[*] [*] Amend: (Disamb old grammar - 985bb6dab4) CONTRIBUTING

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Reece Wilson 2024-09-20 11:18:53 +01:00
parent f95244f4ba
commit 888e255cca

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Terms:
* future redistributions may not mandate every single contributor to be listed by name for attribution,
* future licensing agreements / support contracts / related legal work need-not reference or involve You.
You will, however, be able to still access your Contribution in the form of merged Source Code on the publicly accessible Source Provider under the License as laid out in the first term.
To this extent, your Contribution history will not be lost, be intentionally removed from a public space, or be exclusively licensed to the general public under terms worse than the License at time of contributing.
To this extent, your Contribution history will not be lost, will not be intentionally removed from the public space, or be licensed to the general public under exclusive terms worse than the License at time of contributing.
Legal tl;dr/plain English intention:
If you provide the author your changes, the author will license it back to you under the original license, while reserving the right to do whatever they please to their project.