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Copyright (C) 2022 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved.
File: SafeDestroy.hpp
Date: 2022-07-19
Author: Reece
#pragma once
namespace AuUtil
namespace Detail
template <class T>
struct AuHasDestroy
template <class C> static constexpr AuTrueType Test(decltype(&C::DestroyPrivate));
template <class C> static constexpr AuFalseType Test(...);
using type = decltype(Test<T>(0));
template <class T>
struct AuHasDeconstruct
template <class C> static constexpr AuTrueType Test(decltype(&C::DeconstructPrivate));
template <class C> static constexpr AuFalseType Test(...);
using type = decltype(Test<T>(0));
template <class T>
struct AuHasPreDeconstruct
template <class C> static constexpr AuTrueType Test(decltype(&C::PreDeconstructPrivate));
template <class C> static constexpr AuFalseType Test(...);
using type = decltype(Test<T>(0));
template <class T>
constexpr inline bool AuHasDestroy_v = AuHasDestroy<T>::type::value;
template <class T>
constexpr inline bool AuHasDesconstruct_v = AuHasDeconstruct<T>::type::value;
template <class T>
constexpr inline bool AuHasPreDesconstruct_v = AuHasPreDeconstruct<T>::type::value;
#define _AU_SAFE_DESTROY_FORCE_CLEAR(type) AuMemset(this, 0, sizeof(type));
#define _AU_SAFE_DESTROY_FORCE_CLEAR(type) AuResetMember(*this);
#define AU_SAFE_DESTROY(type) \
public: \
virtual ~type() \
{ \
if (AuAtomicTestAndSet(&this->uCurrentState_, 2)) \
{ \
return; \
} \
type :: _TryPreDeconstruct<type>(this); \
this->Destroy(); \
type :: _TryDeconstruct<type>(this); \
} \
inline void Destroy() \
{ \
if (AuAtomicTestAndSet(&this->uCurrentState_, 1)) \
{ \
return; \
} \
type :: _TryDeconstructPrivate<type>(this); \
} \
friend AuUtil::Detail::AuHasDestroy<type>; \
friend AuUtil::Detail::AuHasDeconstruct<type>; \
friend AuUtil::Detail::AuHasPreDeconstruct<type>; \
private: \
AuUInt32 uCurrentState_{}; \
template<typename T> \
static void _TryPreDeconstruct(T *that) \
{ \
if constexpr (AuUtil::Detail::AuHasPreDesconstruct_v<T>) \
{ \
that->PreDeconstructPrivate(); \
} \
} \
template<typename T> \
static void _TryDeconstruct(T *that) \
{ \
if constexpr (AuUtil::Detail::AuHasDesconstruct_v<T>) \
{ \
that->DeconstructPrivate(); \
} \
} \
template<typename T> \
static void _TryDeconstructPrivate(T *that) \
{ \
if constexpr (AuUtil::Detail::AuHasDestroy_v<T>) \
{ \
that->DestroyPrivate(); \
} \
} \
Safe destroy objects:
* implement a builtin ::Destroy function for objects whose ownership is expectantly shared instead of explicitly owned (eg: overlapped io resources over simplier utility class objects with explicit an release function)
* allow the user to define ::DestroyPrivate, ::DeconstructPrivate, and ::*Pre*DeconstructPrivate methods in their class
* forces virtual destruction to prevent hidden leaks
note: The real reason we do this is bc "some projects" expect the destruction implementation itself to be a virtual destructor (an implicitly overloaded virtual, if it were a regular method).
That way API objects can call a `virtual ~IInterface()` and nuke safely nuke away the underlying safe-destroy object by using the builtin "everyone has this destruct method" destructor;
bypassing the need for a `virtual Destroy() = 0;` and alternative an AU_SAFE_DESTROY.
* enable safe explicit double ~Type() support; however, some objects in your STL may not support this behaviour (eg: AuFunction)
workaround: implement explicit ::Deconstruct() with AuResetMember calls to fixup the UB
* allows for an arbitrary amount of Type::Destroy() and Type::~Type() calls across multiple threads
Defines #define AU_SAFE_DESTROY(type)
Simply add AU_SAFE_DESTROY to the types body add arbitrarily add the following callback methods as needed
void DestroyPrivate(void) - Generic called once object destroy
void DeconstructPrivate(void) - Object destruction hook. Called once. Called After DestroyPrivate.
void PreDeconstructPrivate(void) - Object destruction hook. Called once. Called before DestroyPrivate.
These user defined functions may be private and/or virtual, if implemented at all.