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// Name: docview.h
// Purpose: interface of various doc/view framework classes
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
@class wxDocTemplate
The wxDocTemplate class is used to model the relationship between a
document class and a view class.
@see @ref overview_docview_wxdoctemplate, wxDocument, wxView
class wxDocTemplate : public wxObject
Constructor. Create instances dynamically near the start of your
application after creating a wxDocManager instance, and before doing
any document or view operations.
@param manager
The document manager object which manages this template.
@param descr
A short description of what the template is for. This string will
be displayed in the file filter list of Windows file selectors.
@param filter
An appropriate file filter such as "*.txt".
@param dir
The default directory to use for file selectors.
@param ext
The default file extension (such as "txt").
@param docTypeName
A name that should be unique for a given type of document, used for
gathering a list of views relevant to a particular document.
@param viewTypeName
A name that should be unique for a given view.
@param docClassInfo
A pointer to the run-time document class information as returned by
the CLASSINFO() macro, e.g. CLASSINFO(MyDocumentClass). If this is
not supplied, you will need to derive a new wxDocTemplate class and
override the CreateDocument() member to return a new document
instance on demand.
@param viewClassInfo
A pointer to the run-time view class information as returned by the
CLASSINFO() macro, e.g. CLASSINFO(MyViewClass). If this is not
supplied, you will need to derive a new wxDocTemplate class and
override the CreateView() member to return a new view instance on
@param flags
A bit list of the following:
- wxTEMPLATE_VISIBLE - The template may be displayed to the
user in dialogs.
- wxTEMPLATE_INVISIBLE - The template may not be displayed to
the user in dialogs.
wxDocTemplate(wxDocManager* manager, const wxString& descr,
const wxString& filter, const wxString& dir,
const wxString& ext, const wxString& docTypeName,
const wxString& viewTypeName, wxClassInfo* docClassInfo = 0,
wxClassInfo* viewClassInfo = 0,
long flags = wxTEMPLATE_VISIBLE);
virtual ~wxDocTemplate();
Creates a new instance of the associated document class. If you have
not supplied a wxClassInfo parameter to the template constructor, you
will need to override this function to return an appropriate document
This function calls InitDocument() which in turns calls
virtual wxDocument* CreateDocument(const wxString& path, long flags = 0);
Creates a new instance of the associated view class. If you have not
supplied a wxClassInfo parameter to the template constructor, you will
need to override this function to return an appropriate view instance.
virtual wxView* CreateView(wxDocument* doc, long flags = 0);
This function implements the default (very primitive) format detection
which checks if the extension is that of the template.
@param path
The path to be checked against the template.
virtual bool FileMatchesTemplate(const wxString& path);
Returns the default file extension for the document data, as passed to
the document template constructor.
wxString GetDefaultExtension() const;
Returns the text description of this template, as passed to the
document template constructor.
wxString GetDescription() const;
Returns the default directory, as passed to the document template
wxString GetDirectory() const;
Returns the run-time class information that allows document
instances to be constructed dynamically, as passed to the document
template constructor.
wxClassInfo* GetDocClassInfo() const;
Returns a pointer to the document manager instance for which this
template was created.
wxDocManager* GetDocumentManager() const;
Returns the document type name, as passed to the document template
virtual wxString GetDocumentName() const;
Returns the file filter, as passed to the document template
wxString GetFileFilter() const;
Returns the flags, as passed to the document template constructor.
long GetFlags() const;
Returns the run-time class information that allows view instances
to be constructed dynamically, as passed to the document template
wxClassInfo* GetViewClassInfo() const;
Returns the view type name, as passed to the document template
virtual wxString GetViewName() const;
Initialises the document, calling wxDocument::OnCreate(). This is
called from CreateDocument().
virtual bool InitDocument(wxDocument* doc, const wxString& path,
long flags = 0);
Returns @true if the document template can be shown in user dialogs,
@false otherwise.
bool IsVisible() const;
Sets the default file extension.
void SetDefaultExtension(const wxString& ext);
Sets the template description.
void SetDescription(const wxString& descr);
Sets the default directory.
