Robert Roebling fd128b0c3a Added more docs for the new events, derived from wxNotifyEvents.
Added docs for wxScrollWinEvent and corrected docs referring
    to wxScrollEvent etc.
  wxTreeCtrl's and wxListCtrl's ::EditLabel() returns void.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@3150 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
1999-07-26 14:28:25 +00:00

271 lines
7.6 KiB

This class represents a notebook control, which manages multiple windows with associated tabs.
To use the class, create a wxNotebook object and call \helpref{AddPage}{wxnotebookaddpage} or \helpref{InsertPage}{wxnotebookinsertpage},
passing a window to be used as the page. Do not explicitly delete the window for a page that is currently
managed by wxNotebook.
{\bf wxNotebookPage} is a typedef for wxWindow.
\wxheading{Derived from}
\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{Event handling}
To process input from a notebook control, use the following event handler macros to direct input to member
functions that take a \helpref{wxNotebookEvent}{wxnotebookevent} argument.
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_NOTEBOOK\_PAGE\_CHANGED(id, func)}}{The page selection was changed.}
\twocolitem{{\bf EVT\_NOTEBOOK\_PAGE\_CHANGING(id, func)}}{The page selection is about to be changed.
This can be prevented by calling \helpref{Veto()}{wxnotifyeventveto}.}
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxNotebookEvent}{wxnotebookevent}, \helpref{wxImageList}{wximagelist},\rtfsp
Default constructor.
\func{}{wxNotebook}{\param{wxWindow*}{ parent}, \param{wxWindowID }{id}, \param{const wxPoint\&}{ pos = wxDefaultPosition},
\param{const wxSize\&}{ size}, \param{long}{ style = 0}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = "notebook"}}
Constructs a notebook control.
\docparam{parent}{The parent window. Must be non-NULL.}
\docparam{id}{The window identifier.}
\docparam{pos}{The window position.}
\docparam{size}{The window size.}
\docparam{style}{The window style. Its value is a bit list of zero or more of {\bf wxTC\_MULTILINE},
{\bf wxTC\_RIGHTJUSTIFY}, {\bf wxTC\_FIXEDWIDTH} and {\bf wxTC\_OWNERDRAW}.}
\docparam{name}{The name of the control (used only under Motif).}
Destroys the wxNotebook object.
\func{bool}{AddPage}{\param{wxNotebookPage*}{ page},
\param{const wxString\&}{ text},
\param{bool}{ select = FALSE},
\param{int}{ imageId = -1}}
Adds a new page.
\docparam{page}{Specifies the new page.}
\docparam{text}{Specifies the text for the new page.}
\docparam{select}{Specifies whether the page should be selected.}
\docparam{imageId}{Specifies the optional image index for the new page.}
\wxheading{Return value}
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Do not delete the page, it will be deleted by the notebook.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{void}{AdvanceSelection}{\param{bool}{ forward = TRUE}}
Cycles through the tabs.
\func{bool}{Create}{\param{wxWindow*}{ parent}, \param{wxWindowID }{id}, \param{const wxPoint\&}{ pos = wxDefaultPosition},
\param{const wxSize\&}{ size}, \param{long}{ style = 0}, \param{const wxString\& }{name = "notebook"}}
Creates a notebook control. See \helpref{wxNotebook::wxNotebook}{wxnotebookconstr} for a description
of the parameters.
Deletes all pages.
\func{bool}{DeletePage}{\param{int}{ page}}
Deletes the specified page, and the associated window.
Returns the associated image list.
\wxheading{See also}
\helpref{wxImageList}{wximagelist}, \helpref{wxNotebook::SetImageList}{wxnotebooksetimagelist}
\func{wxNotebookPage*}{GetPage}{\param{int}{ page}}
Returns the window at the given page position.
Returns the number of pages in the notebook control.
Returns the image index for the given page.
Returns the string for the given page.
Returns the number of rows in the notebook control.
Returns the currently selected page, or -1 if none was selected.
\func{bool}{InsertPage}{\param{int}{ index}, \param{wxNotebookPage*}{ page},
\param{const wxString\&}{ text},
\param{bool}{ select = FALSE},
\param{int}{ imageId = -1}}
Inserts a new page at the specified position.
\docparam{index}{Specifies the position for the new page.}
\docparam{page}{Specifies the new page.}
\docparam{text}{Specifies the text for the new page.}
\docparam{select}{Specifies whether the page should be selected.}
\docparam{imageId}{Specifies the optional image index for the new page.}
\wxheading{Return value}
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
Do not delete the page, it will be deleted by the notebook.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{void}{OnSelChange}{\param{wxNotebookEvent\&}{ event}}
An event handler function, called when the page selection is changed.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{bool}{RemovePage}{\param{int}{ page}}
Deletes the specified page, without deleting the associated window.
\func{void}{SetImageList}{\param{wxImageList*}{ imageList}}
Sets the image list for the page control.
\wxheading{See also}
\func{void}{SetPadding}{\param{const wxSize\&}{ padding}}
Sets the amount of space around each page's icon and label, in pixels.
\func{void}{SetPageSize}{\param{const wxSize\&}{ size}}
Sets the width and height of the pages.
\func{bool}{SetPageImage}{\param{int}{ page}, \param{int }{image}}
Sets the image index for the given page. {\it image} is an index into
the image list which was set with \helpref{wxNotebook::SetImageList}{wxnotebooksetimagelist}.
\func{bool}{SetPageText}{\param{int}{ page}, \param{const wxString\& }{text}}
Sets the text for the given page.
\func{int}{SetSelection}{\param{int}{ page}}
Sets the selection for the given page, returning the previous selection.
\wxheading{See also}