project 'curl-lib' language 'C' kind 'StaticLib' includedirs { 'include', 'lib' } defines { 'BUILDING_LIBCURL', 'CURL_STATICLIB', 'HTTP_ONLY', 'CURL_DISABLE_LDAP' } flags { 'StaticRuntime' } warnings 'off' files { '**.h', '**.c' } configuration { 'windows' } defines { 'WIN32' } defines { 'USE_SCHANNEL', 'USE_WINDOWS_SSPI' } configuration { 'linux' } defines { 'CURL_HIDDEN_SYMBOLS' } if os.findlib('ssl') then defines { 'USE_OPENSSL', 'USE_SSLEAY' } -- find the location of the ca bundle local ca = nil for _, f in ipairs { '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt', '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt', '/usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt', '/usr/local/share/certs/ca-root.crt', '/etc/ssl/cert.pem' } do if os.isfile(f) then ca = f break end end if ca then defines { 'CURL_CA_BUNDLE=\\"' .. ca .. '\\"' } end end configuration { 'macosx' } defines { 'USE_DARWINSSL' } configuration { 'Release' } defines { 'NDEBUG' } flags { 'OptimizeSize' } configuration { 'Debug' } defines { '_DEBUG' } flags { 'Symbols' }