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Copyright (C) 2022 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved.
[*/+/-] MEGA COMMIT. ~2 weeks compressed. The intention is to quickly improve and add util apis, enhance functionality given current demands, go back to the build pipeline, finish that, publish runtime tests, and then use what we have to go back to to linux support with a more stable api. [+] AuMakeSharedArray [+] Technet ArgvQuote [+] Grug subsystem (UNIX signal thread async safe ipc + telemetry flusher + log flusher.) [+] auEndianness -> Endian swap utils [+] AuGet<N>(...) [*] AUE_DEFINE conversion for ECompresionType, EAnsiColor, EHashType, EStreamError, EHexDump [+] ConsoleMessage ByteBuffer serialization [+] CmdLine subsystem for parsing command line arguments and simple switch/flag checks [*] Split logger from console subsystem [+] StartupParameters -> A part of a clean up effort under Process [*] Refactor SysErrors header + get caller hack [+] Atomic APIs [+] popcnt [+] Ring Buffer sink [+] Added more standard errors Catch, Submission, LockError, NoAccess, ResourceMissing, ResourceLocked, MalformedData, InSandboxContext, ParseError [+] Added ErrorCategorySet, ErrorCategoryClear, GetStackTrace [+] IExitSubscriber, ETriggerLevel [*] Write bias the high performance RWLockImpl read-lock operation operation [+] ExitHandlerAdd/ExitHandlerRemove (exit subsystem) [*] Updated API style Digests [+] CpuId::CpuBitCount [+] GetUserProgramsFolder [+] GetPackagePath [*] Split IStreamReader with an inl file [*] BlobWriter/BlobReader/BlobArbitraryReader can now take shared pointers to bytebuffers. default constructor allocates a new scalable bytebuffer [+] ICharacterProvider [+] ICharacterProviderEx [+] IBufferedCharacterConsumer [+] ProviderFromSharedString [+] ProviderFromString [+] BufferConsumerFromProvider [*] Parse Subsystem uses character io bufferer [*] Rewritten NT's high perf semaphore to use userland SRW/ConVars [like mutex, based on generic semaphore] [+] ByteBuffer::ResetReadPointer [*] Bug fix bytebuffer base not reset on free and some scaling issues [+] ProcessMap -> Added kSectionNameStack, kSectionNameFile, kSectionNameHeap for Section [*] ProcessMap -> Refactor Segment to Section. I was stupid for keeping a type conflict hack API facing [+] Added 64 *byte* fast RNG seeds [+] File Advisorys/File Lock Awareness [+] Added extended IAuroraThread from OS identifier caches for debug purposes [*] Tweaked how memory is reported on Windows. Better consistency of what values mean across functions. [*] Broke AuroraUtils/Typedefs out into a separate library [*] Update build script [+] Put some more effort into adding detail to the readme before rewriting it, plus, added some media [*] Improved public API documentation [*] Bug fix `SetConsoleCtrlHandler` [+] Locale TimeDateToFileNameISO8601 [+] Console config stdOutShortTime [*] Begin using internal UTF8/16 decoders when platform support isnt available (instead of stl) [*] Bug fixes in decoders [*] Major bug fix, AuMax [+] RateLimiter [+] Binary file sink [+] Log directory sink [*] Data header usability (more operators) [+] AuRemoveRange [+] AuRemove [+] AuTryRemove [+] AuTryRemoveRange [+] auCastUtils [+] Finish NewLSWin32Source [+] AuTryFindByTupleN, AuTryRemoveByTupleN [+] Separated AuRead/Write types, now in auTypeUtils [+] Added GetPosition/SetPosition to FileWriter [*] Fix stupid AuMin in place of AuMax in SpawnThread.Unix.Cpp [*] Refactored Arbitrary readers to SeekingReaders (as in, they could be atomic and/or parallelized, and accept an arbitrary position as a work parameter -> not Seekable, as in, you can simply set the position) [*] Hack back in the sched deinit [+] File AIO loop source interop [+] Begin to prototype a LoopQueue object I had in mind for NT, untested btw [+] Stub code for networking [+] Compression BaseStream/IngestableStreamBase [*] Major: read/write locks now support write-entrant read routines. [*] Compression subsystem now uses the MemoryView concept [*] Rewrite the base stream compressions, made them less broken [*] Update hashing api [*] WriterTryGoForward and ReaderTryGoForward now revert to the previous relative index instead of panicing [+] Added new AuByteBuffer apis Trim, Pad, WriteFrom, WriteString, [TODO: ReadString] [+] Added ByteBufferPushReadState [+] Added ByteBufferPushWriteState [*] Move from USC-16 to full UTF-16. Win32 can handle full UTF-16. [*] ELogLevel is now an Aurora enum [+] Raised arbitrary limit in header to 255, the max filter buffer [+] Explicit GZip support [+] Explicit Zip support [+] Added [some] compressors et al
2022-02-17 00:11:40 +00:00
File: TM.hpp
Date: 2022-1-24
Author: Reece
#pragma once
namespace Aurora::Time
// This type is intended for interoperability with ANSI c, the Aurora Epoch, and planned calendar APIs
struct tm
int year {}; // The absolute gregorian-calendar year
int mon {}; // Months since January
int mday {}; // Days since last month
AuOptional<int> wday {}; // Days since Monday [usually ignored]
AuOptional<int> yday {}; // Days since January [usually ignored]
int hour {}; // Hours since yesterday
int min {}; // Minutes since the hour
int sec {}; // Seconds since the minute
AuOptionalEx<bool> isdst {};
AuOptionalEx<int> knownMinutesWest {}; // Known minutes west - this is the opposite of Linux's minutes east.
