zstdmt : changed internal naming from frame to chunk
Since the result of mt compression is a single frame, changed naming, which implied the concatenation of multiple frames. minor : ensures that content size is written in header
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
#include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy */
#include <pool.h> /* threadpool */
#include "threading.h" /* mutex */
#include "zstd_internal.h" /* MIN, ERROR */
#include "zstd_internal.h" /* MIN, ERROR, ZSTD_* */
#include "zstdmt_compress.h"
#if 0
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ if (g_debugLevel>=MUTEX_WAIT_TIME_DLEVEL) { \
/* === Buffer Pool === */
/* ===== Buffer Pool ===== */
typedef struct buffer_s {
void* start;
@ -82,13 +83,12 @@ static buffer_t ZSTDMT_getBuffer(ZSTDMT_bufferPool* pool, size_t bSize)
size_t const availBufferSize = buf.size;
if ((availBufferSize >= bSize) & (availBufferSize <= 10*bSize)) /* large enough, but not too much */
return buf;
free(buf.start); /* size conditions not respected : create a new buffer */
free(buf.start); /* size conditions not respected : scratch this buffer and create a new one */
/* create new buffer */
{ buffer_t buf;
buf.size = bSize;
buf.start = malloc(bSize);
return buf;
{ void* const start = malloc(bSize);
if (start==NULL) bSize = 0;
return (buffer_t) { start, bSize }; /* note : start can be NULL if malloc fails ! */
@ -104,52 +104,7 @@ static void ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(ZSTDMT_bufferPool* pool, buffer_t buf)
typedef struct {
ZSTD_CCtx* cctx;
const void* srcStart;
size_t srcSize;
buffer_t dstBuff;
int compressionLevel;
unsigned frameID;
unsigned long long fullFrameSize;
size_t cSize;
unsigned jobCompleted;
pthread_mutex_t* jobCompleted_mutex;
pthread_cond_t* jobCompleted_cond;
} ZSTDMT_jobDescription;
/* ZSTDMT_compressFrame() : POOL_function type */
void ZSTDMT_compressFrame(void* jobDescription)
ZSTDMT_jobDescription* const job = (ZSTDMT_jobDescription*)jobDescription;
buffer_t dstBuff = job->dstBuff;
ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams(job->compressionLevel, job->fullFrameSize, 0);
size_t hSize = ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(job->cctx, NULL, 0, params, job->fullFrameSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(hSize)) { job->cSize = hSize; goto _endJob; }
hSize = ZSTD_compressContinue(job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, job->srcStart, 0); /* flush frame header */
if (ZSTD_isError(hSize)) { job->cSize = hSize; goto _endJob; }
if ((job->frameID & 1) == 0) { /* preserve frame header when it is first beginning of frame */
dstBuff.start = (char*)dstBuff.start + hSize;
dstBuff.size -= hSize;
} else
hSize = 0;
job->cSize = (job->frameID>=2) ? /* last chunk signal */
ZSTD_compressEnd(job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, job->srcStart, job->srcSize) :
ZSTD_compressContinue(job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, job->srcStart, job->srcSize);
if (!ZSTD_isError(job->cSize)) job->cSize += hSize;
DEBUGLOG(5, "frame %u : compressed %u bytes into %u bytes ", (unsigned)job->frameID, (unsigned)job->srcSize, (unsigned)job->cSize);
job->jobCompleted = 1;
/* === CCtx Pool === */
/* ===== CCtx Pool ===== */
typedef struct {
unsigned totalCCtx;
@ -191,11 +146,12 @@ static ZSTD_CCtx* ZSTDMT_getCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtxPool* pool)
return pool->cctx[pool->availCCtx];
/* note : should not be possible, since totalCCtx==nbThreads */
return ZSTD_createCCtx();
return ZSTD_createCCtx(); /* note : can be NULL is creation fails ! */
static void ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtxPool* pool, ZSTD_CCtx* cctx)
if (cctx==NULL) return; /* release on NULL */
if (pool->availCCtx < pool->totalCCtx)
pool->cctx[pool->availCCtx++] = cctx;
