git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@14470 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
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# Name: xxx.py ('xxx' is easy to distinguish from 'wx' :) )
# Purpose: XML interface classes
# Author: Roman Rolinsky <rolinsky@mema.ucl.ac.be>
# Created: 22.08.2001
# RCS-ID: $Id$
from wxPython.wx import *
from wxPython.xrc import *
from xml.dom import minidom
import wxPython.lib.wxpTag
from params import *
# Parameter value class
class xxxParam:
# Standard use: for text nodes
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
if not node.hasChildNodes():
# If does not have child nodes, create empty text node
text = tree.dom.createTextNode('')
text = node.childNodes[0] # first child must be text node
assert text.nodeType == minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE
self.textNode = text
# Value returns string
def value(self):
return str(self.textNode.data)
def update(self, value):
self.textNode.data = value
def remove(self):
# Content parameter
class xxxParamContent:
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
data, l = [], [] # data is needed to quicker value retrieval
nodes = node.childNodes[:] # make a copy of the child list
for n in nodes:
if n.nodeType == minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
assert n.tagName == 'item', 'bad content content'
if not n.hasChildNodes():
# If does not have child nodes, create empty text node
text = tree.dom.createTextNode('')
# !!! normalize?
text = n.childNodes[0] # first child must be text node
assert text.nodeType == minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE
else: # remove other
self.l, self.data = l, data
def value(self):
return self.data
def update(self, value):
# If number if items is not the same, recreate children
if len(value) != len(self.l): # remove first if number of items has changed
childNodes = self.node.childNodes[:]
for n in childNodes:
l = []
for str in value:
itemElem = tree.dom.createElement('item')
itemText = tree.dom.createTextNode(str)
self.l = l
for i in range(len(value)):
self.l[i].data = value[i]
self.data = value
# Content parameter for checklist
class xxxParamContentCheckList:
def __init__(self, node):
self.node = node
data, l = [], [] # data is needed to quicker value retrieval
nodes = node.childNodes[:] # make a copy of the child list
for n in nodes:
if n.nodeType == minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
assert n.tagName == 'item', 'bad content content'
checked = n.getAttribute('checked')
if not n.hasChildNodes():
# If does not have child nodes, create empty text node
text = tree.dom.createTextNode('')
# !!! normalize?
text = n.childNodes[0] # first child must be text node
assert text.nodeType == minidom.Node.TEXT_NODE
l.append((text, n))
data.append((str(text.data), int(checked)))
else: # remove other
self.l, self.data = l, data
def value(self):
return self.data
def update(self, value):
# If number if items is not the same, recreate children
if len(value) != len(self.l): # remove first if number of items has changed
childNodes = self.node.childNodes[:]
for n in childNodes:
l = []
for (s,ch) in value:
itemElem = tree.dom.createElement('item')
itemElem.setAttribute('checked', str(ch))
itemText = tree.dom.createTextNode(s)
l.append((itemText, itemElem))
self.l = l
# else:
# for i in range(len(value)):
# self.l[i][0].data = value[i]
# self.l[i][1].setAttributedata = value[i]
self.data = value
# Classes to interface DOM objects
class xxxObject:
# Default behavior
hasChildren = false # has children elements?
hasStyle = true # almost everyone
hasName = true # has name attribute?