template<typename Dest_t>
void CopyTo(Dest_t &out) const
out.tm_sec = sec;
out.tm_min = min;
out.tm_hour = hour;
out.tm_mday = mday + 1;
out.tm_mon = mon;
#if 0
if (year < 1900)
out.tm_year = 0;
out.tm_year = year - 1900;
2023-10-07 19:04:47 +00:00
if (wday)
2023-10-07 19:04:47 +00:00
auto cur = wday.value();
if (cur == 6) // ^1
out.tm_wday = 0;
out.tm_wday = cur + 1;
2023-10-07 19:04:47 +00:00
out.tm_wday = -1;
2023-10-07 19:04:47 +00:00
out.tm_yday = yday.value_or(-1);
if (!isdst.HasValue())
out.tm_isdst = -1;
out.tm_isdst = isdst.value();
template<typename In_t>
void CopyFrom(const In_t &in)
sec = in.tm_sec;
min = in.tm_min;
hour = in.tm_hour;
mday = in.tm_mday - 1;
mon = in.tm_mon;
year = in.tm_year + 1900;
if (in.tm_wday == 0) // ^1
wday = 6;
wday = in.tm_wday - 1;
if (sec > 59) // ^2
sec = 59;
yday = in.tm_yday;
isdst = in.tm_isdst; // (dont normalize -1. it's a quirk of most modern CRTs we can exploit to easily solve the [user-input + how do i guess DST] issue)
// (stupid c programs shouldn't be exploiting this anyway. assume all std::tm, ::tm, and similar types calling into us follow boolean logic)
inline void Update()
{ /* no-op for now. */ }
friend struct TMIntlAccessor;
AuUInt64 localization_[2] {};
// reserved for uncommitted and experimental calendar APIs
// currently defined as:
// u64 uKnownAuroraEpoch
// u64 optCalendarType
// Where calendar types are used to convert day orders of magnitude via the JDN offset by -12 hours, and then the remaining hours added back onto the day
// If !optCalendarType && isdst.value() == true, optCalendarType = gregorian / must be normalized
// If !optCalendarType && isdst.value() == false, optCalendarType = gregorian
// optCalendarType = ECalendarType, with gregorian being 0, NULL, and default initialized
// With uKnownAuroraEpoch leaking in from relevant internal AuTime APIs, it should be possible to create perfect time-zone and duration add/substract APIs on top of this
// We just need a means to go from uKnownAuroraEpoch to mday/yday/mon/year given the days in year, days in month, and week specific attributes of the calendar
// Further locale specific detail can be provided by the instance of a generic abstract calendar
// Malding about the ANSI c defintion of ::tm
// Note (1): We don't give a single solitary fuck about what ISO 8601 says nor the intentions of braindead boomers who thought there were 61 seconds to an hour (^2)...
// Sunday is not a weekday; it's apart of the week-END. No English speaker will disagree with this once we get past the obvious gaslighting attempts from NGOs and indoctrination institutions.
// In my estimation, it's every English speaker ever born after the Stuarts (17xxs+) versus a handful of CIA boys and the International Organization for Standardization.
// In my tradition of upholding da norf, we're sticking by the 19th century industrialized understanding of time.
// [tm_]wday is now the day offset since Monday, not days since last week.
// [tm_]mday is now the day offset since the beginning of the month, not the calendar number - that's to say we deviate from other impls by asserting these members are all offsets, not whatever some CIA fuckbuddies at ANSI said it is.
// (^2): there isn't such a concept in *CIVIL* time; leap seconds are only in the concept of "academic/astronomy circlejerk time" that no sane person, language runtime, or physical clock has ever cared about, nevermind implemented properly.
// they are wholly irrelevant to the conversion between calendar systems, and there isn't any legitimate use for polling wall-time with leap-second precision. unless you are looking for an API to build your GPS transponder or an NTP library, leap seconds aren't a factor in anything.
// this is a c++ library, not a live feed to the bullshit ad-hoc announcements of the international earth rotation and reference service.