/*** Copyright (C) 2021 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved. File: FS.cpp Date: 2021-6-16 Author: Reece ***/ #include #include "FS.hpp" #include "Source/Locale/Locale.hpp" namespace Aurora::IO::FS { static bool IsMagicCharacter(char c) { return (c == '.') || (c == '!') || (c == '~') || (c == '?') || (c == '^'); } static void ResolveAbsolutePath(bool requireMountExpand, bool requireSanitization, const AuString &path, AuString &result) { AuString buffer; bool isResource {}; buffer.reserve(4096); result.reserve(4096); /** Resolve special character prefixes */ if (requireMountExpand) { int iOffset { 0 }; /** * Strip protocol prefix */ if (AuStartsWith(path, "file://")) { iOffset = 7; } if ((path.size() > iOffset + 1) && (path[iOffset + 1] == kPathSplitter)) { // Working directory if (path[iOffset] == '.') { SysAssert(Process::GetWorkingDirectory(buffer)); buffer += kPathSplitter; } // Binary directory else if (path[iOffset] == '^') { SysAssert(Process::GetProcDirectory(buffer)); buffer += kPathSplitter; } // Local Aurora profile else if (path[iOffset] == '~') { SysAssert(FS::GetProfileDomain(buffer)); } // Global Aurora profile else if (path[iOffset] == '!') { SysAssert(FS::GetSystemDomain(buffer)); } else if (path[iOffset] == '?') { // ...except for this one isResource = true; } else { buffer.insert(buffer.begin(), path.begin() + iOffset, path.begin() + iOffset + 2); // ??? } buffer.insert(buffer.end(), path.begin() + iOffset + 2, path.end()); } else if (iOffset) { buffer.insert(buffer.end(), path.begin() + iOffset, path.end()); } else { buffer += path; } } else { buffer += path; } if (requireSanitization) { /** Quickly handle the edge case in some modern UNIX derived systems, and in Windows UNC paths, where paths may start with '//' or '\\' respectively */ if (AuStartsWith(buffer, kDoublePathSplitter)) { result += kDoublePathSplitter; } else if (buffer.size() && buffer[0] == kPathSplitter) { result += kPathSplitter; } /** Technically, UTF-8 strings may contain the "NUL" byte. o Character numbers from U+0000 to U+007F (US-ASCII repertoire) correspond to octets 00 to 7F (7 bit US-ASCII paths). A direct consequence is that a plain ASCII string is also a valid UTF-8 string. You know what would suck? If we were targeting an esoteric platform, say a kernel, and we we're trying to avoid string exploits by potential attackers. I'm sure that would never happen to poor anticheat devs. */ const auto parts = AuSplitString(buffer, AuString(1, kPathSplitter), true /*ignore empty tokens*/); /// zzzz im going to SLEEP for (const auto &ch : parts) // can you tell why FIO shouldn't be in hot paths yet? { if (ch == "..") { if (!result.size()) continue; auto i = result.size() - 1; if (i != 0) { i -= (result[result.size() - 1] == kPathSplitter); } while (i > 0 && result[i] != kPathSplitter) { --i; } if (i >= 0) { result.resize(i); result += kPathSplitter; } continue; } if ((ch.size() == 1) && (IsMagicCharacter(ch[0]))) { continue; } result += ch; result += kPathSplitter; } auto i = result.size() - 1; if (result[i] == kPathSplitter) { result.resize(i); } } else // !requireSanitization { result = buffer; } if (isResource) { AuString path; if (!FS::GetSystemResourcePath(result, path)) { result.clear(); } else { result = path; } } #if defined(AURORA_IS_MODERNNT_DERIVED) if (result.size() >= MAX_PATH) { if (!AuStartsWith(result, "\\\\") && result[1] == ':') { result = "\\\\?\\" + result; } } #endif } void /* internal, local export */ _NormalizePath(AuString &str) { bool requiresExpanding = false; bool requiresMountUpdate = false; requiresExpanding = str.size() && IsMagicCharacter(str[0]); if (str.size() == 1) { if (str[0] == '.' // Win32 has no concept of a rootfs // However, all users expect paths in userspace programs to assume CWD // Since we are not on a NIX operating system, we can assume these mean CWD #if defined(AURORA_IS_MODERNNT_DERIVED) || str[0] == '/' || str[1] == '\\' #endif ) { AuProcess::GetWorkingDirectory(str); return; } if (str[0] == '^') { AuProcess::GetProcDirectory(str); return; } if (str[0] == '~') { AuFS::GetProfileDomain(str); return; } if (str[0] == '!') { AuFS::GetSystemDomain(str); return; } } // best case -> O(n) wherein we merely check each BYTE with a handful of branch conditions int doubleDots = 0; int doubleSlash = 0; for (auto &character : str) { if ((character == '\\') || (character == '/')) { character = kPathSplitter; doubleSlash++; } else { doubleSlash = 0; } if (character == '.') { doubleDots++; } else { doubleDots = 0; } requiresExpanding |= doubleDots >= 2; requiresExpanding |= doubleSlash >= 2; } // plus this, i guess if (str.size() >= 2) { if ((str[1] == '\\') || (str[1] == '/')) { auto c = str[0]; if ((c == '.') || (c == '~') || (c == '!') || (c == '?' || (c == '^'))) { requiresMountUpdate = true; } } } if (!requiresMountUpdate) { requiresMountUpdate = AuStartsWith(str, "file://"); } // worst case -> yea have fun if (requiresExpanding || requiresMountUpdate) { AuString temp; ResolveAbsolutePath(requiresMountUpdate, requiresExpanding, str, temp); str = temp; } } AUKN_SYM bool ReadString(const AuString &path, AuString &buffer) { AuByteBuffer fileBuffer; if (!ReadFile(path, fileBuffer)) { return false; } return Locale::Encoding::DecodeUTF8(fileBuffer.data(), fileBuffer.size(), buffer, Locale::ECodePage::eUTF8).first != 0; } AUKN_SYM bool WriteString(const AuString &path, const AuString &str) { char bom[3] { '\xEF', '\xBB', '\xBF' }; auto pStream = FS::OpenWriteUnique(path); if (!pStream) { return false; } bool ok {}; ok = pStream->Write(AuMemoryViewStreamRead { bom }); ok &= pStream->Write(AuMemoryViewStreamRead { str }); pStream->Flush(); pStream->WriteEoS(); return ok; } AUKN_SYM bool WriteNewString(const AuString &path, const AuString &str) { AuIO::IOHandle handle; bool bOk {}; AuUInt uLength {}; static const char bom[3] { '\xEF', '\xBB', '\xBF' }; auto createRequest = AuIO::IIOHandle::HandleCreate::ReadWrite(path); createRequest.bAlwaysCreateDirTree = true; createRequest.bFailIfNonEmptyFile = true; if (!handle->InitFromPath(createRequest)) { return false; } auto pStream = FS::OpenBlockingFileStreamFromHandle(AuUnsafeRaiiToShared(handle.AsPointer())); if (!pStream) { return false; } bOk = pStream->Write(AuMemoryViewStreamRead { bom }); bOk &= pStream->Write(AuMemoryViewStreamRead { str, uLength }); bOk &= uLength == str.length(); pStream->WriteEoS(); pStream->Flush(); return bOk; } AUKN_SYM bool WriteNewFile(const AuString &path, const Memory::MemoryViewRead &blob) { bool bOk {}; AuUInt uLength {}; AuIO::IOHandle handle; auto createRequest = AuIO::IIOHandle::HandleCreate::ReadWrite(path); createRequest.bAlwaysCreateDirTree = true; createRequest.bFailIfNonEmptyFile = true; if (!handle->InitFromPath(createRequest)) { return false; } auto pStream = FS::OpenBlockingFileStreamFromHandle(AuUnsafeRaiiToShared(handle.AsPointer())); if (!pStream) { return false; } bOk &= pStream->Write(AuMemoryViewStreamRead { blob, uLength }); pStream->WriteEoS(); pStream->Flush(); bOk &= uLength == blob.length; return bOk; } AUKN_SYM bool WriteFile(const AuString &path, const Memory::MemoryViewRead &blob) { bool bOk {}; AuUInt uLength {}; AuIO::IOHandle handle; auto createRequest = AuIO::IIOHandle::HandleCreate::ReadWrite(path); createRequest.bAlwaysCreateDirTree = true; createRequest.bFailIfNonEmptyFile = false; if (!handle->InitFromPath(createRequest)) { return false; } auto pStream = FS::OpenBlockingFileStreamFromHandle(AuUnsafeRaiiToShared(handle.AsPointer())); if (!pStream) { return false; } bOk &= pStream->Write(AuMemoryViewStreamRead { blob, uLength }); pStream->WriteEoS(); pStream->Flush(); bOk &= uLength == blob.length; return bOk; } AUKN_SYM bool NormalizePath(AuString &out, const AuString &in) { try { out = NormalizePathRet(in); return out.size(); } catch (...) { return false; } } static AuUInt GetLastSplitterIndex(const AuString &path) { AuUInt indexA {}, indexB {}; auto a = path.find_last_of('\\'); if (a != AuString::npos) indexA = a; auto b = path.find_last_of('/'); if (b != AuString::npos) indexB = b; return AuMax(indexA, indexB); } AUKN_SYM bool GetFileFromPath(AuString &out, const AuString &path) { try { if (path.empty()) return false; if (path[path.size() - 1] == '.') return false; AuUInt max = GetLastSplitterIndex(path); if (max == path.size()) return false; out = path.substr(max + 1); return true; } catch (...) { return false; } } AUKN_SYM bool GetDirectoryFromPath(AuString &out, const AuString &path) { try { if (path.empty()) return false; if (path[path.size() - 1] == '.') { if (path.size() > 2 && (path[path.size() - 2] == '\\' || path[path.size() - 2] == '/')) { out = path.substr(0, path.size() - 1); } else { return false; } } AuUInt max = GetLastSplitterIndex(path); if (!max) { return false; } if (max == path.size()) { out = path; return true; } out = path.substr(0, max + 1); return true; } catch (...) { out.clear(); return false; } } AUKN_SYM bool GoUpToSeparator(AuString &out, const AuString &path) { try { if (path.empty()) return false; if (path[path.size() - 1] == '.') { if (path.size() > 2 && (path[path.size() - 2] == '\\' || path[path.size() - 2] == '/')) { out = path.substr(0, path.size() - 2); } else { return false; } } AuUInt max = GetLastSplitterIndex(path); if (!max) { return false; } if (max == path.size()) { out = path.substr(0, max - 1); return true; } out = path.substr(0, max); return true; } catch (...) { out.clear(); return false; } } }