Robin Dunn 9416aa89ca Implemented the first phase of OOR (Original Object Return). See the
text in the demo for more details of what this means, but in a
nutshell methods such as wxWindow.GetParent or FindWindowById will now
return a shadow object of the proper type if it can.  By "proper type"
I mean that if the wxWindow pointer returned from FindWindowById
really points to a wxButton then the Python object constructed will be
of a wxButtonPtr class instead of wxWindowPtr as before.  This should
reduce or eliminiate the need for wxPyTypeCast.  (Woo Hoo!)  The
objects returned are still not the original Python object, but that is
the next step.  (Although it will probably only work on Python 2.1 and
beyond because it will use weak references.)

A few other minor tweaks and fixes and additions for things found
while doing the OOR stuff.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@10197 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
2001-05-17 22:47:09 +00:00

158 lines
5.2 KiB
OpenEdge ABL

// Name: oglcanvas.i
// Purpose: SWIG definitions for the wxWindows Object Graphics Library
// Author: Robin Dunn
// Created: 7-Sept-1999
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1998 by Total Control Software
// Licence: wxWindows license
%module oglcanvas
#include "export.h"
#include "oglhelpers.h"
%include typemaps.i
%include my_typemaps.i
%extern wx.i
%import windows.i
%extern _defs.i
%extern misc.i
%extern gdi.i
%include _ogldefs.i
%extern oglbasic.i
%pragma(python) code = "import wx"
class wxDiagram : public wxObject {
void AddShape(wxPyShape*shape, wxPyShape *addAfter = NULL);
void Clear(wxDC& dc);
void DeleteAllShapes();
void DrawOutline(wxDC& dc, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
wxPyShape* FindShape(long id);
wxPyShapeCanvas* GetCanvas();
int GetCount();
double GetGridSpacing();
int GetMouseTolerance();
// wxList* GetShapeList();
%addmethods {
PyObject* GetShapeList() {
wxList* list = self->GetShapeList();
return wxPy_ConvertList(list, "wxPyShape");
bool GetQuickEditMode();
bool GetSnapToGrid();
void InsertShape(wxPyShape *shape);
bool LoadFile(const wxString& filename);
// **** Have to deal with wxExpr and wxExprDatabase first...
//void OnDatabaseLoad(wxExprDatabase& database);
//void OnDatabaseSave(wxExprDatabase& database);
//bool OnHeaderLoad(wxExprDatabase& database, wxExpr& expr);
//bool OnHeaderSave(wxExprDatabase& database, wxExpr& expr);
//bool OnShapeLoad(wxExprDatabase& database, wxPyShape& shape, wxExpr& expr);
//bool OnShapeSave(wxExprDatabase& database, wxPyShape& shape, wxExpr& expr);
void ReadContainerGeometry(wxExprDatabase& database);
void ReadLines(wxExprDatabase& database);
void ReadNodes(wxExprDatabase& database);
void RecentreAll(wxDC& dc);
void Redraw(wxDC& dc);
void RemoveAllShapes();
void RemoveShape(wxPyShape* shape);
bool SaveFile(const wxString& filename);
void SetCanvas(wxPyShapeCanvas* canvas);
void SetGridSpacing(double spacing);
void SetMouseTolerance(int tolerance);
void SetQuickEditMode(bool mode);
void SetSnapToGrid(bool snap);
void ShowAll(bool show);
void Snap(double *INOUT, double *INOUT);
IMP_PYCALLBACK__2DBLINT(wxPyShapeCanvas, wxShapeCanvas, OnBeginDragLeft);
IMP_PYCALLBACK__2DBLINT(wxPyShapeCanvas, wxShapeCanvas, OnBeginDragRight);
IMP_PYCALLBACK__2DBLINT(wxPyShapeCanvas, wxShapeCanvas, OnEndDragLeft);
IMP_PYCALLBACK__2DBLINT(wxPyShapeCanvas, wxShapeCanvas, OnEndDragRight);
IMP_PYCALLBACK__BOOL2DBLINT(wxPyShapeCanvas, wxShapeCanvas, OnDragLeft);
IMP_PYCALLBACK__BOOL2DBLINT(wxPyShapeCanvas, wxShapeCanvas, OnDragRight);
IMP_PYCALLBACK__2DBLINT(wxPyShapeCanvas, wxShapeCanvas, OnLeftClick);
IMP_PYCALLBACK__2DBLINT(wxPyShapeCanvas, wxShapeCanvas, OnRightClick);
class wxPyShapeCanvas : public wxScrolledWindow {
wxPyShapeCanvas(wxWindow* parent = NULL, wxWindowID id = -1,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = wxBORDER);
void _setSelf(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class);
%pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self._setSelf(self, wxPyShapeCanvas)"
%pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:#wx._StdWindowCallbacks(self)"
%pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:#wx._StdOnScrollCallbacks(self)"
void AddShape(wxPyShape *shape, wxPyShape *addAfter = NULL);
// **** Need a typemap for wxClassInfo, or implement wxObject, etc.....
wxPyShape* FindShape(double x1, double y, int *OUTPUT,
wxClassInfo *info = NULL, wxPyShape* notImage = NULL);
wxPyShape * FindFirstSensitiveShape(double x1, double y, int *OUTPUT, int op);
wxDiagram* GetDiagram();
bool GetQuickEditMode();
void InsertShape(wxPyShape* shape);
void base_OnBeginDragLeft(double x, double y, int keys = 0);
void base_OnBeginDragRight(double x, double y, int keys = 0);
void base_OnEndDragLeft(double x, double y, int keys = 0);
void base_OnEndDragRight(double x, double y, int keys = 0);
void base_OnDragLeft(bool draw, double x, double y, int keys = 0);
void base_OnDragRight(bool draw, double x, double y, int keys = 0);
void base_OnLeftClick(double x, double y, int keys = 0);
void base_OnRightClick(double x, double y, int keys = 0);
void Redraw(wxDC& dc);
void RemoveShape(wxPyShape *shape);
void SetDiagram(wxDiagram *diagram);
void Snap(double *INOUT, double *INOUT);