@ -204,6 +160,55 @@ static void ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtxPool* pool, ZSTD_CCtx* cctx)
/* ===== Thread worker ===== */
typedef struct {
ZSTD_CCtx* cctx;
const void* srcStart;
size_t srcSize;
buffer_t dstBuff;
size_t cSize;
size_t dstFlushed;
unsigned long long fullFrameSize;
unsigned firstChunk;
unsigned lastChunk;
unsigned jobCompleted;
pthread_mutex_t* jobCompleted_mutex;
pthread_cond_t* jobCompleted_cond;
ZSTD_parameters params;
} ZSTDMT_jobDescription;
/* ZSTDMT_compressChunk() : POOL_function type */
void ZSTDMT_compressChunk(void* jobDescription)
ZSTDMT_jobDescription* const job = (ZSTDMT_jobDescription*)jobDescription;
buffer_t dstBuff = job->dstBuff;
size_t hSize = ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(job->cctx, NULL, 0, job->params, job->fullFrameSize);
if (ZSTD_isError(hSize)) { job->cSize = hSize; goto _endJob; }
hSize = ZSTD_compressContinue(job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, job->srcStart, 0); /* flush frame header */
if (ZSTD_isError(hSize)) { job->cSize = hSize; goto _endJob; }
if (job->firstChunk) { /* preserve frame header when it is first chunk - otherwise, overwrite */
dstBuff.start = (char*)dstBuff.start + hSize;
dstBuff.size -= hSize;
} else
hSize = 0;
job->cSize = (job->lastChunk) ? /* last chunk signal */
ZSTD_compressEnd(job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, job->srcStart, job->srcSize) :
ZSTD_compressContinue(job->cctx, dstBuff.start, dstBuff.size, job->srcStart, job->srcSize);
if (!ZSTD_isError(job->cSize)) job->cSize += hSize;
DEBUGLOG(5, "chunk %u : compressed %u bytes into %u bytes ", (unsigned)job->lastChunk, (unsigned)job->srcSize, (unsigned)job->cSize);
job->jobCompleted = 1;
/* ===== Multi-threaded compression ===== */
struct ZSTDMT_CCtx_s {
POOL_ctx* factory;
ZSTDMT_bufferPool* buffPool;
@ -250,64 +255,66 @@ size_t ZSTDMT_compressCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
int compressionLevel)
ZSTD_parameters const params = ZSTD_getParams(compressionLevel, srcSize, 0);
size_t const frameSizeTarget = (size_t)1 << (params.cParams.windowLog + 2);
unsigned const nbFramesMax = (unsigned)(srcSize / frameSizeTarget) + (srcSize < frameSizeTarget) /* min 1 */;
unsigned const nbFrames = MIN(nbFramesMax, mtctx->nbThreads);
size_t const avgFrameSize = (srcSize + (nbFrames-1)) / nbFrames;
ZSTD_parameters params = ZSTD_getParams(compressionLevel, srcSize, 0);
size_t const chunkTargetSize = (size_t)1 << (params.cParams.windowLog + 2);
unsigned const nbChunksMax = (unsigned)(srcSize / chunkTargetSize) + (srcSize < chunkTargetSize) /* min 1 */;
unsigned const nbChunks = MIN(nbChunksMax, mtctx->nbThreads);
size_t const proposedChunkSize = (srcSize + (nbChunks-1)) / nbChunks;
size_t const avgChunkSize = ((proposedChunkSize & 0x1FFFF) < 0xFFFF) ? proposedChunkSize + 0xFFFF : proposedChunkSize; /* avoid too small last block */
size_t remainingSrcSize = srcSize;
const char* const srcStart = (const char*)src;
size_t frameStartPos = 0;
DEBUGLOG(2, "windowLog : %u => frameSizeTarget : %u ", params.cParams.windowLog, (U32)frameSizeTarget);
DEBUGLOG(2, "nbFrames : %u (size : %u bytes) ", nbFrames, (U32)avgFrameSize);
DEBUGLOG(3, "windowLog : %2u => chunkTargetSize : %u bytes ", params.cParams.windowLog, (U32)chunkTargetSize);
DEBUGLOG(2, "nbChunks : %2u (chunkSize : %u bytes) ", nbChunks, (U32)avgChunkSize);
params.fParams.contentSizeFlag = 1;
{ unsigned u;
for (u=0; u<nbFrames; u++) {
size_t const frameSize = MIN(remainingSrcSize, avgFrameSize);
size_t const dstBufferCapacity = u ? ZSTD_compressBound(frameSize) : dstCapacity;
for (u=0; u<nbChunks; u++) {
size_t const chunkSize = MIN(remainingSrcSize, avgChunkSize);
size_t const dstBufferCapacity = u ? ZSTD_compressBound(chunkSize) : dstCapacity;