void SetDirectory(const wxString& dir);
Sets the pointer to the document manager instance for which this
template was created. Should not be called by the application.
void SetDocumentManager(wxDocManager* manager);
Sets the file filter.
void SetFileFilter(const wxString& filter);
Sets the internal document template flags (see the constructor
description for more details).
void SetFlags(long flags);
The default extension for files of this type.
wxString m_defaultExt;
A short description of this template.
wxString m_description;
The default directory for files of this type.
wxString m_directory;
Run-time class information that allows document instances to be
constructed dynamically.
wxClassInfo* m_docClassInfo;
The named type of the document associated with this template.
wxString m_docTypeName;
A pointer to the document manager for which this template was created.
wxDocTemplate* m_documentManager;
The file filter (such as "*.txt") to be used in file selector dialogs.
wxString m_fileFilter;
The flags passed to the constructor.
long m_flags;
Run-time class information that allows view instances to be constructed
wxClassInfo* m_viewClassInfo;
The named type of the view associated with this template.
wxString m_viewTypeName;
@class wxDocManager
The wxDocManager class is part of the document/view framework supported by
wxWidgets, and cooperates with the wxView, wxDocument and wxDocTemplate
@see @ref overview_docview_wxdocmanager, wxDocument, wxView, wxDocTemplate,
class wxDocManager : public wxEvtHandler
Constructor. Create a document manager instance dynamically near the
start of your application before doing any document or view operations.
If @a initialize is @true, the Initialize() function will be called to
create a default history list object. If you derive from wxDocManager,
you may wish to call the base constructor with @false, and then call
Initialize() in your own constructor, to allow your own Initialize() or
OnCreateFileHistory functions to be called.
@param flags
Currently unused.
@param initialize
Indicates whether Initialize() should be called by this ctor.
wxDocManager(long flags = 0, bool initialize = true);
virtual ~wxDocManager();
Sets the current view.
virtual void ActivateView(wxView* doc, bool activate = true);
Adds the document to the list of documents.
void AddDocument(wxDocument* doc);
Adds a file to the file history list, if we have a pointer to an
appropriate file menu.
virtual void AddFileToHistory(const wxString& filename);
Adds the template to the document manager's template list.
void AssociateTemplate(wxDocTemplate* temp);
Closes all currently opened documents.
bool CloseDocuments(bool force = true);
Creates a new document.
This function can either create a document corresponding to a new
file or to an already existing one depending on whether @c wxDOC_NEW is
specified in the @a flags.
By default, this function asks the user for the type of document to
open and the path to its file if it's not specified, i.e. if @a path is
empty. Specifying @c wxDOC_SILENT flag suppresses any prompts and means
that the @a path must be non-empty and there must be a registered
document template handling the extension of this file, otherwise a
warning message is logged and the function returns @NULL. Notice that
@c wxDOC_SILENT can be combined with @c wxDOC_NEW, however in this case
the @a path must still be specified, even if the file with this path
typically won't exist.
Finally notice that if this document manager was configured to allow
only a limited number of simultaneously opened documents using
SetMaxDocsOpen(), this function will try to close the oldest existing
document if this number was reached before creating a new document.
And if closing the old document fails (e.g. because it was vetoed by
user), this function fails as well.
@param path
Path to a file or an empty string. If the path is empty, the user
will be asked to select it (thus, this is incompatible with the use
of @c wxDOC_SILENT). The file should exist unless @a flags includes
@c wxDOC_NEW.
@param flags
By default, none. May include @c wxDOC_NEW to indicate that the new
document corresponds to a new file and not an existing one and
@c wxDOC_SILENT to suppress any dialogs asking the user about the
file path and type.
@return a new document object or @NULL on failure.
virtual wxDocument* CreateDocument(const wxString& path, long flags = 0);
Creates an empty new document.