isSizer = hasChild = false
allParams = None # Some nodes have no parameters
# Style parameters (all optional)
styles = ['fg', 'bg', 'font', 'enabled', 'focused', 'hidden', 'tooltip']
# Special parameters
specials = []
# Required paremeters: none by default
required = []
# Default parameters with default values
default = {}
# Parameter types
paramDict = {}
# Window styles and extended styles
winStyles = []
# Tree icon index
#image = -1
# Construct a new xxx object from DOM element
# parent is parent xxx object (or None if none), element is DOM element object
def __init__(self, parent, element):
self.parent = parent
self.element = element
self.undo = None
# Get attributes
self.className = element.getAttribute('class')
if self.hasName: self.name = element.getAttribute('name')
# Set parameters (text element children)
self.params = {}
nodes = element.childNodes[:]
for node in nodes:
if node.nodeType == minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
tag = node.tagName
if tag == 'object':
continue # do nothing for object children here
if not tag in self.allParams and not tag in self.styles:
print 'WARNING: unknown parameter for %s: %s' % \
(self.className, tag)
elif tag in self.specials:
self.special(tag, node)
elif tag == 'content':
if self.className == 'wxCheckList':
self.params[tag] = xxxParamContentCheckList(node)
self.params[tag] = xxxParamContent(node)
elif tag == 'font': # has children
self.params[tag] = xxxParamFont(self, node)
else: # simple parameter
self.params[tag] = xxxParam(node)
# Remove all other nodes
# Returns real tree object
def treeObject(self):
if self.hasChild: return self.child
return self
# Returns tree image index
def treeImage(self):
if self.hasChild: return self.child.treeImage()
return self.image
# Class name plus wx name
def treeName(self):
if self.hasChild: return self.child.treeName()
if self.hasName and self.name: return self.className + ' "' + self.name + '"'
return self.className
class xxxParamFont(xxxParam):
allParams = ['size', 'style', 'weight', 'family', 'underlined',
'face', 'encoding']
def __init__(self, parent, element):
xxxObject.__init__(self, parent, element)
self.parentNode = element # required to behave similar to DOM node
v = []
for p in self.allParams:
except KeyError:
self.data = v
def update(self, value):
# `value' is a list of strings corresponding to all parameters
elem = self.element
for node in elem.childNodes:
i = 0
v = []
for param in self.allParams:
if value[i]:
fontElem = tree.dom.createElement(param)
textNode = tree.dom.createTextNode(value[i])
self.params[param] = textNode
i += 1
self.data = v
class xxxContainer(xxxObject):
hasChildren = true
# Special class for root node
class xxxMainNode(xxxContainer):
hasStyle = hasName = false
# Top-level windwows
class xxxPanel(xxxContainer):
allParams = ['pos', 'size', 'style']
styles = ['fg', 'bg', 'font', 'enabled', 'focused', 'hidden', 'exstyle',
winStyles = ['wxNO_3D', 'wxTAB_TRAVERSAL', 'wxCLIP_CHILDREN']
class xxxDialog(xxxContainer):
allParams = ['title', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
required = ['title']
styles = ['fg', 'bg', 'font', 'enabled', 'focused', 'hidden', 'exstyle',
class xxxFrame(xxxContainer):
allParams = ['title', 'centered', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
paramDict = {'centered': ParamBool}
required = ['title']
styles = ['fg', 'bg', 'font', 'enabled', 'focused', 'hidden', 'exstyle',
class xxxTool(xxxObject):
allParams = ['bitmap', 'bitmap2', 'toggle', 'tooltip', 'longhelp']
paramDict = {'bitmap2': ParamFile}
hasStyle = false
class xxxToolBar(xxxContainer):
allParams = ['bitmapsize', 'margins', 'packing', 'separation',
'pos', 'size', 'style']
hasStyle = false
paramDict = {'bitmapsize': ParamPosSize, 'margins': ParamPosSize,
