/*** Copyright (C) 2021 J Reece Wilson (a/k/a "Reece"). All rights reserved. File: Open.Win32.cpp Date: 2021-6-12 Author: Reece ***/ #include #include "Processes.hpp" #include "Open.Win32.hpp" #include #include #include #include "Objbase.h" #include "shellapi.h" namespace Aurora::Processes { static AuList gOpenItems; static AuThreadPrimitives::ConditionMutexUnique_t gCondMutex; static AuThreadPrimitives::ConditionVariableUnique_t gCondVariable; static AuThreads::ThreadUnique_t gOpenerThread; static void RunTasks() { AU_LOCK_GUARD(gCondMutex); while (AuIsThreadRunning()) { try { for (const auto &open : gOpenItems) { if (open.empty()) { // We probably ran out of memory. // AuProcess/Open can safely drop as we expect shells to be kinda fucky and async // // Case in point: Minecraft on Linux (would?) blocks when you click a link in chat // // Fuck tons of applications support clicking of links, in the case of TS and others, allowing for RCE. // In the case of MC and others, they don't even know if the operation blocks until the process closes. // Assuming non-blocking, the API returns false on failure; but if it's blocking, who knows what that // means... Nonzero exit code? Not enough resources? No error? // // Websites, programs, and scripts wouldn't know how to process "missing protocol handler," // "not enough resources," "process crashed before pump," "shell busy." For the most part, we don't // expect expect the developer to be aware of what happens after a request to open a resource is // requested. It's a lot of engineering effort for what should be fork, exec("start", ...) // // Dropping invalid paths, out of memory during UTF8 conversion, and other IO issues is probably fine. // Use an actual IProcess object, if you care about spawning and monitoring executables. continue; } ShellExecuteW(nullptr, AuIOFS::DirExists(open) ? L"explore" : L"open", Locale::ConvertFromUTF8(open).c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } gOpenItems.clear(); gCondVariable->WaitForSignal(); } catch (...) { Debug::PrintError(); AuLogWarn("An error occurred while dispatching a ShellExecute runner frame"); } } } static void OpenerThread() { CoInitializeEx(nullptr, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED | COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE); RunTasks(); CoUninitialize(); } void InitWin32Opener() { gCondMutex = AuThreadPrimitives::ConditionMutexUnique(); SysAssert(gCondMutex); gCondVariable = AuThreadPrimitives::ConditionVariableUnique(AuUnsafeRaiiToShared(gCondMutex)); SysAssert(gCondVariable); gOpenerThread = AuThreads::ThreadUnique(AuThreads::ThreadInfo( AuMakeShared(AuThreads::IThreadVectorsFunctional::OnEntry_t(std::bind(OpenerThread)), AuThreads::IThreadVectorsFunctional::OnExit_t{}), "COM ShellExecute Runner" )); SysAssert(gOpenerThread); gOpenerThread->Run(); } void DeinitWin32Opener() { gOpenerThread->SendExitSignal(); gCondVariable->Broadcast(); gOpenerThread.reset(); gCondVariable.reset(); gCondMutex.reset(); } AUKN_SYM void OpenUri(const AuString &uri) { AU_LOCK_GUARD(gCondMutex); AuTryInsert(gOpenItems, uri); gCondVariable->Broadcast(); } AUKN_SYM void OpenFile(const AuString &file) { OpenUri(AuIOFS::NormalizePathRet(file)); } // TODO: Consider creating blocking apis whose return value is an IProcess (construct from ShellExecuteExW -> in.hProcess, or ("xdg-start", ...)) // For the most part, blocking for a specific application in the context of a protocol or file open request is a dated computing construct. // Nowdays, opening an editor, mail client, or such like means poking a single executable that'll spawn a fuck ton of background workers, io threads, // and other resources, to manage multiple instances of whatever the application deals with (think: editor tabs; browser windows; sendto: isnt a modal) }