[*] Linux IO / AuAsync: always use AU_CO_ROUTINE_SUS_NEVER or bool(false). Fixed dropped IO callbacks.
[*] Linux: Added POLLHUP to the blocking read poll. We shouldn't need this. Sockets and pipes set their read side on relevant events. For instance, async connect results in a writable signal, dropped sockets will become signaled under a select, etc. IPC works. Net works. Just gonna add this to the read trigger just in case.
03:28:55:638 17>2 of 53388 functions (<0.1%) were compiled, the rest were copied from previous compilation.
03:28:55:638 17> 0 functions were new in current compilation
03:28:55:638 17> 65 functions had inline decision re-evaluated but remain unchanged
03:28:56:749 17>Finished generating code
the header of const AuString & is the same as std::string_view therefore nothing changes. in fact, we still need to alloc strings a bunch of times for a zero terminated string. worse, <c++20 always allocs each time we want to access a hashmap with o(1) lookup, making small hashmaps kinda pointless when we always have to alloc+copy (thx std)
perhaps this will help some language binders