solution "PremakeTestbox" configurations { "Debug", "Release" } objdir "obj" -- solution level configuration configuration "Debug" targetdir "bin/debug" flags { "Symbols" } defines { "_DEBUG", "DEBUG" } configuration "Release" targetdir "bin/release" flags { "Optimize" } defines { "NDEBUG" } -- include all the projects include "CppConsoleApp" include "CppWindowedApp" include "CppSharedLib" include "CppStaticLib" if _ACTION ~= "codeblocks" and _ACTION ~= "codelite" then include "CsSharedLib" include "CsConsoleApp" end -- add to the built-in clean action if _ACTION == "clean" then os.rmdir("bin") end -- add a new install action newaction { trigger = "install", description = "Install the project", execute = function () os.copyfile("premake4.lua", "../premake4.lua") end }