Embed precompiled lua files, instead of source.
This commit is contained in:
@ -73,7 +73,10 @@
description = "Disable Zlib/Zip 3rd party lib"
newoption {
trigger = "bytecode",
description = "Embed bytecode instead of stripped souce code."
-- Define the project. Put the release configuration first so it will be the
@ -5,85 +5,102 @@
-- issues in Mac OS X Universal builds.
local scriptCount = 0
local function loadScript(fname)
fname = path.getabsolute(fname)
local f = io.open(fname)
local s = assert(f:read("*a"))
local f = io.open(fname, "rb")
local s = assert(f:read("*all"))
return s
local function stripScript(s)
-- strip tabs
s = s:gsub("[\t]", "")
local result = s:gsub("[\t]", "")
-- strip any CRs
s = s:gsub("[\r]", "")
result = result:gsub("[\r]", "")
-- strip out block comments
s = s:gsub("[^\"']%-%-%[%[.-%]%]", "")
s = s:gsub("[^\"']%-%-%[=%[.-%]=%]", "")
s = s:gsub("[^\"']%-%-%[==%[.-%]==%]", "")
result = result:gsub("[^\"']%-%-%[%[.-%]%]", "")
result = result:gsub("[^\"']%-%-%[=%[.-%]=%]", "")
sresult = result:gsub("[^\"']%-%-%[==%[.-%]==%]", "")
-- strip out inline comments
s = s:gsub("\n%-%-[^\n]*", "\n")
-- escape backslashes
s = s:gsub("\\", "\\\\")
result = result:gsub("\n%-%-[^\n]*", "\n")
-- strip duplicate line feeds
s = s:gsub("\n+", "\n")
result = result:gsub("\n+", "\n")
-- strip out leading comments
s = s:gsub("^%-%-[^\n]*\n", "")
result = result:gsub("^%-%-[^\n]*\n", "")
-- escape line feeds
s = s:gsub("\n", "\\n")
-- escape double quote marks
s = s:gsub("\"", "\\\"")
return s
return result
local function appendScript(result, contents)
-- break up large strings to fit in Visual Studio's string length limit
local max = 4096
local start = 1
local len = contents:len()
if len > 0 then
while start <= len do
local n = len - start
if n > max then n = max end
local finish = start + n
local function outputScript(result, script)
local data = script.data
local length = #data
-- make sure I don't cut an escape sequence
while contents:sub(finish, finish) == "\\" do
finish = finish - 1
if length > 0 then
script.table = string.format("builtin_script_%d", scriptCount)
scriptCount = scriptCount + 1
buffered.writeln(result, "// ".. script.name)
buffered.writeln(result, "static const unsigned char " .. script.table .. "[] = {")
for i = 1, length do
buffered.write(result, string.format("%3d, ", data:byte(i)))
if (i % 32 == 0) then
local s = contents:sub(start, finish)
table.insert(result, "\t\"" .. s .. iif(finish < len, '"', '",'))
start = finish + 1
table.insert(result, "\t\"\",")
buffered.writeln(result, "};")
local function addScript(result, filename, name, data)
if not data then
if _OPTIONS.bytecode then
print("Compiling... " .. filename)
local output = path.replaceextension(filename, ".luac")
local res, err = os.compile(filename, output);
if res ~= nil then
data = loadScript(output)
print("Embedding source instead.")
data = stripScript(loadScript(filename))
data = stripScript(loadScript(filename))
table.insert(result, "")
local script = {}
script.filename = filename
script.name = name
script.data = data
table.insert(result, script)
-- Prepare the file header
local result = {}
table.insert(result, "/* Premake's Lua scripts, as static data buffers for release mode builds */")
table.insert(result, "/* DO NOT EDIT - this file is autogenerated - see BUILD.txt */")
table.insert(result, "/* To regenerate this file, run: premake5 embed */")
table.insert(result, "")
table.insert(result, '#include "premake.h"')
table.insert(result, "")
local result = buffered.new()
buffered.writeln(result, "/* Premake's Lua scripts, as static data buffers for release mode builds */")
buffered.writeln(result, "/* DO NOT EDIT - this file is autogenerated - see BUILD.txt */")
buffered.writeln(result, "/* To regenerate this file, run: premake5 embed */")
buffered.writeln(result, "")
buffered.writeln(result, '#include "premake.h"')
buffered.writeln(result, "")
-- Find all of the _manifest.lua files within the project
@ -96,84 +113,69 @@
userModuleFiles = table.join(userModuleFiles, os.matchfiles(path.join(_MAIN_SCRIPT_DIR, "**/_user_modules.lua")))
userModuleFiles = table.join(userModuleFiles, os.matchfiles(path.join(_MAIN_SCRIPT_DIR, "_user_modules.lua")))
-- Generate an index of the script file names. Script names are stored
-- relative to the directory containing the manifest, i.e. the main
-- Xcode script, which is at $/modules/xcode/xcode.lua is stored as
-- "xcode/xcode.lua".