'packing': ParamInt, 'separation': ParamInt,
'style': ParamNonGenericStyle}
winStyles = ['wxTB_FLAT', 'wxTB_DOCKABLE', 'wxTB_VERTICAL', 'wxTB_HORIZONTAL']
# Bitmap, Icon
class xxxBitmap(xxxObject):
allParams = ['bitmap']
required = ['bitmap']
class xxxIcon(xxxObject):
allParams = ['icon']
required = ['icon']
# Controls
class xxxStaticText(xxxObject):
allParams = ['label', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
required = ['label']
class xxxStaticLine(xxxObject):
allParams = ['pos', 'size', 'style']
winStyles = ['wxLI_HORIZONTAL', 'wxLI_VERTICAL']
class xxxStaticBitmap(xxxObject):
allParams = ['bitmap', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
required = ['bitmap']
class xxxTextCtrl(xxxObject):
allParams = ['value', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
class xxxChoice(xxxObject):
allParams = ['content', 'selection', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
required = ['content']
winStyles = ['wxCB_SORT']
class xxxSlider(xxxObject):
allParams = ['value', 'min', 'max', 'pos', 'size', 'style',
'tickfreq', 'pagesize', 'linesize', 'thumb', 'tick',
'selmin', 'selmax']
paramDict = {'value': ParamInt, 'tickfreq': ParamInt, 'pagesize': ParamInt,
'linesize': ParamInt, 'thumb': ParamInt, 'thumb': ParamInt,
'tick': ParamInt, 'selmin': ParamInt, 'selmax': ParamInt}
required = ['value', 'min', 'max']
'wxSL_LEFT', 'wxSL_RIGHT', 'wxSL_TOP', 'wxSL_BOTTOM',
class xxxGauge(xxxObject):
allParams = ['range', 'pos', 'size', 'style', 'value', 'shadow', 'bezel']
paramDict = {'range': ParamInt, 'value': ParamInt,
'shadow': ParamInt, 'bezel': ParamInt}
class xxxScrollBar(xxxObject):
allParams = ['pos', 'size', 'style', 'value', 'thumbsize', 'range', 'pagesize']
paramDict = {'value': ParamInt, 'range': ParamInt, 'thumbsize': ParamInt,
'pagesize': ParamInt}
winStyles = ['wxSB_HORIZONTAL', 'wxSB_VERTICAL']
class xxxListCtrl(xxxObject):
allParams = ['pos', 'size', 'style']
winStyles = ['wxLC_LIST', 'wxLC_REPORT', 'wxLC_ICON', 'wxLC_SMALL_ICON',
class xxxTreeCtrl(xxxObject):
allParams = ['pos', 'size', 'style']
winStyles = ['wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS', 'wxTR_NO_LINES', 'wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT',
class xxxHtmlWindow(xxxObject):
allParams = ['pos', 'size', 'style', 'borders', 'url', 'htmlcode']
paramDict = {'borders': ParamInt}
class xxxCalendar(xxxObject):
allParams = ['pos', 'size', 'style']
class xxxNotebook(xxxContainer):
allParams = ['usenotebooksizer', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
paramDict = {'usenotebooksizer': ParamBool}
winStyles = ['wxNB_FIXEDWIDTH', 'wxNB_LEFT', 'wxNB_RIGHT', 'wxNB_BOTTOM']
# Buttons
class xxxButton(xxxObject):
allParams = ['label', 'default', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
paramDict = {'default': ParamBool}
required = ['label']
winStyles = ['wxBU_LEFT', 'wxBU_TOP', 'wxBU_RIGHT', 'wxBU_BOTTOM']
class xxxBitmapButton(xxxObject):
allParams = ['bitmap', 'selected', 'focus', 'disabled', 'default',
'pos', 'size', 'style']
required = ['bitmap']
winStyles = ['wxBU_AUTODRAW', 'wxBU_LEFT', 'wxBU_TOP',
class xxxRadioButton(xxxObject):
allParams = ['label', 'value', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
paramDict = {'value': ParamBool}
required = ['label']
winStyles = ['wxRB_GROUP']
class xxxSpinButton(xxxObject):
allParams = ['pos', 'size', 'style']
winStyles = ['wxSP_HORIZONTAL', 'wxSP_VERTICAL', 'wxSP_ARROW_KEYS', 'wxSP_WRAP']
# Boxes
class xxxStaticBox(xxxObject):
allParams = ['label', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
required = ['label']
class xxxRadioBox(xxxObject):
allParams = ['label', 'content', 'selection', 'dimension', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
