-- Output a list of merged PRs since last release in the CHANGES.txt format.
local usage = "Usage: premake5 --file=scripts/changes.lua --since=<rev> changes"
local sinceRev = _OPTIONS["since"]
if not sinceRev then
error("Missing `--since`", 0)
local function parsePullRequestId(line)
return line:match("#%d+%s")
local function parseTitle(line)
return line:match("||(.+)")
local function parseAuthor(line)
return line:match("%s([^%s]-)/")
local function parseLog(line)
local pr = parsePullRequestId(line)
local title = parseTitle(line)
local author = parseAuthor(line)
return string.format("* PR %s %s (@%s)", pr, title, author)
local function gatherChanges()
local cmd = string.format('git log HEAD "^%s" --merges --first-parent --format="%%s||%%b"', _OPTIONS["since"])
local output = os.outputof(cmd)
changes = {}
for line in output:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do
table.insert(changes, parseLog(line))
return changes
local function generateChanges()
local changes = gatherChanges()
for i = 1, #changes do
newaction {
trigger = "changes",
description = "Generate list of git merges in CHANGES.txt format",
execute = generateChanges
newoption {
trigger = "since",
value = "revision",
description = "Log merges since this revision"