2002-01-14 16:40:44 +00:00

79 lines
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This class provides functions that write binary data types in a
portable way. Data can be written in either big-endian or litte-endian
format, little-endian being the default on all architectures.
If you want to write data to text files (or streams) use
\helpref{wxTextOutputStream}{wxtextoutputstream} instead.
The << operator is overloaded and you can use this class like a standard
C++ iostream. See \helpref{wxDataInputStream}{wxdatainputstream} for its
usage and caveats.
See also \helpref{wxDataInputStream}{wxdatainputstream}.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\func{}{wxDataOutputStream}{\param{wxOutputStream\&}{ stream}}
Constructs a datastream object from an output stream. Only write methods will
be available.
\docparam{stream}{The output stream.}
Destroys the wxDataOutputStream object.
\func{void}{BigEndianOrdered}{\param{bool}{ be\_order}}
If {\it be\_order} is TRUE, all data will be written in big-endian
order, e.g. for reading on a Sparc or from Java-Streams (which
always use big-endian order), otherwise data will be written in
little-endian order.
\func{void}{Write8}{{\param wxUint8 }{i8}}
Writes the single byte {\it i8} to the stream.
\func{void}{Write16}{{\param wxUint16 }{i16}}
Writes the 16 bit integer {\it i16} to the stream.
\func{void}{Write32}{{\param wxUint32 }{i32}}
Writes the 32 bit integer {\it i32} to the stream.
\func{void}{WriteDouble}{{\param double }{f}}
Writes the double {\it f} to the stream using the IEEE format.
\func{void}{WriteString}{{\param const wxString\& }{string}}
Writes {\it string} to the stream. Actually, this method writes the size of
the string before writing {\it string} itself.