local function auStartSolution(sln) workspace(sln.name) auRequire("Core/Target").startSolution() location(Aurora.Settings.sAbsCompilerWd) -- Required for core Aurora assumptions. External build chains may mess with these -- not my problem. symbols "On" -- even ship binaries are initially built with symbols for unix targets to strip them with objcopy visibility "Hidden" -- posix devs are stupid. default vis is stupid. we're beyond the 70's C OS aka version 7 UNIX stringpooling "true" -- i've seen hashmaps explode too many times to care about the few ms this saves floatingpoint "strict" -- x87 sucks so lets be mean. it's a nice to have when working with js runtimes justmycode "Off" -- some premake warning bug if (Aurora.Settings.bStaticRuntime) then staticruntime "On" else staticruntime "Off" end if (Aurora.Settings.bEditAndCont) then editandcontinue "On" else editandcontinue "Off" end flags { "NoPCH" } if (Aurora.Settings.bMultithreadBuild) then flags { "MultiProcessorCompile" } end if (Aurora.Settings.bForceClangWin32) then auFilterForPlatforms(function(platform) if (platform == "win32") then toolset "clang" end end) end if (Aurora.Settings.bForceLLVMStl) then filter {"files:**.cpp or files:**.cc or files:**.cxx", "toolset:clang"} buildoptions {"-stdlib=libc++"} filter {} end end return { start = auStartSolution }