/*** Copyright (C) 2021 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved. File: AuOpen.Unix.cpp Date: 2021-6-12 Author: Reece ***/ #include #include "AuProcesses.hpp" #include "AuOpen.Unix.hpp" #include #include namespace Aurora::Processes { static void UnixOpenAsyncThread(AuString uri, int iType) { bool bDirExists {}; bool bFileExists {}; bFileExists = AuIOFS::FileExists(uri); if (iType) { bDirExists = AuIOFS::DirExists(uri); if (!bFileExists && !bDirExists) { SysPushErrorGeneric("Exploit attempt? Attempted to open non-existent file/directory. (request: {})", uri); return; } if (bFileExists && !gRuntimeConfig.fio.bBypassInternetBlockCheckOpenFile) { if (AuFS::IsFileBlocked(uri)) { SysPushErrorGeneric("Exploit attempt? Attempted to open untrusted file/directory. (request: {})", uri); return; } } } else { if (bFileExists) { SysPushErrorGeneric("Exploit attempt? Attempted to open existing file/directory via URI ({})", uri); return; } } if constexpr (AuBuild::kIsXnuDerived) { // TODO: MacOS/iOS support } else { static AuInitOnce gInitOnce; static bool gUseDShid {}; gInitOnce.Call([]() { auto optStringA = AuProcess::EnvironmentGetOne("container"); auto optStringB = AuProcess::EnvironmentGetOne("AURORA_RUNTIME_USE_GDBUS_BIN_TO_PORTAL"); auto optStringC = AuProcess::EnvironmentGetOne("AURORA_RUNTIME_NO_MICROSOFT_REDHAT_SABOTAGE"); bool bIsFireJail = optStringA && optStringA.Value() == "firejail"; bool bIsForcedDBUS = optStringB && optStringB.Value() == "YES"; bool bAllowDbus = !optStringC && (AuFS::FileExists("/usr/bin/gdbus") || AuFS::FileExists("/bin/gdbus")); if (bIsFireJail || bIsForcedDBUS || bAllowDbus) { gUseDShid = true; } else { gUseDShid = false; } }); if (!gUseDShid) { if (iType == 2) { AuROString out; if (AuEndsWith(uri, '/')) { AuFS::GoUpToSeparator(out, uri); AuFS::GoUpToSeparator(out, out); } else { AuFS::GoUpToSeparator(out, uri); } uri = AuString(out); } } AuSemaphore semaphore; volatile int type2 = iType; auto iFork = fork(); if (iFork == 0) { setsid(); // isn't posix fun? PosixDoForkHooks(); PosixShutup(); PosixFDYeetus(); auto pBaseURI = (char *)SysAllocateLarge(uri.size() + 1); if (pBaseURI) { AuMemcpy(pBaseURI, uri.c_str(), uri.size() + 1); } int iType = type2; // ...super fun semaphore->Unlock(1); // ...the original iType and uri buffer will be trashed from this point onwards // and as if dealing with posix isn't bad enough... // here's some more redhat/lennart poettering/dbus/xdg bullshid if (gUseDShid) { const char *pExecString {}; bool bFuckRedHat { true }; char incompetentRedCunts[32]; if (iType == 2) { pExecString = "org.freedesktop.portal.OpenURI.OpenDirectory"; } else if (bFileExists || bDirExists) { pExecString = "org.freedesktop.portal.OpenURI.OpenFile"; } else { pExecString = "org.freedesktop.portal.OpenURI.OpenURI"; bFuckRedHat = false; } // it only gets worse, doesn't it? if (bFuckRedHat) { int fu = PosixOpen(pBaseURI, O_RDONLY, 0664); // dont care. use a real os that isnt controlled by redhat snprintf(incompetentRedCunts, 32, "%i", fu); pBaseURI = incompetentRedCunts; } // and now we pray to the demons of dshid execlp("gdbus", "gdbus", "call", "--session", "--dest", "org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop", "--object-path", "/org/freedesktop/portal/desktop", "--method", pExecString, "", pBaseURI, "{}", (char *)nullptr); } else { // how did we go from this to the above redhat bs? // freetards have no standards whatsoever - in both a literal and figurative sense if (AuFS::FileExists("/bin/xdg-open")) { execl("/bin/xdg-open", "xdg-open", pBaseURI, (char *)nullptr); } else if (AuFS::FileExists("/usr/bin/xdg-open")) { execl("/usr/bin/xdg-open", "xdg-open", pBaseURI, (char *)nullptr); } else if (AuFS::FileExists("/usr/local/bin/xdg-open")) { execl("/usr/local/bin/xdg-open", "xdg-open", pBaseURI, (char *)nullptr); } else { execlp("xdg-open", "xdg-open", pBaseURI, (char *)nullptr); } } exit(0); } else if (iFork > 0) { semaphore->Lock(); } } } static void UnixOpenAsync(const AuROString &uri, int iType) { if (uri.empty()) { return; } AuThreads::Spawn(std::bind(&UnixOpenAsyncThread, AuString(uri), iType), true); } AUKN_SYM void OpenUri(const AuROString &uri) { UnixOpenAsync(uri, 0); } AUKN_SYM void OpenFile(const AuROString &file) { UnixOpenAsync(file, 1); } AUKN_SYM void RevealInDirectory(const AuROString &file) { UnixOpenAsync(file, 2); } }