// reserved for uncommitted and experimental calendar APIs
// currently defined as:
// u64 uKnownAuroraEpoch
// u64 optCalendarType
// Where calendar types are used to convert day orders of magnitude via the JDN offset by -12 hours, and then the remaining hours added back onto the day
// If !optCalendarType && isdst.value() == true, optCalendarType = gregorian / must be normalized
// If !optCalendarType && isdst.value() == false, optCalendarType = gregorian
// optCalendarType = ECalendarType, with gregorian being 0, NULL, and default initialized
// With uKnownAuroraEpoch leaking in from relevant internal AuTime APIs, it should be possible to create perfect time-zone and duration add/substract APIs on top of this
// We just need a means to go from uKnownAuroraEpoch to mday/yday/mon/year given the days in year, days in month, and week specific attributes of the calendar
// Further locale specific detail can be provided by the instance of a generic abstract calendar
// Note (1): We don't give a single solitary fuck about what ISO 8601 says nor the intentions of braindead boomers who thought there were 61 seconds to an hour (^2)...
// Sunday is not a weekday; it's apart of the week-END. No English speaker will disagree with this once we get past the obvious gaslighting attempts from NGOs and indoctrination institutions.
// In my estimation, it's every English speaker ever born after the Stuarts (17xxs+) versus a handful of CIA boys and the International Organization for Standardization.
// In my tradition of upholding da norf, we're sticking by the 19th century industrialized understanding of time.
// [tm_]wday is now the day offset since Monday, not days since last week.
// [tm_]mday is now the day offset since the beginning of the month, not the calendar number - that's to say we deviate from other impls by asserting these members are all offsets, not whatever some CIA fuckbuddies at ANSI said it is.
// (^2): there isn't such a concept in *CIVIL* time; leap seconds are only in the concept of "academic/astronomy circlejerk time" that no sane person, language runtime, or physical clock has ever cared about, nevermind implemented properly.
// they are wholly irrelevant to the conversion between calendar systems, and there isn't any legitimate use for polling wall-time with leap-second precision. unless you are looking for an API to build your GPS transponder or an NTP library, leap seconds aren't a factor in anything.
// this is a c++ library, not a live feed to the bullshit ad-hoc announcements of the international earth rotation and reference service.