paramDict = {'dimension': ParamInt}
required = ['label', 'content']
winStyles = ['wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS', 'wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS']
class xxxCheckBox(xxxObject):
allParams = ['label', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
required = ['label']
class xxxComboBox(xxxObject):
allParams = ['content', 'selection', 'value', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
required = ['content']
winStyles = ['wxCB_SIMPLE', 'wxCB_SORT', 'wxCB_READONLY', 'wxCB_DROPDOWN']
class xxxListBox(xxxObject):
allParams = ['content', 'selection', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
required = ['content']
winStyles = ['wxLB_SINGLE', 'wxLB_MULTIPLE', 'wxLB_EXTENDED', 'wxLB_HSCROLL',
class xxxCheckList(xxxObject):
allParams = ['content', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
required = ['content']
winStyles = ['wxLC_LIST', 'wxLC_REPORT', 'wxLC_ICON', 'wxLC_SMALL_ICON',
paramDict = {'content': ParamContentCheckList}
# Sizers
class xxxSizer(xxxContainer):
hasName = hasStyle = false
paramDict = {'orient': ParamOrient}
isSizer = true
class xxxBoxSizer(xxxSizer):
allParams = ['orient']
required = ['orient']
default = {'orient': 'wxVERTICAL'}
# Tree icon depends on orientation
def treeImage(self):
if self.params['orient'].value() == 'wxHORIZONTAL': return self.imageH
else: return self.imageV
class xxxStaticBoxSizer(xxxBoxSizer):
allParams = ['label', 'orient']
required = ['label', 'orient']
default = {'orient': 'wxVERTICAL'}
class xxxGridSizer(xxxSizer):
allParams = ['cols', 'rows', 'vgap', 'hgap']
required = ['cols']
default = {'cols': '2', 'rows': '2'}
# For repeated parameters
class xxxParamMulti:
def __init__(self):
self.l, self.data = [], []
def append(self, param):
def value(self):
return self.data
def remove(self):
for param in self.l:
self.l, self.data = [], []
class xxxFlexGridSizer(xxxGridSizer):
specials = ['growablecols', 'growablerows']
allParams = ['cols', 'rows', 'vgap', 'hgap'] + specials
paramDict = {'growablecols':ParamContent, 'growablerows':ParamContent}
# Special processing for growable* parameters
# (they are represented by several nodes)
def special(self, tag, node):
if tag not in self.params.keys():
self.params[tag] = xxxParamMulti()
def setSpecial(self, param, value):
# Straightforward implementation: remove, add again
del self.params[param]
for str in value:
node = tree.dom.createElement(param)
text = tree.dom.createTextNode(str)
self.special(param, node)
# Container with only one child.
# Not shown in tree.
class xxxChildContainer(xxxObject):
hasName = hasStyle = false
hasChild = true
def __init__(self, parent, element):
xxxObject.__init__(self, parent, element)
# Must have one child with 'object' tag, but we don't check it
nodes = element.childNodes[:] # create copy
for node in nodes:
if node.nodeType == minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
if node.tagName == 'object':
# Create new xxx object for child node
self.child = MakeXXXFromDOM(self, node)
self.child.parent = parent
# Copy hasChildren and isSizer attributes
self.hasChildren = self.child.hasChildren
self.isSizer = self.child.isSizer
return # success
assert 0, 'no child found'
class xxxSizerItem(xxxChildContainer):
allParams = ['option', 'flag', 'border']
paramDict = {'option': ParamInt}
def __init__(self, parent, element):
xxxChildContainer.__init__(self, parent, element)
# Remove pos parameter - not needed for sizeritems
if 'pos' in self.child.allParams:
self.child.allParams = self.child.allParams[:]
class xxxNotebookPage(xxxChildContainer):
allParams = ['label', 'selected']
paramDict = {'selected': ParamBool}
required = ['label']
def __init__(self, parent, element):