buffer_t const dstBuffer = u ? ZSTDMT_getBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, dstBufferCapacity) : (buffer_t){ dst, dstCapacity };
ZSTD_CCtx* cctx = ZSTDMT_getCCtx(mtctx->cctxPool);
ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTDMT_getCCtx(mtctx->cctxPool); /* should check for NULL ! */
mtctx->jobs[u].srcStart = srcStart + frameStartPos;
mtctx->jobs[u].srcSize = frameSize;
mtctx->jobs[u].srcSize = chunkSize;
mtctx->jobs[u].fullFrameSize = srcSize;
mtctx->jobs[u].compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
mtctx->jobs[u].params = params;
mtctx->jobs[u].dstBuff = dstBuffer;
mtctx->jobs[u].cctx = cctx;
mtctx->jobs[u].frameID = (u>0) | ((u==nbFrames-1)<<1);
mtctx->jobs[u].firstChunk = (u==0);
mtctx->jobs[u].lastChunk = (u==nbChunks-1);
mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted = 0;
mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted_mutex = &mtctx->jobCompleted_mutex;
mtctx->jobs[u].jobCompleted_cond = &mtctx->jobCompleted_cond;
DEBUGLOG(3, "posting job %u (%u bytes)", u, (U32)frameSize);
POOL_add(mtctx->factory, ZSTDMT_compressFrame, &mtctx->jobs[u]);
DEBUGLOG(3, "posting job %u (%u bytes)", u, (U32)chunkSize);
POOL_add(mtctx->factory, ZSTDMT_compressChunk, &mtctx->jobs[u]);
frameStartPos += frameSize;
remainingSrcSize -= frameSize;
frameStartPos += chunkSize;
remainingSrcSize -= chunkSize;
} }
/* note : since nbFrames <= nbThreads, all jobs should be running immediately in parallel */
/* note : since nbChunks <= nbThreads, all jobs should be running immediately in parallel */
{ unsigned frameID;
{ unsigned chunkID;
size_t dstPos = 0;
for (frameID=0; frameID<nbFrames; frameID++) {
DEBUGLOG(3, "ready to write frame %u ", frameID);
for (chunkID=0; chunkID<nbChunks; chunkID++) {
DEBUGLOG(3, "ready to write chunk %u ", chunkID);
while (mtctx->jobs[frameID].jobCompleted==0) {
DEBUGLOG(4, "waiting for jobCompleted signal from frame %u", frameID);
while (mtctx->jobs[chunkID].jobCompleted==0) {
DEBUGLOG(4, "waiting for jobCompleted signal from chunk %u", chunkID);
pthread_cond_wait(&mtctx->jobCompleted_cond, &mtctx->jobCompleted_mutex);
ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(mtctx->cctxPool, mtctx->jobs[frameID].cctx);
{ size_t const cSize = mtctx->jobs[frameID].cSize;
ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(mtctx->cctxPool, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].cctx);
{ size_t const cSize = mtctx->jobs[chunkID].cSize;
if (ZSTD_isError(cSize)) return cSize;
if (dstPos + cSize > dstCapacity) return ERROR(dstSize_tooSmall);
if (frameID) { /* note : frame 0 is already written directly into dst */
memcpy((char*)dst + dstPos, mtctx->jobs[frameID].dstBuff.start, cSize);
ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, mtctx->jobs[frameID].dstBuff);
if (chunkID) { /* note : chunk 0 is already written directly into dst */
memcpy((char*)dst + dstPos, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].dstBuff.start, cSize);
ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(mtctx->buffPool, mtctx->jobs[chunkID].dstBuff);
dstPos += cSize ;
@ -317,3 +324,89 @@ size_t ZSTDMT_compressCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* mtctx,
/* ====================================== */
/* ======= Streaming API ======= */
/* ====================================== */
#if 0
size_t ZSTDMT_initCStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, int compressionLevel) {
zcs->params = ZSTD_getParams(compressionLevel, 0, 0);
zcs->targetSectionSize = 1 << (zcs->params.cParams.windowLog + 2);
zcs->inBuffSize = 5 * (1 << zcs->params.cParams.windowLog);
zcs->inBuff.buffer = ZSTDMT_getBuffer(zcs->buffPool, zcs->inBuffSize); /* check for NULL ! */
zcs->inBuff.current = 0;
zcs->doneJobID = 0;
zcs->nextJobID = 0;
return 0;
typedef struct {
buffer_t buffer;
unsigned current;
} inBuff_t;
size_t ZSTDMT_compressStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output, ZSTD_inBuffer* input)
