-- tests/actions/make/cs/test_embed_files.lua
-- Tests embedded file listings for C# Makefiles.
-- Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Jason Perkins and the Premake project
local suite = test.declare("make_cs_embed_files")
local make = premake.make
local cs = premake.make.cs
local project = premake.project
-- Setup
local wks, prj, cfg
function suite.setup()
wks = test.createWorkspace()
local function prepare()
prj = premake.workspace.getproject(wks, 1)
make.csEmbedFiles(prj, premake.tools.dotnet)
-- Files that can be compiled should be listed here.
function suite.doesListResourceFiles()
files { "Hello.resx" }
test.capture [[
$(OBJDIR)/MyProject.Hello.resources \
-- Files that should not be compiled should be excluded.
function suite.doesIgnoreNonResourceFiles()
files { "About.txt", "Hello.resx" }
-- Files with a non-standard file extension but a build action of
-- "Embed" should be listed here.
function suite.doesIncludeCompileBuildAction()
files { "Hello.txt" }
filter "files:*.txt"
buildaction "Embed"
Hello.txt \