-- -- tests/test_baking.lua -- Automated test suite for the configuration baking functions. -- Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Jason Perkins and the Premake project -- T.baking = { } local suite = T.baking -- -- Setup code -- local prj, cfg function suite.setup() _ACTION = "gmake" solution "MySolution" configurations { "Debug", "Release" } platforms { "x32", "PS3" } defines "SOLUTION" configuration "Debug" defines "SOLUTION_DEBUG" prj = project "MyProject" language "C" kind "SharedLib" targetdir "../bin" defines "PROJECT" configuration "Debug" defines "DEBUG" configuration "Release" defines "RELEASE" configuration "native" defines "NATIVE" configuration "x32" defines "X86_32" configuration "x64" defines "X86_64" end local function prepare() premake.bake.buildconfigs() prj = premake.getconfig(prj) cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, "Debug") end -- -- Tests -- function suite.ProjectWideSettings() prepare() test.isequal("SOLUTION:PROJECT:NATIVE", table.concat(prj.defines,":")) end function suite.BuildCfgSettings() prepare() test.isequal("SOLUTION:SOLUTION_DEBUG:PROJECT:DEBUG:NATIVE", table.concat(cfg.defines,":")) end function suite.PlatformSettings() prepare() local cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, "Debug", "x32") test.isequal("SOLUTION:SOLUTION_DEBUG:PROJECT:DEBUG:X86_32", table.concat(cfg.defines,":")) end function suite.SetsConfigName() prepare() local cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, "Debug", "x32") test.isequal("Debug", cfg.name) end function suite.SetsPlatformName() prepare() local cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, "Debug", "x32") test.isequal("x32", cfg.platform) end function suite.SetsPlatformNativeName() test.isequal("Native", cfg.platform) end function suite.SetsShortName() prepare() local cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, "Debug", "x32") test.isequal("debug32", cfg.shortname) end function suite.SetsNativeShortName() prepare() test.isequal("debug", cfg.shortname) end function suite.SetsLongName() prepare() local cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, "Debug", "x32") test.isequal("Debug|x32", cfg.longname) end function suite.SetsNativeLongName() prepare() test.isequal("Debug", cfg.longname) end function suite.SetsProject() prepare() local cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, "Debug", "x32") test.istrue(prj.project == cfg.project) end -- -- Target system testing -- function suite.SetsTargetSystem_OnNative() prepare() test.isequal(os.get(), cfg.system) end function suite.SetTargetSystem_OnCrossCompiler() prepare() local cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, "Debug", "PS3") test.isequal("PS3", cfg.system) end -- -- Configuration-specific kinds -- function suite.SetsConfigSpecificKind() configuration "Debug" kind "ConsoleApp" prepare() test.isequal("ConsoleApp", cfg.kind) end -- -- Platform kind translation -- function suite.SetsTargetKind_OnSupportedKind() prepare() test.isequal("SharedLib", cfg.kind) end function suite.SetsTargetKind_OnUnsupportedKind() prepare() local cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, "Debug", "PS3") test.isequal("StaticLib", cfg.kind) end