@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ matrix:
env: PLATFORM="Ubuntu 12.04" MAKE_PARAM="-C programs test32"
env: PLATFORM="Ubuntu 12.04" MAKE_PARAM="-C programs test32"
# - os: linux
# - os: linux
# sudo: required
# sudo: required
# env: PLATFORM="Ubuntu 12.04" MAKE_PARAM="-C versionsTest"
# env: PLATFORM="Ubuntu 12.04" MAKE_PARAM="-C tests versionsTest"
- os: linux
- os: linux
sudo: required
sudo: required
env: PLATFORM="Ubuntu 12.04" MAKE_PARAM=asan32
env: PLATFORM="Ubuntu 12.04" MAKE_PARAM=asan32
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
scripts for automated testing of zstd
#### - script for testing zstd interoperability between versions
This script creates `versionsTest` directory to which zstd repository is cloned.
Then all taged (released) versions of zstd are compiled.
In the following step interoperability between zstd versions is checked.
#### - script for testing zstd speed difference between commits
This script creates `speedTest` directory to which zstd repository is cloned.
Then it compiles all branches of zstd and performs a speed benchmark for a given list of files (the `testFileNames` parameter).
After `sleepTime` (an optional parameter, default 300 seconds) seconds the script checks repository for new commits.
If a new commit is found it is compiled and a speed benchmark for this commit is performed.
The results of the speed benchmark are compared to the previous results.
If compression or decompression speed for one of zstd levels is lower than `lowerLimit` (an optional parameter, default 0.98) the speed benchmark is restarted.
If second results are also lower than `lowerLimit` the warning e-mail is send to recipients from the list (the `emails` parameter).
Additional remarks:
- To be sure that speed results are accurate the script should be run on a "stable" target system with no other jobs running in parallel
- Using the script with virtual machines can lead to large variations of speed results
- The speed benchmark is not performed until computers' load average is lower than `maxLoadAvg` (an optional parameter, default 0.75)
- The script sends e-mails using `mutt`; if `mutt` is not available it sends e-mails without attachments using `mail`; if both are not available it only prints a warning
The example usage with two test files, one e-mail address, and with an additional message:
./ "silesia.tar calgary.tar" "" --message "tested on my laptop" --sleepTime 60
To run the script in background please use:
nohup ./ testFileNames emails &
The full list of parameters:
positional arguments:
testFileNames file names list for speed benchmark
emails list of e-mail addresses to send warnings
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--message MESSAGE attach an additional message to e-mail
--lowerLimit LOWERLIMIT
send email if speed is lower than given limit
maximum load average to start testing
last compression level for testing
--sleepTime SLEEPTIME
frequency of repository checking in seconds
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# execute(), fetch(), notify() are based on
import argparse
import os
import string
import time
import traceback
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
repo_url = ''
test_dir_name = 'speedTest'
def log(text):
print time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") + ' - ' + text
def execute(command, print_output=False, print_error=True):
log("> " + command)
popen = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True, cwd=execute.cwd)
itout = iter(popen.stdout.readline, b"")
iterr = iter(popen.stderr.readline, b"")
stdout_lines = list(itout)
if print_output:
print ''.join(stdout_lines)
stderr_lines = list(iterr)
if print_output:
print ''.join(stderr_lines)
if popen.returncode is not None and popen.returncode != 0:
if not print_output and print_error:
print ''.join(stderr_lines)
raise RuntimeError(''.join(stderr_lines))
return stdout_lines + stderr_lines
execute.cwd = None
def does_command_exist(command):
execute(command, False, False);
except Exception as e:
return False
return True
def fetch():
execute('git fetch -p')
output = execute('git branch -rl')
for line in output:
if "HEAD" in line:
output.remove(line) # remove "origin/HEAD -> origin/dev"
branches = map(lambda l: l.strip(), output)
return map(lambda b: (b, execute('git show -s --format=%h ' + b)[0].strip()), branches)
def notify(branch, commit, last_commit):
text_tmpl = string.Template('Changes since $last_commit:\r\n$commits')
branch = branch.split('/')[1]
fmt = '--format="%h: (%an) %s, %ar"'
if last_commit is None:
commits = execute('git log -n 10 %s %s' % (fmt, commit))
commits = execute('git --no-pager log %s %s..%s' % (fmt, last_commit, commit))
