Julian Smart dfad059924 Removed DrawOpenSpline since it doesn't seem to be needed, with required changes
in all ports. Added Motif wxFileDialog. Added wxPostScriptModule and removed
PostScript init in app.cpp. Also removed wxMessageBox function from
generic implementation. Windows release .exes are now smaller (< 300K for minimal.exe).
Some OGL updates. __try -> try in MSW main.cpp. BC++ 5 fixes.

git-svn-id: https://svn.wxwidgets.org/svn/wx/wxWidgets/trunk@797 c3d73ce0-8a6f-49c7-b76d-6d57e0e08775
1998-10-02 12:50:01 +00:00

298 lines
11 KiB

// Name: confbase.h
// Purpose: declaration of the base class of all config implementations
// (see also: fileconf.h and msw/regconf.h)
// Author: Karsten Ballüder & Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 07.04.98 (adapted from appconf.h)
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) 1997 Karsten Ballüder Ballueder@usa.net
// Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
// Licence: wxWindows license
#ifndef _WX_CONFBASE_H_
#define _WX_CONFBASE_H_
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface "confbase.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// compile options
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// it won't compile without it anyhow
#ifndef wxUSE_CONFIG
#error "Please define wxUSE_CONFIG or remove config.cpp from your makefile"
#endif // wxUSE_CONFIG
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// shall we be case sensitive in parsing variable names?
/// separates group and entry names (probably shouldn't be changed)
/// introduces immutable entries
// (i.e. the ones which can't be changed from the local config file)
/// should we use registry instead of configuration files under Win32?
// (i.e. whether wxConfigBase::Create() will create a wxFileConfig (if it's
// FALSE) or wxRegConfig (if it's true and we're under Win32) or wxIniConfig
// (under Win16))
// Style flags for constructor style parameter
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// various helper global functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Replace environment variables ($SOMETHING) with their values. The format is
$VARNAME or ${VARNAME} where VARNAME contains alphanumeric characters and
'_' only. '$' must be escaped ('\$') in order to be taken literally.
extern wxString wxExpandEnvVars(const wxString &sz);
Split path into parts removing '..' in progress
extern void wxSplitPath(wxArrayString& aParts, const char *sz);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// abstract base class wxConfigBase which defines the interface for derived
// classes
// wxConfig organizes the items in a tree-like structure (modeled after the
// Unix/Dos filesystem). There are groups (directories) and keys (files).
// There is always one current group given by the current path.
// Keys are pairs "key_name = value" where value may be of string or integer
// (long) type (@@@ doubles and other types such as wxDate coming soon).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class wxConfigBase
// static functions
// sets the config object, returns the previous pointer
static wxConfigBase *Set(wxConfigBase *pConfig);
// get the config object, creates it on demand unless DontCreateOnDemand
// was called
static wxConfigBase *Get() { if ( !ms_pConfig ) Create(); return ms_pConfig; }
// create a new config object: this function will create the "best"
// implementation of wxConfig available for the current platform, see
// comments near definition wxCONFIG_WIN32_NATIVE for details. It returns
// the created object and also sets it as ms_pConfig.
static wxConfigBase *Create();
// should Get() try to create a new log object if the current one is NULL?
static void DontCreateOnDemand() { ms_bAutoCreate = FALSE; }
// ctor & virtual dtor
// environment variable expansion is on by default
// wxConfigBase() { m_bExpandEnvVars = TRUE; m_bRecordDefaults = FALSE; }
// ctor
// Not all args will always be used by derived classes, but
// including them all in each class ensures compatibility.
// If appName is empty, uses wxApp name
wxConfigBase(const wxString& appName = "", const wxString& vendorName = "",
const wxString& localFilename = "", const wxString& globalFilename = "",
long style = 0);
// empty but ensures that dtor of all derived classes is virtual
virtual ~wxConfigBase() { }
// path management
// set current path: if the first character is '/', it's the absolute path,
// otherwise it's a relative path. '..' is supported. If the strPath
// doesn't exist it is created.
virtual void SetPath(const wxString& strPath) = 0;
// retrieve the current path (always as absolute path)
virtual const wxString& GetPath() const = 0;
// enumeration: all functions here return false when there are no more items.
// you must pass the same lIndex to GetNext and GetFirst (don't modify it)
// enumerate subgroups
virtual bool GetFirstGroup(wxString& str, long& lIndex) const = 0;
virtual bool GetNextGroup (wxString& str, long& lIndex) const = 0;
// enumerate entries
virtual bool GetFirstEntry(wxString& str, long& lIndex) const = 0;
virtual bool GetNextEntry (wxString& str, long& lIndex) const = 0;
// get number of entries/subgroups in the current group, with or without
// it's subgroups