This is equivalent to calling CreateDocument() with @c wxDOC_NEW flags
and without the file name.
wxDocument *CreateNewDocument();
Creates a new view for the given document. If more than one view is
allowed for the document (by virtue of multiple templates mentioning
the same document type), a choice of view is presented to the user.
virtual wxView* CreateView(wxDocument* doc, long flags = 0);
Removes the template from the list of templates.
void DisassociateTemplate(wxDocTemplate* temp);
Appends the files in the history list to all menus managed by the file
history object.
virtual void FileHistoryAddFilesToMenu();
Appends the files in the history list to the given @a menu only.
virtual void FileHistoryAddFilesToMenu(wxMenu* menu);
Loads the file history from a config object.
@see wxConfigBase
virtual void FileHistoryLoad(const wxConfigBase& config);
Removes the given menu from the list of menus managed by the file
history object.
virtual void FileHistoryRemoveMenu(wxMenu* menu);
Saves the file history into a config object. This must be called
explicitly by the application.
@see wxConfigBase
virtual void FileHistorySave(wxConfigBase& resourceFile);
Use this menu for appending recently-visited document filenames, for
convenient access. Calling this function with a valid menu pointer
enables the history list functionality.
@note You can add multiple menus using this function, to be managed by
the file history object.
virtual void FileHistoryUseMenu(wxMenu* menu);
Given a path, try to find template that matches the extension. This is
only an approximate method of finding a template for creating a
virtual wxDocTemplate* FindTemplateForPath(const wxString& path);
Returns the document associated with the currently active view (if
wxDocument* GetCurrentDocument() const;
Returns the currently active view
virtual wxView* GetCurrentView() const;
Returns a reference to the list of documents.
wxList& GetDocuments();
Returns a pointer to file history.
virtual wxFileHistory* GetFileHistory() const;
Returns the number of files currently stored in the file history.
virtual size_t GetHistoryFilesCount() const;
Returns the directory last selected by the user when opening a file.
Initially empty.
wxString GetLastDirectory() const;
Returns the number of documents that can be open simultaneously.
int GetMaxDocsOpen() const;
Returns a reference to the list of associated templates.
wxList& GetTemplates();
Initializes data; currently just calls OnCreateFileHistory().
Some data cannot always be initialized in the constructor because the
programmer must be given the opportunity to override functionality. If
OnCreateFileHistory() was called from the constructor, an overridden
virtual OnCreateFileHistory() would not be called due to C++'s
'interesting' constructor semantics. In fact Initialize() @e is called
from the wxDocManager constructor, but this can be vetoed by passing
@false to the second argument, allowing the derived class's constructor
to call Initialize(), possibly calling a different
OnCreateFileHistory() from the default.
The bottom line: if you're not deriving from Initialize(), forget it
and construct wxDocManager with no arguments.
virtual bool Initialize();
Return a string containing a suitable default name for a new document.
By default this is implemented by appending an integer counter to the
string @b unnamed but can be overridden in the derived classes to do
something more appropriate.
virtual wxString MakeNewDocumentName();
A hook to allow a derived class to create a different type of file
history. Called from Initialize().
virtual wxFileHistory* OnCreateFileHistory();
Closes and deletes the currently active document.
void OnFileClose(wxCommandEvent& event);
Closes and deletes all the currently opened documents.
void OnFileCloseAll(wxCommandEvent& event);
Creates a document from a list of templates (if more than one
void OnFileNew(wxCommandEvent& event);
Creates a new document and reads in the selected file.
void OnFileOpen(wxCommandEvent& event);
Reverts the current document by calling wxDocument::Revert() for the
current document.
void OnFileRevert(wxCommandEvent& event);
Saves the current document by calling wxDocument::Save() for the
current document.
void OnFileSave(wxCommandEvent& event);
Calls wxDocument::SaveAs() for the current document.
void OnFileSaveAs(wxCommandEvent& event);
Removes the document from the list of documents.
void RemoveDocument(wxDocument* doc);
Under Windows, pops up a file selector with a list of filters
corresponding to document templates. The wxDocTemplate corresponding to
the selected file's extension is returned.
On other platforms, if there is more than one document template a
choice list is popped up, followed by a file selector.
