Premake is a command line utility which reads a scripted definition of a software project and, most commonly, uses it to generate project files for toolsets like Visual Studio, Xcode, or GNU Make.
workspace "MyWorkspace"
configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
project "MyProject"
kind "ConsoleApp"
language "C++"
files { "**.h", "**.cpp" }
filter { "configurations:Debug" }
defines { "DEBUG" }
symbols "On"
filter { "configurations:Release" }
defines { "NDEBUG" }
optimize "On"
*A sample Premake script.*
$ premake5 vs2012
Building configurations...
Running action 'vs2012'...
Generating MyWorkspace.sln...
Generating MyProject.vcxproj...
Generating MyProject.vcxproj.user...
*Premake reads the script and generates project scripts.*
Previous version of Premake also supported exporting for MonoDevelop and Code::Blocks. We are in the process of bringing these exporters back online for the final release.
In addition to its project generation capabilities, Premake also provides a complete [Lua]( scripting environment, enabling the automation of complex configuration tasks such as setting up new source tree checkouts or creating deployment packages. These scripts will run on any platform, ending batch/shell script duplication.
Premake is a "plain old C" application, distributed as a single executable file. It is small, weighing in at around 200K. It does not require any additional libraries or runtimes to be installed, and should build and run pretty much anywhere. It is currently being tested and used on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and other POSIX environments. It uses only a handful of platform dependent routines (directory management, mostly). Adding support for additional toolsets and languages is straightforward. The source code is available under the BSD License. The source code is hosted right here on GitHub; file downloads are currently hosted on SourceForge.