/*** Copyright (C) 2022 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved. File: ELoopSource.hpp Date: 2022-2-9 Author: Reece ***/ #pragma once namespace Aurora::Loop { enum class ELoopSource { // standard thread primitives eSourceSemaphore, eSourceCV, eSourceEvent, eSourceMutex, // WARNING: You should not use kernel mutex objects over AuThreadPrimitives eSourceSRW, eSourceTimer, // arbitrary file descriptior eSourceHandle, // async file transaction notification eSourceAIO, // file watcher queue has notification eSourceFileWatcher, // reserved for use by the network subsystem eSourceSocketGroup, // async work group trigger eSourceAsync, // IPC pipe eSourceIPCHasClient, eSourceIPCReadPipe, // Process and console APIs eProcessStdIn, eProcessStdOut, // window messge loops eSourceApple, eSourceX11, eSourceWin32, // glib oses eSourceGlib, // internal eSourceInternalReserved1, eSourceInternalReserved2, eSourceInternalReserved3, eSourceInternalReserved4, }; }