This function is used in CreateDocument().
virtual wxDocTemplate* SelectDocumentPath(wxDocTemplate** templates,
int noTemplates, wxString& path,
long flags, bool save = false);
Returns a document template by asking the user (if there is more than
one template). This function is used in CreateDocument().
@param templates
Pointer to an array of templates from which to choose a desired
@param noTemplates
Number of templates being pointed to by the templates pointer.
@param sort
If more than one template is passed in in templates, then this
parameter indicates whether the list of templates that the user
will have to choose from is sorted or not when shown the choice box
dialog. Default is @false.
virtual wxDocTemplate* SelectDocumentType(wxDocTemplate** templates,
int noTemplates,
bool sort = false);
Returns a document template by asking the user (if there is more than
one template), displaying a list of valid views. This function is used
in CreateView(). The dialog normally will not appear because the array
of templates only contains those relevant to the document in question,
and often there will only be one such.
@param templates
Pointer to an array of templates from which to choose a desired
@param noTemplates
Number of templates being pointed to by the templates pointer.
@param sort
If more than one template is passed in in templates, then this
parameter indicates whether the list of templates that the user
will have to choose from is sorted or not when shown the choice box
dialog. Default is @false.
virtual wxDocTemplate* SelectViewType(wxDocTemplate** templates,
int noTemplates, bool sort = false);
Sets the directory to be displayed to the user when opening a file.
Initially this is empty.
void SetLastDirectory(const wxString& dir);
Sets the maximum number of documents that can be open at a time. By
default, this is @c INT_MAX, i.e. the number of documents is unlimited.
If you set it to 1, existing documents will be saved and deleted when
the user tries to open or create a new one (similar to the behaviour of
Windows Write, for example). Allowing multiple documents gives
behaviour more akin to MS Word and other Multiple Document Interface
void SetMaxDocsOpen(int n);
The currently active view.
wxView* m_currentView;
Stores the integer to be used for the next default document name.
int m_defaultDocumentNameCounter;
A list of all documents.
wxList m_docs;
A pointer to an instance of wxFileHistory, which manages the history of
recently-visited files on the File menu.
wxFileHistory* m_fileHistory;
Stores the flags passed to the constructor.
long m_flags;
The directory last selected by the user when opening a file.
wxFileHistory* m_fileHistory;
Stores the maximum number of documents that can be opened before
existing documents are closed. By default, this is 10,000.
int m_maxDocsOpen;
@class wxView
The view class can be used to model the viewing and editing component of
an application's file-based data. It is part of the document/view framework
supported by wxWidgets, and cooperates with the wxDocument, wxDocTemplate
and wxDocManager classes.
@see @ref overview_docview_wxview, wxDocument, wxDocTemplate, wxDocManager
class wxView : public wxEvtHandler
Constructor. Define your own default constructor to initialize
application-specific data.
Destructor. Removes itself from the document's list of views.
virtual ~wxView();
Call this from your view frame's wxDocChildFrame::OnActivate() member
to tell the framework which view is currently active. If your windowing
system doesn't call wxDocChildFrame::OnActivate(), you may need to call
this function from any place where you know the view must be active,
and the framework will need to get the current view.
The prepackaged view frame wxDocChildFrame calls Activate() from its
wxDocChildFrame::OnActivate() member.
This function calls OnActivateView().
virtual void Activate(bool activate);
Closes the view by calling OnClose(). If @a deleteWindow is @true, this
function should delete the window associated with the view.
virtual bool Close(bool deleteWindow = true);
Gets a pointer to the document associated with the view.
wxDocument* GetDocument() const;
Returns a pointer to the document manager instance associated with this
wxDocManager* GetDocumentManager() const;
Gets the frame associated with the view (if any). Note that this
"frame" is not a wxFrame at all in the generic MDI implementation which
uses notebook pages instead of frames and this is why this method
returns a wxWindow and not a wxFrame.
wxWindow* GetFrame() const;
Gets the name associated with the view (passed to the wxDocTemplate
constructor). Not currently used by the framework.
wxString GetViewName() const;
Called when a view is activated by means of Activate(). The default
implementation does nothing.
