150 lines
4.1 KiB
150 lines
4.1 KiB
-- Embed the Lua scripts into src/host/scripts.c as static data buffers.
-- I embed the actual scripts, rather than Lua bytecodes, because the
-- bytecodes are not portable to different architectures, which causes
-- issues in Mac OS X Universal builds.
local function loadScript(fname)
-- Let LuaSrcDiet do its job
fname = path.getabsolute(fname)
local s,l = get_slim_luasrc(fname)
-- Now do some cleanup so we can write these out as C strings
-- strip any CRs
s = s:gsub("[\r]", "")
print("\ttrimmed size: ", s:len(), " down from: ", l:len()) -- we report the "raw" length
-- escape backslashes
s = s:gsub("\\", "\\\\")
-- escape line feeds
s = s:gsub("\n", "\\n")
-- escape double quote marks
s = s:gsub("\"", "\\\"")
return s
local function appendScript(result, contents)
-- break up large strings to fit in Visual Studio's string length limit
local max = 4096
local start = 1
local len = contents:len()
while start <= len do
local n = len - start
if n > max then n = max end
local finish = start + n
-- make sure I don't cut an escape sequence
while contents:sub(finish, finish) == "\\" do
finish = finish - 1
local s = contents:sub(start, finish)
table.insert(result, "\t\"" .. s .. iif(finish < len, '"', '",'))
start = finish + 1
table.insert(result, "")
-- Prepare the file header
local result = {}
table.insert(result, "/* Premake's Lua scripts, as static data buffers for release mode builds */")
table.insert(result, "/* DO NOT EDIT - this file is autogenerated - see BUILD.txt */")
table.insert(result, "/* To regenerate this file, run: premake5 embed */")
table.insert(result, "")
table.insert(result, '#include "premake.h"')
table.insert(result, "")
-- Find all of the _manifest.lua files within the project
local mask = path.join(_MAIN_SCRIPT_DIR, "**/_manifest.lua")
local manifests = os.matchfiles(mask)
-- Generate an index of the script file names. Script names are stored
-- relative to the directory containing the manifest, i.e. the main
-- Xcode script, which is at $/modules/xcode/xcode.lua is stored as
-- "xcode/xcode.lua".
table.insert(result, "const char* builtin_scripts_index[] = {")
for mi = 1, #manifests do
local manifestName = manifests[mi]
local manifestDir = path.getdirectory(manifestName)
local baseDir = path.getdirectory(manifestDir)
local files = dofile(manifests[mi])
for fi = 1, #files do
local filename = path.join(manifestDir, files[fi])
filename = path.getrelative(baseDir, filename)
table.insert(result, '\t"' .. filename .. '",')
table.insert(result, '\t"src/_premake_main.lua",')
table.insert(result, '\t"src/_manifest.lua",')
table.insert(result, '\t"src/_modules.lua",')
table.insert(result, "\tNULL")
table.insert(result, "};")
table.insert(result, "")
-- Embed the actual script contents
table.insert(result, "const char* builtin_scripts[] = {")
for mi = 1, #manifests do
local manifestName = manifests[mi]
local manifestDir = path.getdirectory(manifestName)
local files = dofile(manifests[mi])
for fi = 1, #files do
local filename = path.join(manifestDir, files[fi])
local scr = loadScript(filename)
appendScript(result, scr)
appendScript(result, loadScript(path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/_premake_main.lua")))
appendScript(result, loadScript(path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/_manifest.lua")))
appendScript(result, loadScript(path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/_modules.lua")))
table.insert(result, "\tNULL")
table.insert(result, "};")
table.insert(result, "")
-- Write it all out. Check against the current contents of scripts.c first,
-- and only overwrite it if there are actual changes.
result = table.concat(result, "\n")
local scriptsFile = path.getabsolute(path.join(_SCRIPT_DIR, "../src/host/scripts.c"))
local oldVersion
local file = io.open(scriptsFile, "r")
if file then
oldVersion = file:read("*a")
if oldVersion ~= result then
print("Writing scripts.c")
file = io.open(scriptsFile, "w+b")