text = text_tmpl.substitute({'last_commit': last_commit, 'commits': ''.join(commits)})
print str("commits for %s: %s" % (commit, text))
def compile(branch, commit, dry_run):
local_branch = string.split(branch, '/')[1]
version = local_branch.rpartition('-')[2]
version = version + '_' + commit
execute('git checkout -- . && git checkout ' + branch)
if not dry_run:
execute('VERSION=' + version + '; make clean zstdprogram')
def get_last_commit(resultsFileName):
if not os.path.isfile(resultsFileName):
return None, None, None
commit = None
cspeed = []
dspeed = []
with open(resultsFileName,'r') as f:
for line in f:
words = line.split()
if len(words) == 2: # branch + commit
commit = words[1];
cspeed = []
dspeed = []
if (len(words) == 8):
#if commit != None:
# print "commit=%s cspeed=%s dspeed=%s" % (commit, cspeed, dspeed)
return commit, cspeed, dspeed
def benchmark_and_compare(branch, commit, resultsFileName, lastCLevel, testFilePath, fileName, last_cspeed, last_dspeed, lower_limit, maxLoadAvg, message):
sleepTime = 30
while os.getloadavg()[0] > maxLoadAvg:
log("WARNING: bench loadavg=%.2f is higher than %s, sleeping for %s seconds" % (os.getloadavg()[0], maxLoadAvg, sleepTime))
start_load = str(os.getloadavg())
result = execute('programs/zstd -qi5b1e' + str(lastCLevel) + ' ' + testFilePath)
end_load = str(os.getloadavg())
linesExpected = lastCLevel + 2;
if len(result) != linesExpected:
log("ERROR: number of result lines=%d is different that expected %d" % (len(result), linesExpected))
return ""
with open(resultsFileName, "a") as myfile:
myfile.write(branch + " " + commit + "\n")
if (last_cspeed == None):
return ""
commit, cspeed, dspeed = get_last_commit(resultsFileName)
text = ""
for i in range(0, min(len(cspeed), len(last_cspeed))):
if (cspeed[i]/last_cspeed[i] < lower_limit):
text += "WARNING: File=%s level=%d cspeed=%s last=%s diff=%s\n" % (fileName, i+1, cspeed[i], last_cspeed[i], cspeed[i]/last_cspeed[i])
if (dspeed[i]/last_dspeed[i] < lower_limit):
text += "WARNING: File=%s level=%d dspeed=%s last=%s diff=%s\n" % (fileName, i+1, dspeed[i], last_dspeed[i], dspeed[i]/last_dspeed[i])
if text:
text = message + ("\nmaxLoadAvg=%s load average at start=%s end=%s\n" % (maxLoadAvg, start_load, end_load)) + text
return text
def send_email(branch, commit, last_commit, emails, text, results_files, logFileName, lower_limit, have_mutt, have_mail):
with open(logFileName, "w") as myfile:
if have_mutt:
execute("mutt -s \"[ZSTD_speedTest] Warning for branch=" + branch + " commit=" + commit + " last_commit=" + last_commit + " speed<" + str(lower_limit) + "\" " + emails + " -a " + results_files + " < " + logFileName)
elif have_mail:
execute("mail -s \"[ZSTD_speedTest] Warning for branch=" + branch + " commit=" + commit + " last_commit=" + last_commit + " speed<" + str(lower_limit) + "\" " + emails + " < " + logFileName)
log("e-mail cannot be sent (mail and mutt not found)")
def check_branches(args, test_path, testFilePaths, have_mutt, have_mail):
for branch, commit in fetch():
commitFileName = test_path + "/commit_" + branch.replace("/", "_")
if os.path.isfile(commitFileName):
last_commit = file(commitFileName, 'r').read()
last_commit = None
file(commitFileName, 'w').write(commit)
if commit == last_commit:
log("skipping branch %s: head %s already processed" % (branch, commit))
log("build branch %s: head %s is different from prev %s" % (branch, commit, last_commit))
compile(branch, commit, args.dry_run)
logFileName = test_path + "/log_" + branch.replace("/", "_")
text_to_send = []
results_files = ""
for filePath in testFilePaths:
fileName = filePath.rpartition('/')[2]
resultsFileName = test_path + "/results_" + branch.replace("/", "_") + "_" + fileName
last_commit, cspeed, dspeed = get_last_commit(resultsFileName)
if not args.dry_run:
text = benchmark_and_compare(branch, commit, resultsFileName, args.lastCLevel, filePath, fileName, cspeed, dspeed, args.lowerLimit, args.maxLoadAvg, args.message)
if text:
text = benchmark_and_compare(branch, commit, resultsFileName, args.lastCLevel, filePath, fileName, cspeed, dspeed, args.lowerLimit, args.maxLoadAvg, args.message)
if text:
results_files += resultsFileName + " "
if text_to_send:
send_email(branch, commit, last_commit, args.emails, text_to_send, results_files, logFileName, args.lowerLimit, have_mutt, have_mail)
notify(branch, commit, last_commit)
except Exception as e:
stack = traceback.format_exc()
log("ERROR: build %s, error %s" % (branch, str(e)) )
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('testFileNames', help='file names list for speed benchmark')
parser.add_argument('emails', help='list of e-mail addresses to send warnings')
parser.add_argument('--message', help='attach an additional message to e-mail')