virtual void OnActivateView(bool activate, wxView* activeView,
wxView* deactiveView);
Called when the filename has changed. The default implementation
constructs a suitable title and sets the title of the view frame (if
virtual void OnChangeFilename();
Implements closing behaviour. The default implementation calls
wxDocument::Close() to close the associated document. Does not delete
the view. The application may wish to do some cleaning up operations in
this function, @e if a call to wxDocument::Close() succeeded. For
example, if your views all share the same window, you need to
disassociate the window from the view and perhaps clear the window. If
@a deleteWindow is @true, delete the frame associated with the view.
virtual bool OnClose(bool deleteWindow);
Override this to clean up the view when the document is being closed.
virtual void OnClosingDocument();
wxDocManager or wxDocument creates a wxView via a wxDocTemplate. Just
after the wxDocTemplate creates the wxView, it calls OnCreate(). The
wxView can create a wxDocChildFrame (or derived class) in its
wxView::OnCreate() member function. This wxDocChildFrame provides user
interface elements to view and/or edit the contents of the wxDocument.
By default, simply returns @true. If the function returns @false, the
view will be deleted.
virtual bool OnCreate(wxDocument* doc, long flags);
If the printing framework is enabled in the library, this function
returns a wxPrintout object for the purposes of printing. It should
create a new object every time it is called; the framework will delete
objects it creates.
By default, this function returns an instance of wxDocPrintout, which
prints and previews one page by calling OnDraw().
Override to return an instance of a class other than wxDocPrintout.
virtual wxPrintout* OnCreatePrintout();
Override this function to render the view on the given device context.
virtual void OnDraw(wxDC* dc) = 0;
Called when the view should be updated.
@param sender
A pointer to the wxView that sent the update request, or @NULL if
no single view requested the update (for instance, when the
document is opened).
@param hint
This is unused currently, but may in future contain
application-specific information for making updating more
virtual void OnUpdate(wxView* sender, wxObject* hint = 0);
Associates the given document with the view. Normally called by the
virtual void SetDocument(wxDocument* doc);
Sets the frame associated with this view. The application should call
this if possible, to tell the view about the frame.
See GetFrame() for the explanation about the mismatch between the
"Frame" in the method name and the type of its parameter.
void SetFrame(wxWindow* frame);
Sets the view type name. Should only be called by the framework.
void SetViewName(const wxString& name);
The document associated with this view. There may be more than one view
per document, but there can never be more than one document for one
wxDocument* m_viewDocument;
Frame associated with the view, if any.
wxFrame* m_viewFrame;
The view type name given to the wxDocTemplate constructor, copied to
this variable when the view is created. Not currently used by the
wxString m_viewTypeName;
@class wxDocChildFrame
The wxDocChildFrame class provides a default frame for displaying documents
on separate windows. This class can only be used for SDI (not MDI) child
The class is part of the document/view framework supported by wxWidgets,
and cooperates with the wxView, wxDocument, wxDocManager and wxDocTemplate
@see @ref overview_docview, @ref page_samples_docview, wxFrame
class wxDocChildFrame : public wxFrame
wxDocChildFrame(wxDocument* doc, wxView* view, wxFrame* parent,
wxWindowID id, const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
const wxString& name = wxFrameNameStr);
virtual ~wxDocChildFrame();
Returns the document associated with this frame.
wxDocument* GetDocument() const;
Returns the view associated with this frame.
wxView* GetView() const;
Sets the currently active view to be the frame's view. You may need to
override (but still call) this function in order to set the keyboard
focus for your subwindow.
void OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event);
Closes and deletes the current view and document.
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
Sets the document for this frame.
void SetDocument(wxDocument* doc);
Sets the view for this frame.
void SetView(wxView* view);
The document associated with the frame.
wxDocument* m_childDocument;
The view associated with the frame.
wxView* m_childView;
@class wxDocParentFrame
The wxDocParentFrame class provides a default top-level frame for
applications using the document/view framework. This class can only be used
for SDI (not MDI) parent frames.