xxxChildContainer.__init__(self, parent, element)
# pos and size dont matter for notebookpages
if 'pos' in self.child.allParams:
self.child.allParams = self.child.allParams[:]
if 'size' in self.child.allParams:
self.child.allParams = self.child.allParams[:]
class xxxSpacer(xxxObject):
hasName = hasStyle = false
allParams = ['size', 'option', 'flag', 'border']
paramDict = {'option': ParamInt}
default = {'size': '0,0'}
class xxxMenuBar(xxxContainer):
allParams = []
class xxxMenu(xxxContainer):
allParams = ['label']
default = {'label': ''}
paramDict = {'style': ParamNonGenericStyle} # no generic styles
winStyles = ['wxMENU_TEAROFF']
class xxxMenuItem(xxxObject):
allParams = ['checkable', 'label', 'accel', 'help']
default = {'label': ''}
class xxxSeparator(xxxObject):
hasName = hasStyle = false
xxxDict = {
'wxPanel': xxxPanel,
'wxDialog': xxxDialog,
'wxFrame': xxxFrame,
'tool': xxxTool,
'wxToolBar': xxxToolBar,
'wxBitmap': xxxBitmap,
'wxIcon': xxxIcon,
'wxButton': xxxButton,
'wxBitmapButton': xxxBitmapButton,
'wxRadioButton': xxxRadioButton,
'wxSpinButton': xxxSpinButton,
'wxStaticBox': xxxStaticBox,
'wxStaticBitmap': xxxStaticBitmap,
'wxRadioBox': xxxRadioBox,
'wxComboBox': xxxComboBox,
'wxCheckBox': xxxCheckBox,
'wxListBox': xxxListBox,
'wxStaticText': xxxStaticText,
'wxStaticLine': xxxStaticLine,
'wxTextCtrl': xxxTextCtrl,
'wxChoice': xxxChoice,
'wxSlider': xxxSlider,
'wxGauge': xxxGauge,
'wxScrollBar': xxxScrollBar,
'wxTreeCtrl': xxxTreeCtrl,
'wxListCtrl': xxxListCtrl,
'wxCheckList': xxxCheckList,
'wxNotebook': xxxNotebook,
'notebookpage': xxxNotebookPage,
'wxHtmlWindow': xxxHtmlWindow,
'wxCalendar': xxxCalendar,
'wxBoxSizer': xxxBoxSizer,
'wxStaticBoxSizer': xxxStaticBoxSizer,
'wxGridSizer': xxxGridSizer,
'wxFlexGridSizer': xxxFlexGridSizer,
'sizeritem': xxxSizerItem,
'spacer': xxxSpacer,
'wxMenuBar': xxxMenuBar,
'wxMenu': xxxMenu,
'wxMenuItem': xxxMenuItem,
'separator': xxxSeparator,
# Create IDs for all parameters of all classes
paramIDs = {'fg': wxNewId(), 'bg': wxNewId(), 'exstyle': wxNewId(), 'font': wxNewId(),
'enabled': wxNewId(), 'focused': wxNewId(), 'hidden': wxNewId(),
'tooltip': wxNewId()
for cl in xxxDict.values():
if cl.allParams:
for param in cl.allParams + cl.paramDict.keys():
if not paramIDs.has_key(param):
paramIDs[param] = wxNewId()
# Helper functions
# Test for object elements
def IsObject(node):
return node.nodeType == minidom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == 'object'
# Make XXX object from some DOM object, selecting correct class
def MakeXXXFromDOM(parent, element):
return xxxDict[element.getAttribute('class')](parent, element)
except KeyError:
# Verify that it's not recursive exception
if element.getAttribute('class') not in xxxDict:
print 'ERROR: unknown class:', element.getAttribute('class')
# Make empty DOM element
def MakeEmptyDOM(className):
elem = tree.dom.createElement('object')
elem.setAttribute('class', className)
# Set required and default parameters
xxxClass = xxxDict[className]
defaultNotRequired = filter(lambda x, l=xxxClass.required: x not in l,
for param in xxxClass.required + defaultNotRequired:
textElem = tree.dom.createElement(param)
textNode = tree.dom.createTextNode(xxxClass.default[param])
except KeyError:
textNode = tree.dom.createTextNode('')
return elem
# Make empty XXX object
def MakeEmptyXXX(parent, className):
# Make corresponding DOM object first
elem = MakeEmptyDOM(className)
# If parent is a sizer, we should create sizeritem object, except for spacers
if parent:
if parent.isSizer and className != 'spacer':
sizerItemElem = MakeEmptyDOM('sizeritem')
elem = sizerItemElem
elif isinstance(parent, xxxNotebook):
pageElem = MakeEmptyDOM('notebookpage')
elem = pageElem
# Now just make object
return MakeXXXFromDOM(parent, elem)