-- -- Embed the Lua scripts into src/host/scripts.c as static data buffers. -- Embeds minified versions of the actual scripts by default, rather than -- bytecode, as bytecodes are not portable to different architectures. Use -- the `--bytecode` flag to override. -- local scriptCount = 0 local function loadScript(fname) fname = path.getabsolute(fname) local f = io.open(fname, "rb") local s = assert(f:read("*all")) f:close() return s end local function stripScript(s) -- strip tabs local result = s:gsub("[\t]", "") -- strip any CRs result = result:gsub("[\r]", "") -- strip out block comments result = result:gsub("[^\"']%-%-%[%[.-%]%]", "") result = result:gsub("[^\"']%-%-%[=%[.-%]=%]", "") result = result:gsub("[^\"']%-%-%[==%[.-%]==%]", "") -- strip out inline comments result = result:gsub("\n%-%-[^\n]*", "\n") -- strip duplicate line feeds result = result:gsub("\n+", "\n") -- strip out leading comments result = result:gsub("^%-%-[^\n]*\n", "") return result end local function outputScript(result, script) local data = script.data local length = #data if length > 0 then script.table = string.format("builtin_script_%d", scriptCount) scriptCount = scriptCount + 1 buffered.writeln(result, "// ".. script.name) buffered.writeln(result, "static const unsigned char " .. script.table .. "[] = {") for i = 1, length do buffered.write(result, string.format("%3d, ", data:byte(i))) if (i % 32 == 0) then buffered.writeln(result) end end buffered.writeln(result, "};") buffered.writeln(result) end end local function addScript(result, filename, name, data) if not data then if _OPTIONS["bytecode"] then verbosef("Compiling... " .. filename) local output = path.replaceextension(filename, ".luac") local res, err = os.compile(filename, output); if res ~= nil then data = loadScript(output) os.remove(output) else print(err) print("Embedding source instead.") data = stripScript(loadScript(filename)) end else data = stripScript(loadScript(filename)) end end local script = {} script.filename = filename script.name = name script.data = data table.insert(result, script) end -- Prepare the file header local result = buffered.new() buffered.writeln(result, "/* Premake's Lua scripts, as static data buffers for release mode builds */") buffered.writeln(result, "/* DO NOT EDIT - this file is autogenerated - see BUILD.txt */") buffered.writeln(result, "/* To regenerate this file, run: premake5 embed */") buffered.writeln(result, "") buffered.writeln(result, '#include "host/premake.h"') buffered.writeln(result, "") -- Find all of the _manifest.lua files within the project local mask = path.join(_MAIN_SCRIPT_DIR, "**/_manifest.lua") local manifests = os.matchfiles(mask) -- Find all of the _user_modules.lua files within the project local userModuleFiles = {} userModuleFiles = table.join(userModuleFiles, os.matchfiles(path.join(_MAIN_SCRIPT_DIR, "**/_user_modules.lua"))) userModuleFiles = table.join(userModuleFiles, os.matchfiles(path.join(_MAIN_SCRIPT_DIR, "_user_modules.lua"))) -- Generate table of embedded content. local contentTable = {} print("Compiling... ") for mi = 1, #manifests do local manifestName = manifests[mi] local manifestDir = path.getdirectory(manifestName) local baseDir = path.getdirectory(manifestDir) local files = dofile(manifests[mi]) for fi = 1, #files do local filename = path.join(manifestDir, files[fi]) addScript(contentTable, filename, path.getrelative(baseDir, filename)) end end addScript(contentTable, path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/_premake_main.lua"), "src/_premake_main.lua") addScript(contentTable, path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/_manifest.lua"), "src/_manifest.lua") -- Add the list of modules local modules = dofile("../src/_modules.lua") for _, userModules in ipairs(userModuleFiles) do modules = table.join(modules, dofile(userModules)) end addScript(contentTable, "_modules.lua", "src/_modules.lua", "return {" .. table.implode(modules, '"', '"', ', ') .. "}") -- Embed the actual script contents print("Embedding...") for mi = 1, #contentTable do outputScript(result, contentTable[mi]) end -- Generate an index of the script file names. Script names are stored -- relative to the directory containing the manifest, i.e. the main -- Xcode script, which is at $/modules/xcode/xcode.lua is stored as -- "xcode/xcode.lua". buffered.writeln(result, "const buildin_mapping builtin_scripts[] = {") for mi = 1, #contentTable do if contentTable[mi].table then buffered.writeln(result, string.format('\t{"%s", %s, sizeof(%s)},', contentTable[mi].name, contentTable[mi].table, contentTable[mi].table)) else buffered.writeln(result, string.format('\t{"%s", NULL, 0},', contentTable[mi].name)) end end buffered.writeln(result, "\t{NULL, NULL, 0}") buffered.writeln(result, "};") buffered.writeln(result, "") -- Write it all out. Check against the current contents of scripts.c first, -- and only overwrite it if there are actual changes. print("Writing...") local scriptsFile = path.getabsolute(path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/scripts.c")) local output = buffered.tostring(result) local f, err = os.writefile_ifnotequal(output, scriptsFile); if (f < 0) then error(err, 0) elseif (f > 0) then printf("Generated %s...", path.getrelative(os.getcwd(), scriptsFile)) end