It cooperates with the wxView, wxDocument, wxDocManager and wxDocTemplate
@see @ref overview_docview, @ref page_samples_docview, wxFrame
class wxDocParentFrame : public wxFrame
Default constructor.
wxDocParentFrame(wxDocManager* manager, wxFrame* parent,
wxWindowID id, const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
const wxString& name = wxFrameNameStr);
virtual ~wxDocParentFrame();
Used in two-step construction.
bool Create(wxDocManager* manager, wxFrame* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 541072960,
const wxString& name = wxFrameNameStr);
Returns the associated document manager object.
wxDocManager* GetDocumentManager() const;
Deletes all views and documents. If no user input cancelled the
operation, the frame will be destroyed and the application will exit.
Since understanding how document/view clean-up takes place can be
difficult, the implementation of this function is shown below:
void wxDocParentFrame::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event)
if (m_docManager->Clear(!event.CanVeto()))
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
@class wxDocument
The document class can be used to model an application's file-based data.
It is part of the document/view framework supported by wxWidgets, and
cooperates with the wxView, wxDocTemplate and wxDocManager classes.
@see @ref overview_docview, wxView, wxDocTemplate, wxDocManager
class wxDocument : public wxEvtHandler
Constructor. Define your own default constructor to initialize
application-specific data.
wxDocument(wxDocument* parent = 0);
Destructor. Removes itself from the document manager.
virtual ~wxDocument();
If the view is not already in the list of views, adds the view and
calls OnChangedViewList().
virtual bool AddView(wxView* view);
Returns true if the document hasn't been modified since the last time
it had been saved.
Notice that this function returns @false if the document had been never
saved at all, so it may be also used to test whether it makes sense to
save the document: if it returns @true, there is nothing to save but if
@false is returned, it can be saved, even if it might be not modified
(this can be used to create an empty document file by the user).
@see IsModified(), GetDocumentSaved()
@since 2.9.0
bool AlreadySaved() const;
Closes the document, by calling OnSaveModified() and then (if this
returned @true) OnCloseDocument(). This does not normally delete the
document object, use DeleteAllViews() to do this implicitly.
virtual bool Close();
Calls wxView::Close() and deletes each view. Deleting the final view
will implicitly delete the document itself, because the wxView
destructor calls RemoveView(). This in turns calls OnChangedViewList(),
whose default implemention is to save and delete the document if no
views exist.
virtual bool DeleteAllViews();
Returns a pointer to the command processor associated with this
@see wxCommandProcessor
virtual wxCommandProcessor* GetCommandProcessor() const;
Gets a pointer to the associated document manager.
virtual wxDocManager* GetDocumentManager() const;
Gets the document type name for this document. See the comment for
@ref m_documentTypeName.
wxString GetDocumentName() const;
Return true if this document had been already saved.
@see IsModified()
bool GetDocumentSaved() const;
Gets a pointer to the template that created the document.
virtual wxDocTemplate* GetDocumentTemplate() const;
Intended to return a suitable window for using as a parent for
document-related dialog boxes. By default, uses the frame associated
with the first view.
virtual wxWindow* GetDocumentWindow() const;
Gets the filename associated with this document, or "" if none is
wxString GetFilename() const;
A convenience function to get the first view for a document, because in
many cases a document will only have a single view.
@see GetViews()
wxView* GetFirstView() const;
Gets the title for this document. The document title is used for an
associated frame (if any), and is usually constructed by the framework
from the filename.
wxString GetTitle() const;
Return the document name suitable to be shown to the user. The default
implementation uses the document title, if any, of the name part of the
document filename if it was set or, otherwise, the string @b unnamed.
virtual wxString GetUserReadableName() const;
Returns the list whose elements are the views on the document.
@see GetFirstView()
wxList& GetViews() const;
const wxList& GetViews() const;
Returns @true if the document has been modified since the last save,
@false otherwise. You may need to override this if your document view
maintains its own record of being modified.
@see Modify()
virtual bool IsModified() const;
Override this function and call it from your own LoadObject() before
streaming your own data. LoadObject() is called by the framework
automatically when the document contents need to be loaded.
