Move project API definition to _premake_init with other initialization code
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,12 +6,18 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Jason Perkins and the Premake project
local api = premake.api
-- Set the default module search paths. Modules will generally live in a
-- folder of the same name: ninja/ninja.lua. The search order is the same
-- as what is specified here.
-- Prepare the global environment.
-- Set the default module search paths. Modules will generally live in
-- a folder of the same name: ninja/ninja.lua. The search order is the
-- same as what is specified here.
local home = os.getenv("HOME") or os.getenv("USERPROFILE")
@ -27,12 +33,606 @@
package.path = table.concat(packagePaths, ";")
-- Set up the global environment for the systems I know about. I would like to see
-- at least some if not all of this moved into add-ons in the future.
-- Register the core API functions.
-- Use Posix-style target naming by default, since it is the most common.
api.register {
name = "architecture",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "basedir",
scope = "project",
kind = "path"
api.register {
name = "buildaction",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "buildmessage",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "buildcommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "buildoptions",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "buildoutputs",
scope = "config",
kind = "file-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "buildrule", -- DEPRECATED
scope = "config",
kind = "object",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "cleancommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "configmap",
scope = "config",
kind = "key-array"
api.register {
name = "configurations",
scope = "project",
kind = "string-list",
api.register {
name = "copylocal",
scope = "config",
kind = "mixed-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "debugargs",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "debugcommand",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "debugdir",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "debugenvs",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "debugformat",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "defines",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "dependson",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "deploymentoptions",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
-- For backward compatibility, excludes() is now an alias for removefiles()
function excludes(value)
api.register {
name = "filename",
scope = "project",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "files",
scope = "config",
kind = "file-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "flags",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
allowed = {
"Component", -- DEPRECATED
aliases = {
Optimise = 'Optimize',
OptimiseSize = 'OptimizeSize',
OptimiseSpeed = 'OptimizeSpeed',
api.register {
name = "forceincludes",
scope = "config",
kind = "file-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "forceusings",
scope = "config",
kind = "file-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "framework",
scope = "project",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "icon",
scope = "project",
kind = "file",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "imageoptions",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "imagepath",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "implibdir",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "implibextension",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "implibname",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "implibprefix",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "implibsuffix",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "includedirs",
scope = "config",
kind = "directory-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "kind",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "language",
scope = "project",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "libdirs",
scope = "config",
kind = "directory-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "linkoptions",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "links",
scope = "config",
kind = "mixed-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "location",
scope = "project",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "makesettings",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "namespace",
scope = "project",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "objdir",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "pchheader",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "pchsource",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "platforms",
scope = "project",
kind = "string-list",
api.register {
name = "postbuildcommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "prebuildcommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "prelinkcommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "rebuildcommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "resdefines",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "resincludedirs",
scope = "config",
kind = "directory-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "resoptions",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "startproject",
scope = "solution",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "system",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "targetdir",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "targetextension",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "targetname",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "targetprefix",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "targetsuffix",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "toolset",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "uuid",
scope = "project",
kind = "string",
allowed = function(value)
local ok = true
if (#value ~= 36) then ok = false end
for i=1,36 do
local ch = value:sub(i,i)
if (not ch:find("[ABCDEFabcdef0123456789-]")) then ok = false end
if (value:sub(9,9) ~= "-") then ok = false end
if (value:sub(14,14) ~= "-") then ok = false end
if (value:sub(19,19) ~= "-") then ok = false end
if (value:sub(24,24) ~= "-") then ok = false end
if (not ok) then
return nil, "invalid UUID"
return value:upper()
api.register {
name = "vpaths",
scope = "project",
kind = "key-path-list",
-- Handlers for deprecated fields and values.
-- 09 Apr 2013
api.deprecateField("buildrule", function(value)
if value.description then
return ""
-- 17 Jun 2013
api.deprecateValue("flags", "Component", function(value)
buildaction "Component"
return ""
-- Set up the global environment for the systems I know about. I would like
-- to see at least some if not all of this moved into add-ons in the future.
-- Use Posix-style target naming by default, since it is the most common.
configuration { "SharedLib" }
targetprefix "lib"
@ -42,10 +642,7 @@
targetprefix "lib"
targetextension ".a"
-- Add variations for other Posix-like systems.
