/*** Copyright (C) 2021 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved. File: RNG.hpp Date: 2021-7-14 Author: Reece ***/ #pragma once #include "ERngStringCharacters.hpp" #include "RandomDef.hpp" #include "IRandomDevice.hpp" namespace Aurora::RNG { AUKN_SYM void ReadSecureRNG(void *in, AuUInt32 length); AUKN_SYM void ReadFastRNG (void *in, AuUInt32 length); AUKN_SYM AuString ReadString(AuUInt32 length, ERngStringCharacters type = ERngStringCharacters::eAlphaCharacters); AUKN_SYM void RngString(char *string, AuUInt32 length, ERngStringCharacters type = ERngStringCharacters::eAlphaCharacters); AUKN_SYM AuUInt8 RngByte(); AUKN_SYM bool RngBoolean(); AUKN_SYM AuUInt32 RngU32(); AUKN_SYM AuUInt32 RngU32(AuUInt32 min, AuUInt32 max); AUKN_SYM AuUInt64 RngU64(); AUKN_SYM AuInt32 RngInt(AuInt32 min, AuInt32 max); AUKN_SYM double RngDecimal(); AUKN_SYM float RngNumber(float min, float max); AUKN_SYM AuUInt32 RngIndex(AuUInt32 count /* = max + 1*/); // Note: it is conceivable that someone may want the following templates for some cryptographic purpose template static auline void RngFillArray(T(&array)[N]) { if constexpr (fast) { ReadFastRNG(array, N * sizeof(T)); } else { ReadSecureRNG(array, N * sizeof(T)); } } template static auline void RngFillArray(T *array, AuUInt32 length) { if constexpr (fast) { ReadFastRNG(array, length * sizeof(T)); } else { ReadSecureRNG(array, length * sizeof(T)); } } template static auline void RngFillRange(const T &container) { RngFillArray(container.begin(), container.end() - container.begin()); } static auline void RngFillBuffer(Memory::ByteBuffer &buffer) { auto view = buffer.GetNextLinearWrite(); RngFillRange(view); buffer.writePtr += view.length; } /** * @brief * @deprecated */ static auline void RngFillRange(Memory::ByteBuffer &buffer) { RngFillBuffer(buffer); } template static auline T RngTmpl() { T ret {}; if constexpr (fast) { ReadFastRNG(&ret, sizeof(T)); } else { ReadSecureRNG(&ret, sizeof(T)); } return ret; } template static auline T &RngArray(T *items, AuUInt32 count) { return items[RngIndex(count)]; } template static auline T &RngVector(const AuList &items) { return RngArray(items.data(), items.size()); } template static auline T &RngRange(const T &items) { return RngArray(items.begin(), items.end() - items.begin()); } }