@note This version of LoadObject() may not exist depending on how
wxWidgets was configured.
virtual istream& LoadObject(istream& stream);
virtual wxInputStream& LoadObject(wxInputStream& stream);
Call with @true to mark the document as modified since the last save,
@false otherwise. You may need to override this if your document view
maintains its own record of being modified.
@see IsModified()
virtual void Modify(bool modify);
Called when a view is added to or deleted from this document. The
default implementation saves and deletes the document if no views exist
(the last one has just been removed).
virtual void OnChangedViewList();
This virtual function is called when the document is being closed.
The default implementation calls DeleteContents() (an empty
implementation) and sets the modified flag to @false. You can override
it to supply additional behaviour when the document is closed with
Notice that previous wxWidgets versions used to call this function also
from OnNewDocument(), rather counter-intuitively. This is no longer the
case since wxWidgets 2.9.0.
virtual bool OnCloseDocument();
Called just after the document object is created to give it a chance to
initialize itself. The default implementation uses the template
associated with the document to create an initial view. If this
function returns @false, the document is deleted.
virtual bool OnCreate(const wxString& path, long flags);
Override this function if you want a different (or no) command
processor to be created when the document is created. By default, it
returns an instance of wxCommandProcessor.
@see wxCommandProcessor
virtual wxCommandProcessor* OnCreateCommandProcessor();
The default implementation calls OnSaveModified() and DeleteContents(),
makes a default title for the document, and notifies the views that the
filename (in fact, the title) has changed.
virtual bool OnNewDocument();
Constructs an input file stream for the given filename (which must not
be empty), and calls LoadObject(). If LoadObject() returns @true, the
document is set to unmodified; otherwise, an error message box is
displayed. The document's views are notified that the filename has
changed, to give windows an opportunity to update their titles. All of
the document's views are then updated.
virtual bool OnOpenDocument(const wxString& filename);
Constructs an output file stream for the given filename (which must not
be empty), and calls SaveObject(). If SaveObject() returns @true, the
document is set to unmodified; otherwise, an error message box is
virtual bool OnSaveDocument(const wxString& filename);
If the document has been modified, prompts the user to ask if the
changes should be changed. If the user replies Yes, the Save() function
is called. If No, the document is marked as unmodified and the function
succeeds. If Cancel, the function fails.
virtual bool OnSaveModified();
Removes the view from the document's list of views, and calls
virtual bool RemoveView(wxView* view);
Saves the document by calling OnSaveDocument() if there is an
associated filename, or SaveAs() if there is no filename.
virtual bool Save();
Prompts the user for a file to save to, and then calls
virtual bool SaveAs();
Override this function and call it from your own SaveObject() before
streaming your own data. SaveObject() is called by the framework
automatically when the document contents need to be saved.
@note This version of SaveObject() may not exist depending on how
wxWidgets was configured.
virtual ostream& SaveObject(ostream& stream);
virtual wxOutputStream& SaveObject(wxOutputStream& stream);
Sets the command processor to be used for this document. The document
will then be responsible for its deletion. Normally you should not call
this; override OnCreateCommandProcessor() instead.
@see wxCommandProcessor
virtual void SetCommandProcessor(wxCommandProcessor* processor);
Sets the document type name for this document. See the comment for
@ref m_documentTypeName.
void SetDocumentName(const wxString& name);
Sets the pointer to the template that created the document. Should only
be called by the framework.
virtual void SetDocumentTemplate(wxDocTemplate* templ);
Sets the filename for this document. Usually called by the framework.
If @a notifyViews is @true, wxView::OnChangeFilename() is called for
all views.
void SetFilename(const wxString& filename, bool notifyViews = false);
Sets the title for this document. The document title is used for an
associated frame (if any), and is usually constructed by the framework
from the filename.
void SetTitle(const wxString& title);
Updates all views. If @a sender is non-@NULL, does not update this
view. @a hint represents optional information to allow a view to
optimize its update.
virtual void UpdateAllViews(wxView* sender = NULL, wxObject* hint = NULL);
This method is called by OnSaveDocument() to really save the document
contents to the specified file.
