/*** Copyright (C) 2021 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved. File: Time.hpp Date: 2021-6-10 Author: Reece ***/ #pragma once #include "_Time.hpp" #include "StaticClocks.hpp" #include "StaticClocksDirect.hpp" #include "StaticClocksClasses.hpp" #include "StaticClocksQuery.hpp" namespace Aurora::Time { /** Converts milliseconds from the Aurora epoch to a civil timestamp structure similar to or of std::tm */ AUKN_SYM tm ToCivilTime(AuInt64 time, ETimezoneShift civilTimezoneShift = ETimezoneShift::eUTC); /** Converts civil time to milliseconds from the Aurora epoch */ AUKN_SYM AuInt64 FromCivilTime(const tm &time, ETimezoneShift civilTimezoneUnshift = ETimezoneShift::eUTC); /** Normalizes a civil data structure with respect to UTC, given the two input parameters 'in' civil and 'shiftFrom' timezone hint */ AUKN_SYM tm NormalizeCivilTimezone(const tm &in, ETimezoneShift civilTimezoneUnshift = ETimezoneShift::eUTC); /** Translates the Aurora epoch to the standard unix epoch */ AUKN_SYM AuInt64 ConvertAuroraToUnixMS(AuInt64 in); /** Translates the Aurora epoch to the standard unix epoch */ AUKN_SYM AuInt64 ConvertAuroraToUnixNS(AuInt64 in); /** Translates a standard unix epoch to the Aurora epoch */ AUKN_SYM AuInt64 ConvertUnixToAuroraMS(AuInt64 in); /** Translates a standard unix epoch to the Aurora epoch */ AUKN_SYM AuInt64 ConvertUnixToAuroraNS(AuInt64 in); /** Converts seconds from the Aurora epoch to time_t */ AUKN_SYM time_t SToCTime(AuInt64 time); /** Converts nanoseconds from the Aurora epoch to time_t */ AUKN_SYM time_t NSToCTime(AuInt64 time); /** Converts milliseconds from the Aurora epoch to time_t */ AUKN_SYM time_t MSToCTime(AuInt64 time); AUKN_SYM AuInt64 CTimeToMS(time_t time); }