-- -- _premake_init.lua -- -- Prepares the runtime environment for the add-ons and user project scripts. -- -- Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Jason Perkins and the Premake project -- local api = premake.api local DOC_URL = "See https://bitbucket.org/premake/premake-dev/wiki/" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Prepare the global environment. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set the default module search paths. Modules will generally live in -- a folder of the same name: ninja/ninja.lua. The search order is the -- same as what is specified here. local home = os.getenv("HOME") or os.getenv("USERPROFILE") local packagePaths = { path.join(home, ".premake/?/?.lua"), "./modules/?/?.lua", path.join(path.getdirectory(_PREMAKE_COMMAND), "modules/?/?.lua"), path.join(home, "Library/Application Support/Premake/?/?.lua"), "/usr/local/share/premake/?/?.lua", "/usr/share/premake/?/?.lua", } package.path = table.concat(packagePaths, ";") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Register the core API functions. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- api.register { name = "architecture", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = { "universal", "x32", "x64", }, } api.register { name = "basedir", scope = "project", kind = "path" } api.register { name = "buildaction", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = { "Application", "Compile", "Component", "Copy", "Embed", "Form", "None", "Resource", "UserControl", }, } api.register { name = "buildmessage", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "buildcommands", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "buildoptions", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "buildoutputs", scope = "config", kind = "list:file", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "buildrule", -- DEPRECATED scope = "config", kind = "table", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "cleancommands", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "configmap", scope = "config", kind = "keyed:array:string", } api.register { name = "configurations", scope = "project", kind = "list:string", } api.register { name = "copylocal", scope = "config", kind = "list:mixed", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "debugargs", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "debugcommand", scope = "config", kind = "path", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "debugdir", scope = "config", kind = "path", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "debugenvs", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "debugformat", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = { "c7", }, } api.register { name = "defines", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "dependson", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "deploymentoptions", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } -- For backward compatibility, excludes() is now an alias for removefiles() function excludes(value) removefiles(value) end api.register { name = "filename", scope = "project", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "files", scope = "config", kind = "list:file", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "flags", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", allowed = { "Component", -- DEPRECATED "DebugEnvsDontMerge", "DebugEnvsInherit", "EnableSSE", -- DEPRECATED "EnableSSE2", -- DEPRECATED "ExcludeFromBuild", "ExtraWarnings", -- DEPRECATED "FatalCompileWarnings", "FatalLinkWarnings", "FloatFast", -- DEPRECATED "FloatStrict", -- DEPRECATED "LinkTimeOptimization", "Managed", "Maps", "MFC", "MultiProcessorCompile", "NativeWChar", -- DEPRECATED "No64BitChecks", "NoCopyLocal", "NoEditAndContinue", "NoExceptions", "NoFramePointer", "NoImplicitLink", "NoImportLib", "NoIncrementalLink", "NoManifest", "NoMinimalRebuild", "NoNativeWChar", -- DEPRECATED "NoPCH", "NoRuntimeChecks", "NoRTTI", "NoBufferSecurityCheck", "NoWarnings", -- DEPRECATED "OmitDefaultLibrary", "Optimize", -- DEPRECATED "OptimizeSize", -- DEPRECATED "OptimizeSpeed", -- DEPRECATED "ReleaseRuntime", "SEH", "StaticRuntime", "Symbols", "Unicode", "Unsafe", "WinMain", "WPF", }, aliases = { FatalWarnings = { "FatalWarnings", "FatalCompileWarnings", "FatalLinkWarnings" }, Optimise = 'Optimize', OptimiseSize = 'OptimizeSize', OptimiseSpeed = 'OptimizeSpeed', }, } api.register { name = "atl", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = { "Off", "Dynamic", "Static", }, } api.register { name = "floatingpoint", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = { "Default", "Fast", "Strict", } } api.register { name = "forceincludes", scope = "config", kind = "list:mixed", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "forceusings", scope = "config", kind = "list:file", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "framework", scope = "config", kind = "string", } api.register { name = "icon", scope = "project", kind = "file", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "imageoptions", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "imagepath", scope = "config", kind = "path", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "implibdir", scope = "config", kind = "path", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "implibextension", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "implibname", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "implibprefix", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "implibsuffix", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "includedirs", scope = "config", kind = "list:directory", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "kind", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = { "ConsoleApp", "Makefile", "None", "SharedLib", "StaticLib", "WindowedApp", "Utility", }, } api.register { name = "language", scope = "project", kind = "string", allowed = { "C", "C++", "C#", }, } api.register { name = "libdirs", scope = "config", kind = "list:directory", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "linkoptions", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "links", scope = "config", kind = "list:mixed", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "locale", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = false, } api.register { name = "location", scope = "project", kind = "path", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "makesettings", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "namespace", scope = "project", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "nativewchar", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = { "Default", "On", "Off", } } api.register { name = "objdir", scope = "config", kind = "path", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "optimize", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = { "Off", "On", "Debug", "Size", "Speed", "Full", } } api.register { name = "pchheader", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "pchsource", scope = "config", kind = "path", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "platforms", scope = "project", kind = "list:string", } api.register { name = "postbuildcommands", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "postbuildmessage", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "prebuildcommands", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "prebuildmessage", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "prelinkcommands", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "prelinkmessage", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "rebuildcommands", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "resdefines", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "resincludedirs", scope = "config", kind = "list:directory", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "resoptions", scope = "config", kind = "list:string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "startproject", scope = "solution", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "system", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = { "aix", "bsd", "haiku", "linux", "macosx", "ps3", "solaris", "wii", "windows", "xbox360", }, } api.register { name = "targetdir", scope = "config", kind = "path", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "targetextension", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "targetname", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "targetprefix", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "targetsuffix", scope = "config", kind = "string", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "toolset", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = function(value) local key = value:lower() if premake.tools[key] ~= nil then return key end end, } api.register { name = "usingdirs", scope = "config", kind = "list:directory", tokens = true, } api.register { name = "uuid", scope = "project", kind = "string", allowed = function(value) local ok = true if (#value ~= 36) then ok = false end for i=1,36 do local ch = value:sub(i,i) if (not ch:find("[ABCDEFabcdef0123456789-]")) then ok = false end end if (value:sub(9,9) ~= "-") then ok = false end if (value:sub(14,14) ~= "-") then ok = false end if (value:sub(19,19) ~= "-") then ok = false end if (value:sub(24,24) ~= "-") then ok = false end if (not ok) then return nil, "invalid UUID" end return value:upper() end } api.register { name = "vectorextensions", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = { "Default", "AVX", "SSE", "SSE2", } } api.register { name = "vpaths", scope = "project", kind = "list:keyed:list:path", } api.register { name = "warnings", scope = "config", kind = "string", allowed = { "Off", "Default", "Extra", } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Handlers for deprecated fields and values. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 09 Apr 2013 api.deprecateField("buildrule", DOC_URL .. "Custom_Build_Commands", function(value) if value.description then buildmessage(value.description) end buildcommands(value.commands) buildoutputs(value.outputs) end) -- 17 Jun 2013 api.deprecateValue("flags", "Component", DOC_URL .. "buildaction", function(value) buildaction "Component" end) -- 26 Sep 2013 api.deprecateValue("flags", { "EnableSSE", "EnableSSE2" }, DOC_URL .. "vectorextensions", function(value) vectorextensions(value:sub(7)) end, function(value) vectorextension "Default" end) api.deprecateValue("flags", { "FloatFast", "FloatStrict" }, DOC_URL .. "floatingpoint", function(value) floatingpoint(value:sub(6)) end, function(value) floatingpoint "Default" end) api.deprecateValue("flags", { "NativeWChar", "NoNativeWChar" }, DOC_URL .. "nativewchar", function(value) local map = { NativeWChar = "On", NoNativeWChar = "Off" } nativewchar(map[value] or "Default") end, function(value) nativewchar "Default" end) api.deprecateValue("flags", { "Optimize", "OptimizeSize", "OptimizeSpeed" }, DOC_URL .. "optimize", function(value) local map = { Optimize = "On", OptimizeSize = "Size", OptimizeSpeed = "Speed" } optimize (map[value] or "Off") end, function(value) optimize "Off" end) api.deprecateValue("flags", { "Optimise", "OptimiseSize", "OptimiseSpeed" }, DOC_URL .. "optimize", function(value) local map = { Optimise = "On", OptimiseSize = "Size", OptimiseSpeed = "Speed" } optimize (map[value] or "Off") end, function(value) optimize "Off" end) api.deprecateValue("flags", { "ExtraWarnings", "NoWarnings" }, DOC_URL .. "warnings", function(value) local map = { ExtraWarnings = "Extra", NoWarnings = "Off" } warnings (map[value] or "Default") end, function(value) warnings "Default" end) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Install Premake's default set of command line arguments. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- newoption { trigger = "cc", value = "VALUE", description = "Choose a C/C++ compiler set", allowed = { { "clang", "Clang (clang)" }, { "gcc", "GNU GCC (gcc/g++)" }, } } newoption { trigger = "dotnet", value = "VALUE", description = "Choose a .NET compiler set", allowed = { { "msnet", "Microsoft .NET (csc)" }, { "mono", "Novell Mono (mcs)" }, { "pnet", "Portable.NET (cscc)" }, } } newoption { trigger = "fatal", description = "Treat warnings from project scripts as errors" } newoption { trigger = "file", value = "FILE", description = "Read FILE as a Premake script; default is 'premake5.lua'" } newoption { trigger = "help", description = "Display this information" } newoption { trigger = "os", value = "VALUE", description = "Generate files for a different operating system", allowed = { { "aix", "IBM AIX" }, { "bsd", "OpenBSD, NetBSD, or FreeBSD" }, { "haiku", "Haiku" }, { "hurd", "GNU/Hurd" }, { "linux", "Linux" }, { "macosx", "Apple Mac OS X" }, { "solaris", "Solaris" }, { "windows", "Microsoft Windows" }, } } newoption { trigger = "scripts", value = "PATH", description = "Search for additional scripts on the given path" } newoption { trigger = "systemscript", value = "FILE", description = "Override default system script (premake5-system.lua)" } newoption { trigger = "version", description = "Display version information" } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Set up the global environment for the systems I know about. I would like -- to see at least some if not all of this moved into add-ons in the future. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Setting a default language makes some validation easier later language "C++" -- Use Posix-style target naming by default, since it is the most common. filter { "kind:SharedLib" } targetprefix "lib" targetextension ".so" filter { "kind:StaticLib" } targetprefix "lib" targetextension ".a" -- Add variations for other Posix-like systems. filter { "system:MacOSX", "kind:SharedLib" } targetextension ".dylib" -- Windows and friends. filter { "system:Windows or language:C#", "kind:ConsoleApp or WindowedApp" } targetextension ".exe" filter { "system:Xbox360", "kind:ConsoleApp or WindowedApp" } targetextension ".exe" filter { "system:Windows or Xbox360", "kind:SharedLib" } targetprefix "" targetextension ".dll" implibextension ".lib" filter { "system:Windows or Xbox360", "kind:StaticLib" } targetprefix "" targetextension ".lib" filter { "language:C#", "kind:SharedLib" } targetprefix "" targetextension ".dll" implibextension ".dll" -- PS3 configurations filter { "system:PS3" } toolset "snc" filter { "system:PS3", "kind:ConsoleApp" } targetextension ".elf"