-- tests/tools/test_dotnet.lua
-- Automated test suite for the .NET toolset interface.
-- Copyright (c) 2012 Jason Perkins and the Premake project
T.tools_dotnet = {}
local suite = T.tools_dotnet
local dotnet = premake.tools.dotnet
-- Setup/teardown
local sln, prj, cfg
function suite.setup()
sln = test.createsolution()
local function prepare()
prj = premake.solution.getproject(sln, 1)
cfg = premake.project.getconfig(prj, "Debug")
-- On Windows, use Microsoft's CSC compiler by default.
function suite.defaultCompiler_onWindows()
_OS = "windows"
test.isequal("csc", dotnet.gettoolname(cfg, "csc"))
-- Everywhere other than Windows, use Mono by default.
function suite.defaultCompiler_onMacOSX()
_OS = "macosx"
test.isequal("mcs", dotnet.gettoolname(cfg, "csc"))