest, verbose=verbose)
copy_tree(src, dest, update=1, verbose=verbose)