2012-10-19 22:53:03 +00:00
-- tests/base/test_criteria.lua
-- Test suite for the criteria matching API.
-- Copyright (c) 2012 Jason Perkins and the Premake project
T.criteria = {}
local suite = T.criteria
local criteria = premake.criteria
-- Setup and teardown
local crit
-- Make sure that new() returns a valid object.
function suite.new_returnsValidObject()
crit = criteria.new {}
test.isequal("table", type(crit))
-- A criteria with no terms should satisfy any context.
function suite.matches_onEmptyCriteria()
crit = criteria.new {}
test.istrue(criteria.matches(crit, { "apple", "orange" }))
-- Should not match if any term is missing in the context.
function suite.fails_onMissingContext()
crit = criteria.new { "orange", "pear" }
test.isfalse(criteria.matches(crit, { "apple", "orange" }))
2012-10-23 22:15:07 +00:00
-- Context terms must match the entire criteria term.
function suite.fails_onIncompleteMatch()
crit = criteria.new { "ps3" }
test.isfalse(criteria.matches(crit, { "ps3 ppu sn" }))