premake.path = premake.path .. ";" .. os.realpath(path.translate("..\\")) require("../Core/Premake/Premake") require("base") ------------------------------------------------------- -- run a user script that should be able to directly access -- the global aurora variable with the util apis available ------------------------------------------------------- if (os.isfile("../../preconfig.lua")) then require("../../preconfig") end ------------------------------------------------------- -- print build platform ------------------------------------------------------- local isWin = == "windows" local isToolChain = false local isUnix = false local toolPlatforms = {"win32", "linux", "mac"} local unixPlatforms = {"linux", "mac"} for k in pairs(toolPlatforms) do if ( == k) then isToolChain = true end end for k in pairs(unixPlatforms) do if ( == k) then isUnix = true end end auPrintHeader("configuration", "platforms") print("isWin", isWin) print("isUnix", isUnix) print("isDevelopmentPlatform", isToolChain) print() ------------------------------------------------------- -- start ------------------------------------------------------- local function start() auStart() if (os.isfile("../../premake5.lua")) then require("../../premake5") elseif (os.isfile("../../AuroraSolution.lua")) then require("../../AuroraSolution") elseif (os.isfile("../../AuroraSolution.json")) then -- TODO: ... else auFatal("No solution file found in the root") end end xpcall(start, auFatal)