table.insert(result, "const char* builtin_scripts_index[] = {")
-- Generate table of embedded content.
local contentTable = {}
for mi = 1, #manifests do
local manifestName = manifests[mi]
local manifestDir = path.getdirectory(manifestName)
local baseDir = path.getdirectory(manifestDir)
local manifestDir = path.getdirectory(manifestName)
local baseDir = path.getdirectory(manifestDir)
local files = dofile(manifests[mi])
for fi = 1, #files do
local filename = path.join(manifestDir, files[fi])
filename = path.getrelative(baseDir, filename)
table.insert(result, '\t"' .. filename .. '",')
addScript(contentTable, filename, path.getrelative(baseDir, filename))
table.insert(result, '\t"src/_premake_main.lua",')
table.insert(result, '\t"src/_manifest.lua",')
table.insert(result, '\t"src/_modules.lua",')
table.insert(result, "\tNULL")
table.insert(result, "};")
table.insert(result, "")
addScript(contentTable, path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/_premake_main.lua"), "src/_premake_main.lua")
addScript(contentTable, path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/_manifest.lua"), "src/_manifest.lua")
-- Embed the actual script contents
table.insert(result, "const char* builtin_scripts[] = {")
for mi = 1, #manifests do
local manifestName = manifests[mi]
local manifestDir = path.getdirectory(manifestName)
local files = dofile(manifests[mi])
for fi = 1, #files do
local filename = path.join(manifestDir, files[fi])
local scr = loadScript(filename)
appendScript(result, scr)
appendScript(result, loadScript(path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/_premake_main.lua")))
appendScript(result, loadScript(path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/_manifest.lua")))
-- Write the list of modules
-- Add the list of modules
local modules = dofile("../src/_modules.lua")
for _, userModules in ipairs(userModuleFiles) do
modules = table.join(modules, dofile(userModules))
appendScript(result, "return {" .. table.implode(modules, "\\\"", "\\\"", ",\\n") .. "}")
table.insert(result, "\tNULL")
table.insert(result, "};")
table.insert(result, "")
addScript(contentTable, "_modules.lua", "src/_modules.lua", "return {" .. table.implode(modules, '"', '"', ', ') .. "}")
-- Embed the actual script contents
for mi = 1, #contentTable do
outputScript(result, contentTable[mi])
-- Generate an index of the script file names. Script names are stored
-- relative to the directory containing the manifest, i.e. the main
-- Xcode script, which is at $/modules/xcode/xcode.lua is stored as
-- "xcode/xcode.lua".
buffered.writeln(result, "const buildin_mapping builtin_scripts[] = {")
for mi = 1, #contentTable do
if contentTable[mi].table then
buffered.writeln(result, string.format('\t{"%s", %s, sizeof(%s)},', contentTable[mi].name, contentTable[mi].table, contentTable[mi].table))
buffered.writeln(result, string.format('\t{"%s", NULL, 0},', contentTable[mi].name))
buffered.writeln(result, "\t{NULL, NULL, 0}")
buffered.writeln(result, "};")
buffered.writeln(result, "")
-- Write it all out. Check against the current contents of scripts.c first,
-- and only overwrite it if there are actual changes.
result = table.concat(result, "\n")
local scriptsFile = path.getabsolute(path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/host/scripts.c"))
local output = buffered.tostring(result)
local oldVersion
local file = io.open(scriptsFile, "r")
if file then
oldVersion = file:read("*a")
if oldVersion ~= result then
print("Writing scripts.c")
file = io.open(scriptsFile, "w+b")
local f, err = os.writefile_ifnotequal(output, scriptsFile);
if (f < 0) then
error(err, 0)
elseif (f > 0) then
printf("Generated %s...", path.getrelative(os.getcwd(), scriptsFile))
@ -66,10 +66,11 @@ int buffered_write(lua_State* L)
int buffered_writeln(lua_State* L)
size_t l;
const char *s = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &l);
const char *s = luaL_optlstring(L, 2, NULL, &l);
Buffer* b = (Buffer*)lua_touserdata(L, 1);
do_write(b, s, l);
if (s != NULL)
do_write(b, s, l);
do_write(b, "\r\n", 2);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* \file os_uuid.c
* \brief Create a new UUID.