parser.add_argument('--lowerLimit', type=float, help='send email if speed is lower than given limit', default=0.98)
parser.add_argument('--maxLoadAvg', type=float, help='maximum load average to start testing', default=0.75)
parser.add_argument('--lastCLevel', type=int, help='last compression level for testing', default=5)
parser.add_argument('--sleepTime', type=int, help='frequency of repository checking in seconds', default=300)
parser.add_argument('--dry-run', dest='dry_run', action='store_true', help='not build', default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()
# check if test files are accessible
testFileNames = args.testFileNames.split()
testFilePaths = []
for fileName in testFileNames:
if os.path.isfile(fileName):
raise RuntimeError("File not found: " + fileName)
test_path = os.getcwd() + '/' + test_dir_name # /path/to/zstd/tests/speedTest
clone_path = test_path + '/' + 'zstd' # /path/to/zstd/tests/speedTest/zstd
# check availability of e-mail senders
have_mutt = does_command_exist("mutt --help");
have_mail = does_command_exist("mail -V");
if not have_mutt and not have_mail:
log("WARNING: e-mail senders mail and mutt not found")
# clone ZSTD repo if needed
if not os.path.isdir(test_path):
if not os.path.isdir(clone_path):
execute.cwd = test_path
execute('git clone ' + repo_url)
if not os.path.isdir(clone_path):
raise RuntimeError("ZSTD clone not found: " + clone_path)
execute.cwd = clone_path
print "PARAMETERS:\ntest_path=%s" % test_path
print "clone_path=%s" % clone_path
print "testFilePath(%s)=%s" % (len(testFilePaths), testFilePaths)
print "message=%s" % args.message
print "emails=%s" % args.emails
print "maxLoadAvg=%s" % args.maxLoadAvg
print "lowerLimit=%s" % args.lowerLimit
print "lastCLevel=%s" % args.lastCLevel
print "sleepTime=%s" % args.sleepTime
print "dry_run=%s" % args.dry_run
print "have_mutt=%s have_mail=%s" % (have_mutt, have_mail)
while True:
pid = str(os.getpid())
pidfile = "./"
if os.path.isfile(pidfile):
log("%s already exists, exiting" % pidfile)
file(pidfile, 'w').write(pid)
loadavg = os.getloadavg()[0]
if (loadavg <= args.maxLoadAvg):
check_branches(args, test_path, testFilePaths, have_mutt, have_mail)
log("WARNING: main loadavg=%.2f is higher than %s" % (loadavg, args.maxLoadAvg))
log("sleep for %s seconds" % args.sleepTime)
versionsTest/ → tests/
Normal file → Executable file
versionsTest/ → tests/
Normal file → Executable file
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import subprocess
import sys
import sys
repo_url = ''
repo_url = ''
tmp_dir_name = 'versionsTest/zstdtest'
tmp_dir_name = 'tests/versionsTest'
make_cmd = 'make'
make_cmd = 'make'
git_cmd = 'git'
git_cmd = 'git'
test_dat_src = ''
test_dat_src = ''
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ def decompress_zst(tag):
if __name__ == '__main__':
if __name__ == '__main__':
error_code = 0
error_code = 0
base_dir = os.getcwd() + '/..' # /path/to/zstd
base_dir = os.getcwd() + '/..' # /path/to/zstd
tmp_dir = base_dir + '/' + tmp_dir_name # /path/to/zstd/versionsTest/zstdtest
tmp_dir = base_dir + '/' + tmp_dir_name # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest
clone_dir = tmp_dir + '/' + 'zstd' # /path/to/zstd/versionsTest/zstdtest/zstd
clone_dir = tmp_dir + '/' + 'zstd' # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest/zstd
programs_dir = base_dir + '/programs' # /path/to/zstd/programs
programs_dir = base_dir + '/programs' # /path/to/zstd/programs
os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(tmp_dir, exist_ok=True)
@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# Build all release zstd
# Build all release zstd
for tag in tags:
for tag in tags:
dst_zstd = '{}/zstd.{}' .format(tmp_dir, tag) # /path/to/zstd/test/zstdtest/zstd.<TAG>
dst_zstd = '{}/zstd.{}' .format(tmp_dir, tag) # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest/zstd.<TAG>
if not os.path.isfile(dst_zstd) or tag == head:
if not os.path.isfile(dst_zstd) or tag == head:
if tag != head:
if tag != head:
r_dir = '{}/{}'.format(tmp_dir, tag) # /path/to/zstd/test/zstdtest/<TAG>
r_dir = '{}/{}'.format(tmp_dir, tag) # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest/<TAG>
os.makedirs(r_dir, exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(r_dir, exist_ok=True)
git(['--work-tree=' + r_dir, 'checkout', tag, '--', '.'], False)
git(['--work-tree=' + r_dir, 'checkout', tag, '--', '.'], False)
os.chdir(r_dir + '/programs') # /path/to/zstd/zstdtest/<TAG>/programs
os.chdir(r_dir + '/programs') # /path/to/zstd/tests/versionsTest/<TAG>/programs
make(['clean', 'zstd'], False)
make(['clean', 'zstd'], False)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user