-- Add variations for other Posix-like systems.
configuration { "MacOSX", "SharedLib" }
targetextension ".dylib"
@ -53,10 +650,7 @@
configuration { "PS3", "ConsoleApp" }
targetextension ".elf"
-- Windows and friends.
-- Windows and friends.
configuration { "Windows or C#", "ConsoleApp or WindowedApp" }
targetextension ".exe"
@ -74,9 +668,11 @@
targetextension ".lib"
-- Install Premake's default set of command line arguments.
@ -393,6 +393,8 @@
-- Set a new array value. Arrays are lists of values stored by "value",
@ -567,573 +569,6 @@
-- Register the core API functions.
api.register {
name = "architecture",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "basedir",
scope = "project",
kind = "path"
api.register {
name = "buildaction",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "buildmessage",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "buildcommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "buildoptions",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "buildoutputs",
scope = "config",
kind = "file-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "buildrule", -- DEPRECATED
scope = "config",
kind = "object",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "cleancommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "configmap",
scope = "config",
kind = "key-array"
api.register {
name = "configurations",
scope = "project",
kind = "string-list",
api.register {
name = "copylocal",
scope = "config",
kind = "mixed-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "debugargs",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "debugcommand",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "debugdir",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "debugenvs",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "debugformat",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "defines",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "dependson",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "deploymentoptions",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
-- For backward compatibility, excludes() is now an alias for removefiles()
function excludes(value)
api.register {
name = "filename",
scope = "project",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "files",
scope = "config",
kind = "file-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "flags",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
allowed = {
"Component", -- DEPRECATED
aliases = {
Optimise = 'Optimize',
OptimiseSize = 'OptimizeSize',
OptimiseSpeed = 'OptimizeSpeed',
api.register {
name = "forceincludes",
scope = "config",
kind = "file-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "forceusings",
scope = "config",
kind = "file-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "framework",
scope = "project",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "icon",
scope = "project",
kind = "file",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "imageoptions",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "imagepath",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "implibdir",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "implibextension",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "implibname",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "implibprefix",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "implibsuffix",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "includedirs",
scope = "config",
kind = "directory-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "kind",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "language",
scope = "project",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "libdirs",
scope = "config",
kind = "directory-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "linkoptions",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "links",
scope = "config",
kind = "mixed-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "location",
scope = "project",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "makesettings",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "namespace",
scope = "project",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "objdir",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "pchheader",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "pchsource",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "platforms",
scope = "project",
kind = "string-list",
api.register {
name = "postbuildcommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "prebuildcommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "prelinkcommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "rebuildcommands",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "resdefines",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "resincludedirs",
scope = "config",
kind = "directory-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "resoptions",
scope = "config",
kind = "string-list",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "startproject",
scope = "solution",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "system",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "targetdir",
scope = "config",
kind = "path",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "targetextension",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "targetname",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "targetprefix",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "targetsuffix",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
tokens = true,
api.register {
name = "toolset",
scope = "config",
kind = "string",
allowed = {
api.register {
name = "uuid",
scope = "project",
kind = "string",
allowed = function(value)
local ok = true
if (#value ~= 36) then ok = false end
for i=1,36 do
local ch = value:sub(i,i)
if (not ch:find("[ABCDEFabcdef0123456789-]")) then ok = false end
if (value:sub(9,9) ~= "-") then ok = false end
if (value:sub(14,14) ~= "-") then ok = false end
if (value:sub(19,19) ~= "-") then ok = false end
if (value:sub(24,24) ~= "-") then ok = false end
if (not ok) then
return nil, "invalid UUID"
return value:upper()
api.register {
name = "vpaths",
scope = "project",
kind = "key-path-list",
-- Start a new block of configuration settings.
@ -1281,27 +716,3 @@
function newoption(opt)
-- These fields and values are getting phased out; provide wrappers for
-- backward compatibility while I can.
-- 09 Apr 2013
api.deprecateField("buildrule", function(value)
if value.description then
return ""
-- 17 Jun 2013
api.deprecateValue("flags", "Component", function(value)
buildaction "Component"
return ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user