* \author Copyright (c) 2002-2012 Jason Perkins and the Premake project
#include "premake.h"
#include "lua/src/lundump.h"
#include "lua/src/lobject.h"
#include "lua/src/lstate.h"
extern int original_luaL_loadfile(lua_State* L, const char* filename);
static int writer(lua_State* L, const void* p, size_t size, void* u)
return (fwrite(p, size, 1, (FILE*)u) != 1) && (size != 0);
int os_compile(lua_State* L)
const char* input = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
const char* output = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
lua_State* P = luaL_newstate();
if (original_luaL_loadfile(P, input) != OKAY)
const char* msg = lua_tostring(P, -1);
if (msg == NULL)
msg = "(error with no message)";
lua_pushfstring(L, "Unable to compile '%s': %s", input, msg);
return 2;
FILE* outputFile = (output == NULL) ? stdout : fopen(output, "wb");
if (outputFile == NULL)
lua_pushfstring(L, "unable to write to '%s'", output);
return 2;
lua_dump(P, writer, outputFile);
lua_pushboolean(L, 1);
return 1;
@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ static const luaL_Reg os_functions[] = {
{ "stat", os_stat },
{ "uuid", os_uuid },
{ "writefile_ifnotequal", os_writefile_ifnotequal },
{ "compile", os_compile },
@ -306,8 +307,6 @@ int premake_locate_executable(lua_State* L, const char* argv0)
int premake_test_file(lua_State* L, const char* filename, int searchMask)
int i;
if (searchMask & TEST_LOCAL) {
if (do_isfile(filename)) {
lua_pushcfunction(L, path_getabsolute);
@ -329,13 +328,11 @@ int premake_test_file(lua_State* L, const char* filename, int searchMask)
if ((searchMask & TEST_EMBEDDED) != 0) {
/* Try to locate a record matching the filename */
for (i = 0; builtin_scripts_index[i] != NULL; ++i) {
if (strcmp(builtin_scripts_index[i], filename) == 0) {
lua_pushstring(L, "$/");
lua_pushstring(L, filename);
lua_concat(L, 2);
return OKAY;
if (premake_find_embedded_script(filename) != NULL) {
lua_pushstring(L, "$/");
lua_pushstring(L, filename);
lua_concat(L, 2);
return OKAY;
@ -499,13 +496,13 @@ static int run_premake_main(lua_State* L, const char* script)
* contents of the file's script.
const char* premake_find_embedded_script(const char* filename)
const buildin_mapping* premake_find_embedded_script(const char* filename)
int i;
for (i = 0; builtin_scripts_index[i] != NULL; ++i) {
if (strcmp(builtin_scripts_index[i], filename) == 0) {
return builtin_scripts[i];
for (i = 0; builtin_scripts[i].name != NULL; ++i) {
if (strcmp(builtin_scripts[i].name, filename) == 0) {
return builtin_scripts + i;
@ -527,7 +524,7 @@ int premake_load_embedded_script(lua_State* L, const char* filename)
static int warned = 0;
const char* chunk = premake_find_embedded_script(filename);
const buildin_mapping* chunk = premake_find_embedded_script(filename);
if (chunk == NULL) {
return !OKAY;
@ -546,5 +543,5 @@ int premake_load_embedded_script(lua_State* L, const char* filename)
lua_concat(L, 2);
/* Load the chunk */
return luaL_loadbuffer(L, chunk, strlen(chunk), filename);
return luaL_loadbuffer(L, (const char*)chunk->bytecode, chunk->length, filename);
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "lualib.h"
/* Identify the current platform I'm not sure how to reliably detect
* Windows but since it is the most common I use it as the default */
#if defined(__linux__)
@ -118,6 +117,7 @@ int os_rmdir(lua_State* L);
int os_stat(lua_State* L);
int os_uuid(lua_State* L);
int os_writefile_ifnotequal(lua_State* L);
int os_compile(lua_State* L);
int string_endswith(lua_State* L);
int string_hash(lua_State* L);
int string_sha1(lua_State* L);
@ -138,13 +138,21 @@ int zip_extract(lua_State* L);
/* Engine interface */
typedef struct
const char* name;
const unsigned char* bytecode;
size_t length;
} buildin_mapping;
extern const buildin_mapping builtin_scripts[];
int premake_init(lua_State* L);
int premake_execute(lua_State* L, int argc, const char** argv, const char* script);
const char* premake_find_embedded_script(const char* filename);
int premake_load_embedded_script(lua_State* L, const char* filename);
const buildin_mapping* premake_find_embedded_script(const char* filename);
int premake_locate_executable(lua_State* L, const char* argv0);
int premake_test_file(lua_State* L, const char* filename, int searchMask);
extern const char* builtin_scripts_index[];
extern const char* builtin_scripts[];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user