/* fill input buffer */
{ size_t const toLoad = MIN(input->size - input->pos, zcs->inBuffSize - zcs->inBuff.current);
memcpy((char*)zcs->inBuff.buffer.start + zcs->inBuff.current, input->src, toLoad);
input->pos += toLoad;
if (zcs->inBuff.current == zcs->inBuffSize) { /* filled enough : let's compress */
size_t const dstBufferCapacity = ZSTD_compressBound(zcs->targetSectionSize);
buffer_t const dstBuffer = ZSTDMT_getBuffer(zcs->buffPool, zcs->targetSectionSize); /* should check for NULL */
ZSTD_CCtx* const cctx = ZSTDMT_getCCtx(zcs->cctxPool); /* should check for NULL */
unsigned const jobID = zcs->nextJobID & zcs->jobIDmask;
zcs->jobs[jobID].srcStart = zcs->inBuff.start;
zcs->jobs[jobID].srcSize = zcs->targetSectionSize;
zcs->jobs[jobID].fullFrameSize = 0;
zcs->jobs[jobID].compressionLevel = zcs->compressionLevel;
zcs->jobs[jobID].dstBuff = dstBuffer;
zcs->jobs[jobID].cctx = cctx;
zcs->jobs[jobID].frameID = (jobID>0);
zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted = 0;
zcs->jobs[jobID].dstFlushed = 0;
zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted_mutex = &zcs->jobCompleted_mutex;
zcs->jobs[jobID].jobCompleted_cond = &zcs->jobCompleted_cond;
/* get a new buffer for next input - save remaining into it */
zcs->inBuff.buffer = ZSTDMT_getBuffer(zcs->buffPool, zcs->inBuffSize); /* check for NULL ! */
zcs->inBuff.current = zcs->inBuffSize - zcs->targetSectionSize;
memcpy(zcs->inBuff.buffer.start, (char*)zcs->jobs[jobID].srcStart + zcs->targetSectionSize, zcs->inBuff.current);
DEBUGLOG(3, "posting job %u (%u bytes)", jobID, (U32)zcs->jobs[jobID].srcSize);
POOL_add(zcs->factory, ZSTDMT_compressChunk, &zcs->jobs[jobID]);
/* check if there is any data available to flush */
{ unsigned const jobID = zcs->doneJobID & zcs->jobIDmask;
ZSTDMT_jobDescription job = zcs->jobs[jobID];
if (job.jobCompleted) { /* job completed : output can be flushed */
size_t const toWrite = MIN(job.cSize - job.dstFlushed, output->size - output->pos);
ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx(zcs->cctxPool, job.cctx); zcs->jobs[jobID].cctx = NULL; /* release cctx for future task */
free(job.srcStart); zcs->jobs[jobID].srcStart = NULL; /* note : need a buff_t for release */
memcpy((char*)output->dst + output->pos, job.dstBuff.start + job.dstFlushed, toWrite);
output->pos += toWrite;
job.dstFlushed += toWrite;
if (job.dstFlushed == job.cSize) { /* output buffer fully flushed => next one */
ZSTDMT_releaseBuffer(zcs->buffPool, job.dstBuff);
} else
zcs->jobs[jobID].dstFlushed = job.dstFlushed;
} }
/* recommended next input size : fill current input buffer */
return zcs->inBuffSize - zcs->inBuff.current;
size_t ZSTDMT_flushStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output);
size_t ZSTDMT_endStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output);
@ -1,12 +1,24 @@
/* === Dependencies === */
#include <stddef.h> /* size_t */
#include "zstd.h" /* ZSTD_inBuffer, ZSTD_outBuffer */
/* === Simple one-pass functions === */
typedef struct ZSTDMT_CCtx_s ZSTDMT_CCtx;
ZSTDMT_CCtx *ZSTDMT_createCCtx(unsigned nbThreads);
ZSTDMT_CCtx* ZSTDMT_createCCtx(unsigned nbThreads);
size_t ZSTDMT_freeCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* cctx);
size_t ZSTDMT_compressCCtx(ZSTDMT_CCtx* cctx,
void* dst, size_t dstCapacity,
const void* src, size_t srcSize,
int compressionLevel);
/* === Streaming functions === */
size_t ZSTDMT_initCStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, int compressionLevel);
size_t ZSTDMT_compressStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output, ZSTD_inBuffer* input);
size_t ZSTDMT_flushStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output);
size_t ZSTDMT_endStream(ZSTDMT_CCtx* zcs, ZSTD_outBuffer* output);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user