virtual size_t GetNumberOfEntries(bool bRecursive = FALSE) const = 0;
virtual size_t GetNumberOfGroups(bool bRecursive = FALSE) const = 0;
// tests of existence
// returns TRUE if the group by this name exists
virtual bool HasGroup(const wxString& strName) const = 0;
// same as above, but for an entry
virtual bool HasEntry(const wxString& strName) const = 0;
// returns TRUE if either a group or an entry with a given name exist
bool Exists(const wxString& strName) const
{ return HasGroup(strName) || HasEntry(strName); }
// key access: returns TRUE if value was really read, FALSE if default used
// (and if the key is not found the default value is returned.)
// read a string from the key
virtual bool Read(const wxString& key, wxString *pStr) const = 0;
virtual bool Read(const wxString& key, wxString *pStr, const wxString& defVal) const;
virtual wxString Read(const wxString& key, const wxString& defVal = "") const;
virtual bool Read(const wxString& key, long *pl) const = 0;
virtual bool Read(const wxString& key, long *pl, long defVal) const;
virtual long Read(const wxString& strKey, long defVal) const
{ long l; Read(strKey, &l, defVal); return l; }
// Convenience functions that are built on other forms
// int
virtual bool Read(const wxString& key, int *pi) const;
virtual bool Read(const wxString& key, int *pi, int defVal) const;
// double
virtual bool Read(const wxString& key, double* val) const;
virtual bool Read(const wxString& key, double* val, double defVal) const;
// bool
virtual bool Read(const wxString& key, bool* val) const;
virtual bool Read(const wxString& key, bool* val, bool defVal) const;
// write the value (return true on success)
virtual bool Write(const wxString& key, const wxString& value) = 0;
virtual bool Write(const wxString& key, long value) = 0;
// Convenience functions
virtual bool Write(const wxString& key, double value);
virtual bool Write(const wxString& key, bool value);
// permanently writes all changes
virtual bool Flush(bool bCurrentOnly = FALSE) = 0;
// delete entries/groups
// deletes the specified entry and the group it belongs to if
// it was the last key in it and the second parameter is true
virtual bool DeleteEntry(const wxString& key,
bool bDeleteGroupIfEmpty = TRUE) = 0;
// delete the group (with all subgroups)
virtual bool DeleteGroup(const wxString& key) = 0;
// delete the whole underlying object (disk file, registry key, ...)
// primarly for use by desinstallation routine.
virtual bool DeleteAll() = 0;
// options
// we can automatically expand environment variables in the config entries
// (this option is on by default, you can turn it on/off at any time)
bool IsExpandingEnvVars() const { return m_bExpandEnvVars; }
void SetExpandEnvVars(bool bDoIt = TRUE) { m_bExpandEnvVars = bDoIt; }
// recording of default values
void SetRecordDefaults(bool bDoIt = TRUE) { m_bRecordDefaults = bDoIt; }
bool IsRecordingDefaults() const { return m_bRecordDefaults; }
// does expansion only if needed
wxString ExpandEnvVars(const wxString& str) const
wxString tmp; // Required for BC++
if (IsExpandingEnvVars())
tmp = wxExpandEnvVars(str);
tmp = str;
return tmp;
// misc accessors
inline wxString GetAppName() const { return m_appName; }
inline wxString GetVendorName() const { return m_vendorName; }
inline void SetAppName(const wxString& appName) { m_appName = appName; }
inline void SetVendorName(const wxString& vendorName) { m_vendorName = vendorName; }
inline void SetStyle(long style) { m_style = style; }
inline long GetStyle() const { return m_style; }
static bool IsImmutable(const wxString& key)
{ return key[0] == wxCONFIG_IMMUTABLE_PREFIX; }
// are we doing automatic environment variable expansion?
bool m_bExpandEnvVars;
// do we record default values?
bool m_bRecordDefaults;
// static variables
static wxConfigBase *ms_pConfig;
static bool ms_bAutoCreate;
// Application name and organisation name
wxString m_appName;
wxString m_vendorName;
// Style flag
long m_style;
// a handy little class which changes current path to the path of given entry
// and restores it in dtor: so if you declare a local variable of this type,
// you work in the entry directory and the path is automatically restored
// when the function returns
// Taken out of wxConfig since not all compilers can cope with nested classes.
class wxConfigPathChanger
// ctor/dtor do path changing/restorin
wxConfigPathChanger(const wxConfigBase *pContainer, const wxString& strEntry);
// get the key name
const wxString& Name() const { return m_strName; }
wxConfigBase *m_pContainer; // object we live in
wxString m_strName, // name of entry (i.e. name only)
m_strOldPath; // saved path
bool m_bChanged; // was the path changed?
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// the native wxConfigBase implementation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// under Windows we prefer to use the native implementation
#if defined(__WXMSW__) && wxCONFIG_WIN32_NATIVE
#ifdef __WIN32__
#define wxConfig wxRegConfig
#define sm_classwxConfig sm_classwxRegConfig
#else //WIN16
#define wxConfig wxIniConfig
#define sm_classwxConfig sm_classwxIniConfig
#else // either we're under Unix or wish to use files even under Windows
#define wxConfig wxFileConfig
#define sm_classwxConfig sm_classwxFileConfig
#endif // _WX_CONFIG_H_