Base class version creates a file-based stream and calls SaveObject().
Override this if you need to do something else or prefer not to use
SaveObject() at all.
virtual bool DoSaveDocument(const wxString& file);
This method is called by OnOpenDocument() to really load the document
contents from the specified file.
Base class version creates a file-based stream and calls LoadObject().
Override this if you need to do something else or prefer not to use
LoadObject() at all.
virtual bool DoOpenDocument(const wxString& file);
A pointer to the command processor associated with this document.
wxCommandProcessor* m_commandProcessor;
Filename associated with this document ("" if none).
wxString m_documentFile;
@true if the document has been modified, @false otherwise.
bool m_documentModified;
A pointer to the template from which this document was created.
wxDocTemplate* m_documentTemplate;
Document title. The document title is used for an associated frame (if
any), and is usually constructed by the framework from the filename.
wxString m_documentTitle;
The document type name given to the wxDocTemplate constructor, copied
to this variable when the document is created. If several document
templates are created that use the same document type, this variable is
used in wxDocManager::CreateView() to collate a list of alternative
view types that can be used on this kind of document. Do not change the
value of this variable.
wxString m_documentTypeName;
List of wxView instances associated with this document.
wxList m_documentViews;
@class wxFileHistory
The wxFileHistory encapsulates a user interface convenience, the list of
most recently visited files as shown on a menu (usually the File menu).
wxFileHistory can manage one or more file menus. More than one menu may be
required in an MDI application, where the file history should appear on
each MDI child menu as well as the MDI parent frame.
@see @ref overview_docview, wxDocManager
class wxFileHistory : public wxObject
Constructor. Pass the maximum number of files that should be stored and
@a idBase defaults to wxID_FILE1 and represents the id given to the
first history menu item. Since menu items can't share the same ID you
should change @a idBase (to one of your own defined IDs) when using
more than one wxFileHistory in your application.
wxFileHistory(size_t maxFiles = 9, wxWindowID idBase = wxID_FILE1);
virtual ~wxFileHistory();
Adds a file to the file history list, if the object has a pointer to an
appropriate file menu.
virtual void AddFileToHistory(const wxString& filename);
Appends the files in the history list, to all menus managed by the file
history object.
virtual void AddFilesToMenu();
Appends the files in the history list, to the given menu only.
virtual void AddFilesToMenu(wxMenu* menu);
Returns the base identifier for the range used for appending items.
wxWindowID GetBaseId() const;
Returns the number of files currently stored in the file history.
virtual size_t GetCount() const;
Returns the file at this index (zero-based).
virtual wxString GetHistoryFile(size_t index) const;
Returns the maximum number of files that can be stored.
virtual int GetMaxFiles() const;
Returns the list of menus that are managed by this file history object.
@see UseMenu()
const wxList& GetMenus() const;
Loads the file history from the given config object. This function
should be called explicitly by the application.
@see wxConfigBase
virtual void Load(const wxConfigBase& config);
Removes the specified file from the history.
virtual void RemoveFileFromHistory(size_t i);
Removes this menu from the list of those managed by this object.
virtual void RemoveMenu(wxMenu* menu);
Saves the file history into the given config object. This must be
called explicitly by the application.
@see wxConfigBase
virtual void Save(wxConfigBase& config);
Sets the base identifier for the range used for appending items.
void SetBaseId(wxWindowID baseId);
Adds this menu to the list of those menus that are managed by this file
history object. Also see AddFilesToMenu() for initializing the menu
with filenames that are already in the history when this function is
called, as this is not done automatically.
virtual void UseMenu(wxMenu* menu);
// ============================================================================
// Global functions/macros
// ============================================================================
/** @ingroup group_funcmacro_file */
Copies the given file to @a stream. Useful when converting an old
application to use streams (within the document/view framework, for
bool wxTransferFileToStream(const wxString& filename,
ostream& stream);
Copies the given stream to the file @a filename. Useful when converting an
old application to use streams (within the document/view framework, for
bool wxTransferStreamToFile(istream& stream,
const wxString& filename);