[+] IOPipeRequest::uMinBytesToRead
[+] (secret api intended for unix users) AuIO::NewLSOSHandleEx
[*] Fix quirks when running Gtk under an io processor
...CtxYield shouldn't spin while work (improper breakout on remote update)
[*] EFileOpenMode::eWrite should assume O_CREAT semantics making eReadWrite somewhat redundant. OpenWrite + eWrite should reasonably work with file-appends. it should not mean force create + cucked GetLength().
[*] NT async file: error 38 "Reached the end of the file." should be handled as a zero length packet much like ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE for stream read interface consistency
[+] IIOBufferedStreamAvailable callback
[+] IIOProcessor singleshot work items / IIOProcessorWorkUnit
[+] IOPipeCallback description of a pipes destination
[+] IOPipeInputData description of a pipes source
[+] IOPipeRequest, IOPipeRequestAIO, IOPipeRequestBasic
[+] IPipeBackend hooks for on start/end hooks of IOPipeRequestBasics
[*] Update IOAdapaterAsyncStream implementation to better support caller buffering
[*] Updated IAsyncStreamReader to include a warm/dequeue API for direct async usage
[*] Fix NT IO regressions
[*] Fix ThreadPool shutdown on an unregistered thread
[*] Fix race condition in Async.NT.cpp & fix signalable state to closely match Linux (dunno how this was passing before)
[*] Refactor IOProcessorWorkUnit -> IIOProcessorWorkUnit
[*] Update experimental header to include the changes